NOW BOOKING: Films in London this month [MARCH 2020]
RADIANT CIRCUS is your handcrafted guide to London’s DIY, indie & alternative movie nights, film events & gallery screenings. Our latest SCREEN GUIDE helps you find repertory seasons & film festivals in London this month.
What to see in London this month by: REPERTORY SEASONS /&/ FILM FESTIVALS. We keep you updated on all London’s one-off screenings including film clubs, meet the talent Q&As and other special events in our weekly digests and daily updates.
COVID-19 UPDATE [posted 16 MAR]: Please note that events are being postponed and venues closed as organisers take public health precautions. Not all of the events listed below will be going ahead. Please check with organisers and/or consult our weekly SCREEN GUIDES for further details.
[UPDATE 12 MAR]: KOREAN FILM NIGHTS: ON THE FRONT LINE added to seasons. LEXI FILM SCHOOL added to seasons. BEST OF THE DECADE season at The Prince Charles added. // [UPDATE 09 MAR]: CULTURE SHOCK returns to Picturehouse Cinemas with a focus on David Lynch, added to seasons. // [UPDATE 05 MAR]: Festivals added – Black Creators Matter, Crystal Palace International Film Festival, Deptford Cinema Film Festival, Feminista Festival UK Tour, Kendall Mountain Festival UK Tour, London Independent Film Festival.
As we hit the start of Spring, London’s indie venues are planning to cater to your screen needs long into the sunnier months. There are green shoots of generous new seasons at both The Prince Charles and Deptford Cinema, including: BRIAN DE PALMA, DAMIEN CHAZELLE, ÉRIC ROHMER, THE FILMS OF JOANNA HOGG, and ROBERT EGGERS (all at The Prince Charles), and DC DOC SEASON, EAST ASIA FILM CLUB, and WES ANDERSON DAYS (all at Deptford Cinema).
Elsewhere, the fine folk at Classic Cinema Club – Ealing start a new season, LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION!, about “films where setting is key, and the action takes place primarily against one backdrop” (06 MAR to 24 APR) which will keep us returning for more. Of course, if the price of your cinema habit is getting too much for your household, House Of Vans launches another new FREE! season this month. WOMEN IN FILM focuses on great female filmmakers and onscreen characters in some pretty great films (no booking required!).
Continuing this focus on women in/on film, BFI’s CLOSE UP: CÉLINE SCIAMMA showcases some of our favourite films of recent years (we adore TOMBOY but had totally forgotten that Sciamma wrote the screenplay for MY LIFE AS A COURGETTE which suitably gets a Relaxed Screening). If you’re a fan of TILDA SWINTON, you should probably grab yourself a ticket for the same venue’s new season about her work as everything is selling out FAST! It’s in this season that we find our first must-see attraction of the month, MAN TO MAN (16 MAR), an adaptation of Manfred Karge’s “gender-blurring play” which gets the lavish treatment the material and Swinton’s performance (originally created at the Traverse Theatre) richly deserve.
Speaking of must-see FREE! things (as we were…), Austrian Cultural Forum delivers the second single exhibit we’d most like to see this month as part of their ongoing JELINEK – HANDKE AND THE SILVER SCREEN CineClub season. THE CHILDREN OF THE DEAD (17 MAR – FREE!) is a “free-wheeling” adaptation of Elfriede Jelinek’s novel DIE KINDER DER TOTEN shot on Super 8 by filmmakers who claim to have never read the source material…. Let The Hollywood Reporter tell you more.
Our third and final (we know we can’t see everything…) must-see attraction is the 4K restoration of Mohammed Lakhdar-Hamina’s 1975 film CHRONICLE OF THE YEARS OF FIRE, part of AUTOBIOGRAPHY & AUTOFICTION at Ciné Lumière (02 FEB to 31 MAR). The film won its director the first Palme d’or in Cannes for an African film but remains very unseen. Now’s your chance (15 & 17 MAR).
Festivals pick up pace this month with a bumper crop of new events as well as new editions appearing across London’s alternative cinema scene. If we had to pick just three, they would be Cinema Made In Italy at Ciné Lumière (04 to 10 MAR), BFI FLARE London LGBTIQ+ Film Festival (18 to 29 MAR – read our handy screen guide to find out more), and Essay Film Festival (26 MAR to 04 APR). We always discover more festivals as the month unfolds, so keep checking back here for updates.
