Home is deeply personal for everyone. For many, however, it is also a place of work. New season LIVES UNWRITTEN: WOMEN AND DOMESTIC WORK ON FILM at The Geffrye Museum explores female relationships with the labour of the home (23 MAR to 27 APR). Exclusive discounts for RADIANT CIRCUS subscribers.

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Whether as a full-time profession, or through the so-called ‘second shift’, women continue to be primary caregivers, responsible for their family’s daily chores. Yet this role has historically been taken for granted and relegated to the lowest level. How does domestic work fit in with the modern family? And if this position is entrusted to someone else, what does it mean for the family and their employee?
Following the recent success of ROMA (renowned director Alfonso Cuarón’s semi-autobiographical film about his family’s cherished housekeeper), LIVES UNWRITTEN is a timely exploration of the complex cultural and socioeconomic tensions of domestic labour, and its continued impact on women around the world.
The LIVES UNWRITTEN: WOMEN AND DOMESTIC WORK ON FILM season is curated by Jade Turner (Between The Frames) and screens at The Geffrye Museum of the Home (23 MAR to 27 APR).
SUBSCRIBER DISCOUNT: We are delighted to announce that RADIANT CIRCUS monthly subscribers can receive a 15 % discount when booking for any film in the season at The Geffrye Museum. Subscribe to unlock your discount voucher code (and support our work!) at

IMITATION OF LIFE d. Douglas Sirk, 1959 + INTRO by Dr Ella Parry-Davies at The Geffrye Museum of the Home (23 MAR 19:00).
BLACK GIRL aka La noire de… d. Ousmane Sembène, 1966 + THE SLEEPER aka Die Schläferin d. Alex Gerbaulet, 2019 + TALK by Miranda Armstrong at The Geffrye Museum of the Home (06 APR 14:00).
Family Screening: A LITTLE PRINCESS d. Alfonso Cuarón, 1995 at The Geffrye Museum of the Home (13 APR 11:30).
THE SECOND MOTHER aka Que Horas Ela Volta? d. Anna Muylaert, 2015 at The Geffrye Museum of the Home (27 APR 19:00).
The Geffrye Museum Of The Home
Web | Instagram @geffryemuseum | Twitter @GEFFRYE
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