SCREEN GUIDE DAILY: Films in London today 30.09.18
RADIANT CIRCUS is your handcrafted guide to London’s DIY, indie & alternative movie nights, film events & gallery screenings. Our DAILY UPDATE helps you find great films in London today*.
Find films in London today by: SINGLE-O EXHIBITS (one-off attractions) // MUSEUM SHOWS (several exhibits under one roof – seasons & festivals) // GRIND SHOWS (a selection of regular runs).
Featured attraction: Scala Double Bill: SCORPIO RISING 16mm & PINK NARCISSUS 35mm + Q&A/READING by former Scala Cinema programmer & author Jane Giles at Curzon Soho (30 SEP 15:00): This screening is part of National Lottery Cinema Day, so hold onto your LOTTO ticket purchased between 26 to 29 SEP for FREE entry (space permitting!). Other venues/titles available!
SINGLE-O EXHIBITS Launch: IF FOOTMEN TIRE YOU, WHAT WILL HORSES DO? + INTRO by David Jenkins at Moth Club (30 SEP 19:00 – Free / Ticket does not guarantee entry):
- Born from Nicolas Winding Refn’s passion for the rare, the forgotten and unknown, breathes new life into the culturally intriguing, influential and extreme., Little White Lies and Deeper Into Movies present a one-off and ultra-rare screening of IF FOOTMEN TIRE YOU, WHAT WILL HORSES DO? (1971).
Double Bill: KAILI BLUES + SUZHOU RIVER + PANEL at Rio Cinema (30 SEP 13:00 + 15:15):
- Realism and wild imagination meet in a fresh and insightful double bill of contemporary Chinese cinema presented in association with the National Film and Television School and curated by Giada Liu. “Unexpected Journeys” is an introduction to the Magical Realism in Chinese cinema.
L’HIRONDELLE ET LA MÉSANGE aka The Swallow and the Titmouse + LIVE ACCOMPANIMENT by Elizabeth-Jane Baldry & Stephen Horne + INTRO by Bryony Dixon at Barbican (30 SEP 16:00):
- This lyrical drama was shot in 1920 on the waterways of Flanders and follows two barges, ‘The Swallow’ and ‘The Titmouse’, as they carry coal to the areas devastated by the First World War. Tensions arise between the captain and his pilot who lusts after his wife, but the star of the film is the beautifully lit and photographed Flanders landscape.
SALARIUM + Q&A with co-directors Sasha Litvintseva & Daniel Mann at ICA (30 SEP 14:30):
- UK Premiere: Thousands of sinkholes are today perforating the shores of the Dead Sea in Israel and Palestine, covering a wide strip of land that stretches between the water and the vast Judean desert around. Swallowing the remnants of what used to be a popular beach, a water park or a settlement, the sinkholes make the land uninhabitable and hazardous.
Scala Double Bill: SCORPIO RISING 16mm & PINK NARCISSUS 35mm + Q&A/READING by former Scala programmer & author Jane Giles at Curzon Soho (30 SEP 15:00).
- Rediscovered in 1987, the hazy, sexually charged PINK NARCISSUS (1971) was a revelation for cinephile audiences. It’s paired here with Kenneth Anger’s short SCORPIO RISING (1963), the influential leader of the pack for pop videos and a generation of filmmakers, including David Lynch.
More films in London today (A – Z):
- 12 ANGRY MEN 35mm at Prince Charles (30 SEP 20:45).
- HARLAN COUNTY, U.S.A at DocHouse (30 SEP 16:00).
- LET THE SUNSHINE IN at Whirled Cinema (30 SEP 18:00).
- MIMOSAS + INTRO presented by Maghreb Ciné at Old Manor Park Library (30 SEP 15:30).
- PERSEPOLIS + WALTZ WITH BASHIR presented by Deeper Into Movies at The Five Bells (30 SEP 14:00).
- THE PRIME OF MISS JEAN BRODIE part of East Finchley Arts Festival at Phoenix Cinema (30 SEP 14:00).
- THE RIGHT STUFF at Picturehouse Central (30 SEP 15:30 – Other Picturehouses available!).
- SHORT: BE-LONGING + Q&A with director Mike McKenzie at Lexi Cinema (30 SEP 14:15 & 15:30).

