NOW BOOKING: London Short Film Festival 2020
London Short Film Festival returns for its 17th edition this week. The UK’s premiere showcase for emerging & established, homegrown & international short film screens from 10 to 19 JAN at 9 venues across town. Here’s everything you need to know!

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One of our highlights of 2019 was working behind the scenes with Ranjit S. Ruprai aka SUPAKINO to help bring his inspired, insightful and provocative clip show, Turbans Through Time, to screen for the London Short Film Festival. “Part history lesson, part open conversation”, the event’s look at how Sikhs have been represented on film contributed much to debates about inclusion in the screen industries. If you weren’t there, or even if you were, allow Jus Reign’s BOUNCE (ft. Timothy Delaghetto) to put a smile (back) on your face.
The calendar has done what it usually does and it’s time for another edition of the London Short Film Festival. This one’s the 17th edition and it takes place from 10 to 19 JAN 2020 at 9 venues across town. We’ve had a look at the impressive multi-pronged programme so sit back, and let our latest screen guide help you navigate your way around.

Almost 300 films make up this year’s New Shorts offering, proving the grassroots of the industry are stronger than ever. The festival has merged the old UK and International new shorts strands (… we’re all global, right?), promising a fascinating dialogue across borders in each and every programme.
Staying separate however are the UK and International Competition strands (which also seems fitting…). You can find the UK films screening at BFI Southbank whilst the International Competition entries will be lighting up walls at the ICA. Catch all of the eventual winners in special screenings on the last day of the festival at Rio Cinema, Curzon Soho and ICA (all 19 JAN).
New strands this year include Platform, showing works by artist filmmakers on the rise in unconventional settings. Find Diana Vidrascu at the Pickle Factory (12 JAN), Rainer Kohlberger at the Science Museum (13 JAN), and Wong Ping at the Soho Theatre (19 JAN). Then there’s Public Intimacies (18 to 19 JAN – ICA), a strand which looks at women’s video diaries, self-documentation and autoethnography through a series of interactive lectures, screenings and discussions.
Other special events include: a VHS mega-compilation of Blondie’s music videos (11 JAN – ICA, main featured image!); a live performance (14 JAN – Rich Mix) and curated screening (18 JAN – ICA) from Belgian-Congolese musician Baloji; a ‘listen’ to the films of archival and present-day pan-African filmmakers (15 JAN – ICA); a look at the works of contemporary black British filmmakers (17 JAN – Regent Street Cinema); and, a dive into the world of black metal (18 JAN – Regent Street Cinema).

As our opening SUPAKINO story suggests, the London Short Film Festival is rightly feted for its collabs with other indie programmers, and this year’s programme is no exception. We’re particularly delighted to see our flirty friends Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Fest spattered across the schedules. Check into their Opening Night: More Than Just A Pretty Face – Alt Drag Revolution (10 JAN 20:00 – ICA) as well as New Shorts programmes Fringe! Lovers & Fighters (15 JAN 20:30 – Regent Street Cinema) and B-Movie Resistance (18 JAN 13:00 – Rio Cinema). The latter includes a short we had the pleasure to screen as part of our LUNCHTIME FILM SOCIETY pop-up, Aaron Immediato’s fancy dress freak show, BATHROOM TROLL.
Finally, let’s not forget the busy industry week, with panels and workshops on film and interdisciplinary funding, directing intimacy on film, artist filmmaking and diaspora on screen. Individual industry tickets are £6 and day passes are £10, with £35 week passes and £2 low income session tickets available in advance. You might even bump into RADIANT CIRCUS in the dark aisles of a workshop setting, as this is a haunt we like to frequent.
And that’s the meat of it…
London Short Film Festival returns for its 17th edition from 10 to 19 JAN 2020 at 9 venues across town.
Web | Instagram @londonshortfilmfest | Twitter @LSFF | Facebook @londonshortfilmfestival
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*THE SMALL PRINT: As accurate as we could make it. Apologies for any errors. Updates & corrections will be made to the online version. Event dates/times are subject to change by the venue/organiser. We try to only list events you can book for at the time of posting: however, some events may still be sold out. Please click quickly! We don’t filter by age/certification: all readers & subscribers should be 18+.