NOW BOOKING: #EEFFALLYEAR presents Temple Cinema
East End Film Festival is taking a break from its usual format & has announced a year-long programme of events. First up, the dark art of horror filmmaking at the once-deserted Masonic temple in the walls of Andaz Liverpool Street. Here’s everything you need to know.

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The ever-wonderful East End Film Festival is taking a “strategic break” from its usual format to project a year-round programme of events (the festival is expected to return in 2020). Kicking the door down on this new way of working is a season of horror movies at the once-deserted Masonic temple hidden away in the walls of Andaz Liverpool Street.
As you know, there is almost nothing we like more at RADIANT CIRCUS than a slice of horror.* The first films to project will focus broadly on the theme of ‘family’ which is surely the source of all our nightmares… Mixing things up further – and hasn’t the horror genre always had that unsettling odour of inbreeding? – the season showcases modern horrors followed by their genetic forbears. Whilst there aren’t any surprises in the lineup so far, we can already imagine their dark shadows on the walls of the Temple’s disturbed interiors…
Our focus this year is ‘Discover more ‘#LDNindieFILM‘ as we encourage London’s indie audiences to try out new venues, new exhibitors and new projections. We haven’t been to a screening at Andaz Liverpool Street before and are keen to support East End Film Festival in their transitional form. So this one has gotten us excited.
As EEFF puts it “Join us in the bowels of the antechamber to find out.”

HEREDITARY d. Ari Aster, 2018 (28 MAR 19:30):
“First time director Ari Aster terrified the cinema-going world last year and created a perfect platform for a deeply unsettling and imperious performance by Toni Collette as Annie who is the conduit for a sinister ancestral fate that consumes the life of her and her children.”
THE OMEN d. Richard Donner, 1976 (25 APR 19:30):
“Perhaps the most iconic portrayal of youthful occultism in cinema. Wealthy American diplomat Robert (Gregory Peck) adopts the troubled and distant Damien (Harvey Stephens) but after the small boy joins the family, tragedy upon tragedy begins to afflict them. Could this young boy with those unsmiling eyes be the antichrist?”
MANDY d. Panos Cosmatos, 2018 (30 MAY 19:30):
“Panos Cosmatos’s psychedelic fever dream of a movie, in which Nicolas Cage’s Red Miller reaps a bloody and frantic revenge on the LSD-fuelled cult who have taken his one true love. An instant cult classic that couldn’t be more suited to the gothic grandeur of the Masonic Temple and the many clandestine secrets it holds.”
THE SHINING d. Stanley Kubrick, 1980 (27 JUN 19:30):
“Often held up as the greatest horror movie of all time, THE SHINING has long been a cinematic icon, and for many the experience of walking around an old hotel is forever linked with the eerie discomfort of the Overlook Hotel, making Andaz London built in 1884, an ideal location.”

- Keep up to date with Temple Cinema online or with #EEFFALLYEAR.
- Each ticket gets you into the screening with a chair and a packet of popcorn. A cash bar will be available on the night. Films start at 19:30 sharp: no ads will be screened.
- Future dates: 25 JUL; 29 AUG; 26 SEP; 31 OCT; 28 NOV. Films to be announced soon.
- Temple featured image c/o Hyatt Hotels.
Web | Instagram @eastendfilmfest | Twitter @EastEndFilmFest
And that’s the meat of it…
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THE SMALL PRINT: As accurate as we could make it. Apologies for any errors. Updates & corrections will be made to the online version. Event dates/times are subject to change by the venue/organiser. We try to only list events you can book for at the time of posting: however, some events may still be sold out. Please click quickly! We don’t filter by age/certification: all readers & subscribers should be 18+.
*Perhaps a movie with giant and/or intelligent apes…?