70mm PRESENTATIONS at The Prince Charles (ongoing):
- 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY 70mm new ‘unrestored’ print (30 SEP 15:00 – Sold Out!).
CLOSE-UP ON KIJU YOSHIDA at Close-Up (10 to 30 SEP):
- EROS + MASSACRE (30 SEP 18:00).
- LENIN’S GUARD + INTRO (30 SEP 15:00).
SCALARAMA WEEKENDER at Genesis Cinema (28 to 30 SEP):
- Julia Marchese Selects: THE IN-CROWD + INTRO (30 SEP 12:50); CRUMB + SHORT: HEAVY METAL PARKING LOT + INTRO (30 SEP 15:10); and, LA RONDE + INTRO (30 SEP 18:00).
STUDIO GHIBLI FOREVER at The Prince Charles (until 06 JAN 2019):
- THE CAT RETURNS (30 SEP 13:00).
VARDA BY AGNÈS at Ciné Lumière (until 30 SEP):

Film festivals in London today include:
- Aperture: Asia & Pacific Film Festival (15 to 30 SEP).
- Darkroom Festival (24 to 30 SEP).
- Feminista Film Festival (28 to 30 SEP).
- London Spanish Film Festival (26 to 30 SEP).
- Raindance Film Festival (26 SEP to 07 OCT).
- Scalarama (SEP).

THE OSLO DIARIES at DocHouse (30 SEP 20:30):
- In 1992, with Israeli-Palestinian relations at an all-time low and any communication punishable with jail time, a small group of Israelis and Palestinians gathered in Oslo, Norway– secretly and against the law. These meetings came to be known as The Oslo Accords and would have changed the Middle East forever – yet they were never officially sanctioned and were only chronicled by the negotiators’ diaries.
SKATE KITCHEN at ArtHouse Crouch End (30 SEP 17:30 & 20:00):
- In the first narrative feature from THE WOLFPACK director Crystal Moselle, Camille, an introverted teenage skateboarder (newcomer Rachelle Vinberg) from Long Island, meets and befriends an all-girl, New York City-based skateboarding crew called Skate Kitchen.
THE SON at ICA (30 SEP 19:00):
- In Siberia, a group of young recruits compete in harsh conditions to join the elite Spetsnaz special forces. At home, a family grieves for a lost son, killed in 2013 at the age of 21. Interweaving these narratives, The Son immerses us in the intense world of the Russian military training apparatus,
More films in London this week (A – Z): AMERICAN ANIMALS at Prince Charles (28 Sep to OCT 04). A SIMPLE FAVOUR at Rio Cinema (28 SEP to 04 OCT). THE BIG LEBOWSKI at Prince Charles (28 Sep to 03 NOV). BLACKkKLANSMAN at JW3 (28 SEP to 04 OCT). FACES PLACES at Ciné Lumière (28 SEP to 04 OCT). NUREYEV: ALL THE WORLD HIS STAGE at DocHouse (29 SEP to 03 OCT). THE SEAGULL at Watermans (28 SEP to 04 OCT). THIS IS CONGO at The Montpelier (30 SEP to 10 OCT). THE SON at ICA (28 SEP to 02 OCT). WAJIB at ArtHouse Crouch End (28 SEP to 04 OCT). THE WIFE at Phoenix Cinema (28 SEP to 04 OCT).
MORE: weekly digests // monthly roundups // event calendar // festivals A to Z.
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*THE SMALL PRINT: As accurate as we could make it. Apologies for any errors. Apologies if we have missed your event. Updates & corrections will be made to the online version. Event dates/times are subject to change by the venue/organiser. We check box office each morning for films in London today and try to only list events you can book for at the time of posting: some events may still be sold out. Please click quickly! We don’t filter by age/certification: all readers & subscribers should be 18+.