SCREEN GUIDE DAILY: Films in London today 24.11.19
RADIANT CIRCUS is your handcrafted guide to London’s DIY, indie & alternative movie nights, film events & gallery screenings. Our DAILY UPDATE helps you find great films in London today*.
Find films in London today by: SINGLE-O EXHIBITS (one-off attractions) // MUSEUM SHOWS (several exhibits under one roof – seasons & festivals) // GRIND SHOWS (a selection of regular runs).
Ringing Psychic Cherries at Phoenix Cinema (24 NOV 16:30):
- The Zabludowicz Collection presents: “Through her video works, American artist Shana Moulton has developed a distinctive psychic and aesthetic realm anchored around her alter ego, Cynthia. By presenting herself and others as slightly wacky, oddball characters, she creates fanciful and peculiar narratives. Ideas central to today’s cultural debate, such as the personal wellness industry, ecological protest and alternative models of livings, are addressed with off-kilter humour and a strange sincerity. This screening showcases two of her earlier works alongside shorts from key directors who look at the world from a skewed perspective.”
Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Fest might be over for another year, but we’ve started posting a special series of Fringe! Diaries to report from the action.
Fringe!’s next Fling – part of their year-round programme of screenings – is JONATHAN AGASSI SAVED MY LIFE d. Tomer Heymann, 2018 + Q&A with the director (05 DEC 18:20 – Genesis Cinema).

THE GRADUATE 16mm d. Mike Nichols, 1967 + Intro at The Castle Cinema (24 NOV 14:30):
- Ciné-Real 16mm Film Club presents: “Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman) has just finished college and, back at his parents’ house, he’s trying to avoid the one question everyone keeps asking: What does he want to do with his life? An unexpected diversion crops up when he is seduced by Mrs. Robinson (Anne Bancroft), a bored housewife and friend of his parents. But what begins as a fun tryst turns complicated when Benjamin falls for the one woman Mrs. Robinson demanded he stay away from, her daughter, Elaine (Katharine Ross).”
SHOOTING THE MAFIA d. Kim Longinotto, 2019 + Q&A with historian & author John Dickie at Genesis Cinema (24 NOV 17:30):
- Birds’ Eye View #ReclaimTheFrame & CinemaItaliaUK present: “Selected at the Berlin and Sundance Film Festivals, this documentary celebrates the ground-breaking and committed work of the free-spirited and charismatic photojournalist Letizia Battaglia. Through interviews, news footage, clips from Italian films and of course some of her extraordinary images, we get a sense of both Battaglia herself and the social landscape of organised crime in Italy.”
Transgender Day of Remembrance Screening: I’M FINE d. Lucretia Knapp + Other Trans / Non-Binary Themed Shorts + Q&A with Nuala O’Sullivan at Poplar Union (24 NOV 19:15 – FREE!):
- Tower Hamlets LGBT Community Forum & Women Over Fifty Film Festival present: “To honour Trans Day of Awareness, five short films celebrating trans, queer and non-binary lives made by and about older women, including the award-winning documentary I’M FINE. The free screening will be followed by a Q&A with WOFFF founder and director, Nuala O’Sullivan.”
More films in London today (A – Z):
- 2040 d. Damon Gameau, 2018 + Q&A with the director at The Castle Cinema (24 NOV 17:15).
- A DOG CALLED MONEY d. Seamus Murphy, 2009 at DocHouse (24 NOV 20:00).
- A DOG CALLED MONEY d. Seamus Murphy, 2019 + Intro by the director presented by Deeper Into Movies at The Curtain (24 NOV 15:00).
- ATLANTICS d. Mati Diop, 2019 + Intro by Birds’ Eye View #ReclaimTheFrame at ICA (24 NOV 16:45).
- BLUE STORY d. Rapman, 2019 + Q&A with the director at Catford Mews (24 NOV 18:15).
- HARRY BIRRELL PRESENTS FILMS OF LOVE AND WAR d. Matt Pinder, 2019 + Q&A with the director & Carina Birrell at The Gate (24 NOV 12:30).
- Haruki Murakami Screenings presented by Deeper Into Movies at SET (24 NOV 18:00).
- Led Bib – IT’S MORNING at Rio Cinema (24 NOV 15:00).
- MARGOT AT THE WEDDING d. Noah Baumbach, 2007 at ICA (24 NOV 12:30 – Member’s Screening).
- MEETING GORBACHEVd. André Singer & Werner Herzog, 2018 at JW3 (24 NOV 15:30).
- MIDSOMMAR d. Ari Aster, 2019 at Whirled Cinema (24 NOV 18:00).
- Misty Moon Presents An Evening With Esta Charkham at The Cinema Museum (24 NOV 15:00).
- MONOS d. Alejandro Landes, 2019 at Regent Street Cinema (24 NOV 13:00 & 15:15).
- MONOS d. Alejandro Landes, 2019 at ICA (24 NOV 21:20).
- THE SILENCE OF OTHERS d. Almudena Carracedo & Robert Bahar, 2018 + Q&A with co-director Robert Bahar at ICA (24 NOV 14:30).
> SIGN UP for free Friday emails highlighting 7 days of sensational screens.