Our featured attraction of the month is Barbican’s HER LENS, HIS STORY which continues to illuminate a brilliant lineup of films with both 35mm presentations and an expertly curated programme of talks and introductions.
See you in darkness…
Richard – Barker-In-Chief, RADIANT CIRCUS
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Read our writeup of LITTLE JOE + Jessica Hausner In Conversation (21 FEB) part of THE CINEMA OF JESSICA HAUSNER at BFI (until 05 MAR).

Read our guide to this year’s BFI Flare LGBTIQ+ Film Festival (18 to 29 MAR) including our ‘top ten best of the fest‘.

70mm PRESENTATIONS at The Prince Charles (ongoing):
- JOKER 70mm d. Todd Phillips, 2019 (03 MAR 20:45).
1950s HITCHCOCK at The Prince Charles (JAN to APR):
- THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH 35mm d. Alfred Hitchcock, 1956 (01 MAR 18:15); and, VERTIGO 35mm d. Alfred Hitchcock, 1958 (15 MAR 18:00).
1999 – 2019: EXPLORING 20 YEARS OF SCI-FI at The Prince Charles (2020):
- COLOR OUT OF SPACE d. Richard Stanley, 2019 (28 FEB to 05 MAR/Check venue to details); THE PRESTIGE 35mm d. Christopher Nolan, 2006 (05 MAR 20:45); ANNIHILATION d. Alex Garland, 2018 (08 MAR to 23 APR); THE HOST d. Bong Joon-ho, 2006 (10 MAR 20:45); INCEPTION 35mm d. Christopher Nolan, 2018 (14 MAR 20:30); and, MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE: PHASE TWO 6 Films, 1 Ticket (28 MAR 20:45).
“Going beyond the misconceptions to look at how complex African identities are today.” Includes:
- MALI BLUES d. Lutz Gregor, 2017 (05 MAR 14:30).
ALL NIGHT / DAY / MINI MOVIE MARATHONS at The Prince Charles (ongoing):
“Butt-numbing marathons” (their words…ED.) of cult, horror, themed & film franchises including:
- HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON TRILOGY 3 Films, 1 Ticket (01 MAR 12:05); JOHN WICK TRILOGY 3 Films, 1 Ticket (06 MAR 18:20); and, MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE: PHASE TWO 6 Films, 1 Ticket (28 MAR 20:45).
AMAZING GRACE at Regent Street Cinema (MAR to APR):
“Most noted for her brilliant work with Alfred Hitchcock, and for her inimitable style, we look at the work of Grace Kelly whose memorable performances in the films she made before she became Princess Grace of Monaco linger in the mind.” Includes:
- HIGH NOON d. Fred Zinnemann, 1952 (01 MAR 14:00); DIAL M FOR MURDER d. Alfred Hitchcock, 1954 (08 MAR 14:00); and, THE COUNTRY GIRL d. George Seaton, 1954 (15 MAR 15:00).
AMERICAN NEW WAVE at The Prince Charles (2020):
“We’re going to be runnin this strand throughout the year so keep checking back, as there is a lot more still to come!” Includes:
- COOL HAND LUKE d. Stuart Rosenberg, 1967 (07 MAR 15:00); THE GODFATHER 35mm d. Francis Ford Coppola, 1972 (13 to 19 MAR/Check venue for details); and, ROSEMARY’S BABY d. Roman Polanski, 1968 (21 MAR 21:00).
“Be it fictitious or real, our classic film season explores autobiography and autofiction through the lens of the greatest masters, from Truffaut to Tarkovsky, Akerman to Fellini.” Includes:
- COUP DE FOUDRE d. Diane Kurys, 1983 (01 MAR 14:00 / 04 MAR 18:15); CHRONICLE OF THE YEARS OF FIRE 4K aka Waqai sanawat al-djamr d. Mohammed Lakhdar-Hamina, 1975 (15 MAR 14:00 / 17 MAR 18:10); and, JE, TU, IL, ELLE d. Chantal Akerman, 1974 (29 MAR 14:00 / 31 MAR 18:30).
