NOW BOOKING: Top Dog Film Festival UK Tour
Part of our job at RADIANT CIRCUS is to survey & celebrate the full range & diversity of London’s DIY, indie & alternative cinema scene. With that in mind, you’ll know if this one is for you… (01 to 02 OCT at Conway Hall).

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A film festival featuring “a cinematic celebration of dogs and their people” is touring the UK for the first time this autumn and bounds into London from 01 to 02 OCT at Conway Hall.
The Top Dog Film Festival UK Tour is a collection of canine-inspired short films, all celebrating the bond between dogs and humans. No matter your taste in pooch – from the scruffiest street dogs to the most pampered of pets – there’s something here for every kind of dog lover.

Tour director Nell Teasdale told RADIANT CIRCUS:
“Humans and dogs share a precious, heart-warming bond, and this brand-new collection of films celebrates the canine companions that enrich our lives. Whether you’re a dog owner or just like dogs, these films are guaranteed to make you laugh, cry and fall in love with man’s best friend all over again.”
Featuring a curated collection of stories from independent film-makers all around the world, the Top Dog Film Festival originated in Australia. It had its UK premiere in Edinburgh in May, and is continuing with tour dates around the country this autumn.
As fond as we are of a sign-off quip at RADIANT CIRCUS, we’ll leave the final words to the festival organisers: “You’d be barking mad to miss it!”.
And that’s the meat of it…

The Top Dog Film Festival UK Tour screens in London at Conway Hall (01 to 2 OCT) and is booking now.
Web | Instagram @topdogfilmfestuk | Facebook @topdogfilmfestuk
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*THE SMALL PRINT: As accurate as we could make it. Apologies for any errors. Updates & corrections will be made to the online version. Event dates/times are subject to change by the venue/organiser. We try to only list events you can book for at the time of posting: however, some events may still be sold out. Please click quickly! We don’t filter by age/certification: all readers & subscribers should be 18+.