20 YEARS at House Of Vans (01 NOV to 01 DEC – FREE!/No booking required):
- THE TALENTED MR RIPLEY d. Anthony Minghella, 1999 (24 NOV 14:00 & 16:00).
70mm PRESENTATIONS at The Prince Charles (ongoing):
- JOKER 70mm d. Todd Phillips, 2019 (24 NOV 20:30).
- A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS 4K aka Per un pugno di dollari d. Sergio Leone, 1964 (24 NOV 15:20).
- BERLIN ALEXANDERPLATZ d. Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1980 (23 & 24 NOV various times).
- THE STATE I AM IN d. Christian Petzold, 2000 (24 NOV 20:30).
- Sight & Sound Deep Focus: LA VIE DE JÉSUS 4K aka The Life of Jesus d. Bruno Dumont, 1997 (24 NOV 17:50); and, À LA PLACE DU COEUR aka Where the Heart Is d. Robert Guédiguian, 1998 (24 NOV 20:00).
- Bob Fosse: SWEET CHARITY 4K d. Bob Fosse, 1969 + Intro by Clarke Peters (24 NOV 14:30); CABARET 35mm d. Bob Fosse, 1972 (24 NOV 17:40); and, ALL THAT JAZZ d. Bob Fosse, 1979 (24 NOV 20:20).
- Family Screenings: BUGSY MALONE d. Alan Parker, 1976 (24 NOV 12:00).
- Re-releases: TOMMY d. Ken Russell, 1975 (22 NOV to 05 DEC).
SAMURAI SUNDAYS at Deptford Cinema (27 OCT to 24 NOV):
- 13 ASSASSINS d. Takashi Miike, 2010 (24 NOV 13:30).
SYSTEM OF CARE at Deptford Cinema (14 OCT to 24 NOV):
- MOTHER d. Kristof Bilsen, 2019 (24 NOV 16:15).
THE TALENTED MR DELON at Ciné Lumière (20 OCT to 26 NOV):
- L’ECLISSE d. Michelangelo Antonioni, 1962 (24 NOV 14:00).
Film festivals in London today include:
- Czech Velvet 1989-2019 (01 to 29 NOV).
- EFG London Jazz Festival (15 to 24 NOV).
- French Film Festival (07 NOV to 14 DEC).
- Irish Film Festival (20 to 24 NOV).
- London Palestine Film Festival (15 to 30 NOV).
- Russian Film Week (24 NOV to 01 DEC).
- We The Peoples Film Festival (10 to 26 NOV).

HEIMAT IS A SPACE IN TIME d. Thomas Heise, 2019 at ICA (24 NOV 14:10):
- “Shot in black and white and drawing on letters, diaries, and other personal documents, HEIMAT IS A SPACE IN TIME traces the story of German filmmaker Thomas Heise’s family over several generations. Composed of a series of fragmented narratives, the film is a monumental historical essay and moving account of a family torn apart by the upheavals of the 20th century.”
JUDY & PUNCH d. Mirrah Foulkes, 2019 at Rich Mix (24 NOV 15:40, 18:00 & 20:30):
- “Famous puppeteers Judy (Mia Wasikowska) and her husband Punch (Damon Herriman) live in the town of Seaside. A strange place that is located nowhere near any sort of coastline, the town and its inhabitants are in thrall to a frenzy of witch hunts and superstition. But while the townspeople revel in the drama of the various trials and punishments, Judy and Punch provide welcome distraction with their magical puppet show.”
RETABLO d. Alvaro Delgado Aparicio, 2019 at The Castle Cinema (24 NOV 11:00):
- “High in the remote mountainside of Peru, 14-year-old Segundo is being groomed to follow his father’s footsteps in the traditional folk art of retablo-making — crafting intricate, artisan story-boxes depicting religious scenes and important everyday events. Segundo reveres his father, however the young boy is becoming restless realizing that the weight of carrying the family legacy on his shoulders will keep him on the mountain forever. When he stumbles across a heartbreaking secret his father is harbouring, Segundo will come to face the raw reality of his deeply religious and conservative landscape, as well as a more profound connection with his father than he’d ever imagined.”
More films in London this week (A – Z):
- THE AMAZING JOHNATHAN DOCUMENTARY d. Ben Berman, 2019 at DocHouse (22 to 28 NOV). HARRIET d. Kasi Lemmons, 2019 at Barbican (22 to 28 NOV). HERE FOR LIFEd. Andrea Luka Zimmerman & Adrian Jackson, 2019 at DocHouse (22 to 27 NOV). THE IRISHMAN d. Martin Scorsese, 2019 at ArtHouse Crouch End (until 28 NOV). GLORIA BELL d. Sebastián Lelio, 2018 at Whirled Cinema (25 NOV to 01 DEC). LA BELLE ÉPOQUEd. Nicolas Bedos, 2019 at Ciné Lumière (22 NOV to 16 DEC). MARRIAGE STORY d. Noah Baumbach, 2019 at Rio Cinema (until 28 NOV). PERMISSION d. Soheil Beiraghi, 2018 at ICA (22 to 28 NOV). SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE d. Cédric Klapisch, 2019 at Ciné Lumière (until 27 NOV).
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*THE SMALL PRINT: As accurate as we could make it. Apologies for any errors. Apologies if we have missed your event. Updates & corrections will be made to the online version. Event dates/times are subject to change by the venue/organiser. We try to only list events you can book for at the time of posting: however, some events may still be sold out. Please click quickly! We don’t filter by age/certification: all readers & subscribers should be 18+.