BÉLA TARR at Deptford Cinema (13 FEB to 30 MAR):
“A season celebrating the Hungarian master of long takes. Epic films about the human condition.” Includes:
- WERCKMEISTER HARMONIES d. Béla Tarr, 2000 (12 MAR 19:30); SÁTÁNTANGÓ d. Béla Tarr, 1994 (21 MAR 13:00); and, THE TURIN HORSE d. Béla Tarr, 2011 (30 MAR 19:30).
BEST OF 2019 at Ciné Lumière (FEB to MAR):
“For those who missed some of the standout films or those who want to watch them again, our Best of 2019 gathers a selection of 8 of the most acclaimed films of last year, giving you one more chance to see them on the big screen!” Includes:
- AMAZING GRACE d. Allan Elliott and Sydney Pollack, 2019 (07 MAR 18:15); ONCE UPON A TIME IN… HOLLYWOOD d. Quentin Tarantino, 2019 (07 MAR 20:15 / 14 MAR 18:00); THE SOUVENIR d. Joanna Hogg, 2019 (14 MAR 16:00 / 19 MAR 20:35); LA BELLE ÉPOQUE d. Nicolas Bedos, 2019 (18 MAR 20:40); and, THE BEACHES OF AGNÈS aka Les Plages d’Agnès d. Agnès Varda, 2008 (29 MAR 16:0).
BEST OF THE DECADE at The Prince Charles (MAR to AUG):
“We bring back some of our favourite films released in the last decade; 2010 to 2019!” Includes:
- A QUIET PLACE d. John Krasinski, 2018 + Short: DOUBLE TAP (15 MAR 20:45); LOCKE d. Steven Knight, 2013 (16 MAR 18:25); THE LAST BLACK MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO d. Joe Talbot, 2019 (17 MAR 18:05); ROMA d. Alfonso Cuarón, 2018 (22 MAR 17:45); FORCE MAJEURE d. Ruben Östlund, 2014 (26 MAR 20:55); and, BURNING d. Lee Chang-dong, 2018 (30 MAR 20:15).
“Humanity’s insatiable thirst to control everything that stands in its way has been especially true when it comes to the natural world. These films present different perspectives of mankind and nature bumping into each other in various ways.” Includes:
- NAUSICAÄ OF THE VALLEY OF THE WIND aka Kaze no tani no Naushika d. Hayao Miyazaki, 1984 (01 MAR 12:45 / 16 MAR 20:40 – Subtitled); THE SHINING 4K d. Stanley Kubrick, 1980 (02 MAR 20:20 / 10 MAR 20:15); DELIVERANCE d. John Boorman, 1972 (03 MAR 20:40 / 12 MAR 20:45 / 15 MAR 14:50); JAWS d. Steven Spielberg, 1975 + Intro by Justin Johnson (04 MAR 18:15); A ZED & TWO NOUGHTS d. Peter Greenaway, 1985 (05 MAR 20:45); STROMBOLI aka Stromboli, terra di Dio d. Roberto Rossellini, 1950 (06 MAR 17:50 / 13 MAR 20:45); LAWRENCE OF ARABIA d. David Lean, 1962 (07 MAR 18:30 4K / 14 MAR 16:30 70mm); JAWS d. Steven Spielberg, 1975 (09 MAR 18:00 / 17 MAR 20:30); A ZED & TWO NOUGHTS d. Peter Greenaway, 1985 + Intro by Justin Johnson (11 MAR 18:15); THE WIND 35mm d. Victor Sjöström, 1928 + Live Piano Accompaniment by Meg Morley (16 MAR 18:15); and, THE WIND 35mm d. Victor Sjöström, 1928 + Intro by Pamela Hutchinson + Live Piano Accompaniment by Jonny Best (18 MAR 18:15).
BRIAN DE PALMA at The Prince Charles (MAR to MAY):
- PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE d. Brian De Palma, 1974 (27 MAR 21:00).
“A two-day film series presented by Taiwan Film Festival UK, offering an opportunity to see a selection of the artist’s daring and poetic videos, and gain insight into his work with a special, intimate masterclass.” Includes:
- FACTORY + THE ROUTE 35mm d. Chen Chieh-jen, 2003/2006 (06 MAR 19:00); Masterclass (07 MAR 14:00); and, REALM OF REVERBERATIONS + WIND SONGS d. Chen Chieh-jen, 2014/2015 (07 MAR 17:00).
- THE PRESTIGE 35mm d. Christopher Nolan, 2006 (05 MAR 20:45); and, INCEPTION 35mm d. Christopher Nolan, 2018 (14 MAR 20:30).
“We celebrate one of the most distinctive European filmmakers working today, and welcome her to the BFI stage.” Includes:
- New Releases: LITTLE JOE d. Jessica Hausner, 2019 (21 FEB to 05 MAR).

“A compelling and urgent voice in contemporary cinema that we think you should hear.” Includes:
- Close Up Salon: Céline Sciamma Panel Discussion (02 MAR 18:15); WATER LILLIES 35mm aka Naissance des Pieuvres d. Céline Sciamma, 2007 (02 MAR 20:40 / 11 MAR 20:50); TOMBOY d. Céline Sciamma, 2011 (08 MAR 18:20 / 14 MAR 20:45); GIRLHOOD aka Bande de filles d. Céline Sciamma, 2014 (08 MAR 20:25 / 17 MAR 20:45); MY LIFE AS A COURGETTE aka Ma vie de Courgette d. Claude Barras, 2016 (14 MAR 13:00); and, Relaxed Screening: MY LIFE AS A COURGETTE aka Ma vie de Courgette d. Claude Barras, 2016 (16 MAR 18:40).
- New Releases: PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE d. Céline Sciamma, 2019 (until 12 MAR).
- Talks: Critics’ Salon: PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE (10 MAR 20:30).
“To celebrate the 40th anniversary re-issue of THE ELEPHANT MAN, we delve into the mind of the great David Lynch to present three of his most unique works.”
- BLUE VELVET d. David Lynch, 1986 (16 MAR – various venues/times); DUNE d. David Lynch, 1984 (23 MAR – various venues/times); and, THE ELEPHANT MAN 40th Anniversary Screening d. David Lynch, 1980 (30 MAR – various venues/times).
DAMIEN CHAZELLE at The Prince Charles (MAR to JUN):
- WHIPLASH d. Damien Chazelle, 2014 (25 MAR 20:45).
DAVID LYNCH at Deptford Cinema (FEB to JUN):
“A retrospective of one of, if not the most challenging and groundbreaking director of our generation.” Includes:
- INLAND EMPIRE d. David Lynch, 2006 (07 MAR 19:00).
DC DOC SEASON at Deptford Cinema (22 MAR to 30 APR):
“A selection of the best documentaries from across the globe. This is an ongoing season.” Includes:
- WE THE WORKERS d. Huang Wenhai, 2017 presented by Wavelength (22 MAR 16:00); HERE FOR LIFE d. Andrea Luka Zimmerman & Adrian Jackson, 2019 + Q&A (26 MAR 19:30); and, VARDA BY AGNÈS d. Agnès Varda, 2019 (29 MAR 12:30).
DIRECTED BY WOMEN at Deptford Cinema (2020):
“Promoting women working behind the camera.” Includes:
- VAGABOND d. Agnès Varda, 1985 (08 MAR 14:30); PAPUSZA d. Joanna Kos-Krauze & Krzysztof Krauze, 2013 for International Women’s Day (08 MAR 19:00); FEMINISTA – Inspiring Shorts about Women and Girls (27 MAR 20:00); and, VARDA BY AGNÈS d. Agnès Varda, 2019 (29 MAR 12:30).
EAST ASIA FILM CLUB at Deptford Cinema (13 MAR to 17 APR):
“A monthly programme which will present the best cinema from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea.” Includes:
- BATTLE ROYALE d. Kinji Fukasaku, 2000 (13 MAR 19:30).
“Be awed by the brilliant performances that Kazan elicited throughout his directing career, in our two-month season featuring Brando, Dean, Hepburn, Kerr and many more.” Includes:
- WILD RIVER d. Elia Kazan, 1960 (01 MAR 14:10 / 10 MAR 20:45); SPLENDOR IN THE GRASS 35mm d. Elia Kazan, 1961 (01 MAR 16:30 / 11 MAR 20:30); AMERICA, AMERICA 35mm aka The Anatolian Smile d. Elia Kazan, 1963 (01 MAR 19:15 / 15 MAR 16:50); THE LAST TYCOON d. Elia Kazan, 1976 (03 MAR 18:10 / 15 MAR 20:00); THE VISITORS 35mm d. Elia Kazan, 1972 (06 MAR 21:00 / 14 MAR 15:45); and, THE ARRANGEMENT 35mm d. Elia Kazan, 1969 (09 MAR 20:30 / 13 MAR 18:15).
ÉRIC ROHMER at The Prince Charles (MAR to APR):
- A WINTER’S TALE 35mm aka Conte d’hiver d. Éric Rohmer, 1992 (18 MAR 20:35).
“Our ongoing repertory series presenting masterpieces from throughout the history of cinema. The current programme focusses on Federico Fellini, in celebration of his centenary.” Includes:
- LA DOLCE VITA 4K d. Federico Fellini, 1960 (01 MAR 19:00); VIRIDIANA d. Luis Buñuel, 1961 (03 MAR 20:15); ACCATTONE d. Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1961 (04 MAR 20:15); 8½ 4K d. Federico Fellini, 1963 (05 MAR 20:15); THEOREM d. Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1968 (06 MAR 20:45); THE HOUSEMAID d. Kim Ki-young, 1960 (07 MAR 20:00); THE LEOPARD d. Luchino Visconti, 1963 (08 MAR 19:00); THE SERVANT d. Joseph Losey, 1963 (09 MAR 20:15); FUNNY GAMES d. Michael Haneke, 1997 (12 MAR 20:15).
- UNRELATED 35mm d. Joanna Hogg, 2007 (31 MAR 18:30).
“Explore complex, revealing and often provocative takes on men and masculinity, as seen through the lens of female filmmakers around the world.” Includes:
- DEATH IS A CARESS 35mm d. Edith Carlmar, 1949 + Intro by Isabel Stevens (01 MAR 15:00); THE ASCENT d. Larisa Shepitko, 1977 + Intro by Vlad Strukov (04 MAR 18:20); A YEAR WITHOUT LOVE 35mm d. Anahí Berneri, 2005 (05 MAR 18:30); GONE TOO FAR! d. Destiny Ekaragha, 2013 + Intro by the director (09 MAR 18:30); and, THE ORPHANAGE d. Shahrbanoo Sadat, 2019 + Intro by Elhum Shakerifar (10 MAR 18:30).
“Born in Southwest Iran, Majed Neisi has dedicated himself to examining the pathology of war in a succession of Middle Eastern battlegrounds.” Includes:
- Programme 1 (14 MAR 18:00); and, Programme 2 (14 MAR 20:30).
“Pedro Costa is widely regarded as one of the most influential artists working in film today. To coincide with the UK release of VITALINA VARELA, which won the Best Film Award at the 2019 Locarno Film Festival, the ICA is presenting a retrospective looking at the singular career of this extraordinary Portuguese filmmaker.” Includes:
- VITALINA VARELA d. Pedro Costa, 2019 + Q&A with the director (03 MAR 19:30); CASA DE LAVA d. Pedro Costa, 1995 + Q&A with the director (05 MAR 18:30); VITALINA VARELA d. Pedro Costa, 2019 + Intro by the director (06 MAR 18:30); BONES 35mm aka Ossos d. Pedro Costa, 1997 + Q&A with the director (07 MAR 16:30); IN VANDA’S ROOM aka No Quarto da Vanda d. Pedro Costa, 2000 (08 MAR 15:20); COLOSSAL YOUTH aka Juventude em Marcha d. Pedro Costa, 2006 (14 MAR 15:00); and, OUR MAN + HORSE MONEY aka O nosso homem/Cavalo Dinheiro d. Pedro Costa, 2011/2014 (15 MAR 16:00).
IS THIS YESTERDAY? at Deptford Cinema (12 FEB to 08 APR):
“A series of Hollywood Science Fiction films from the 1950s, giving a broad reflection of the general psyche in America at this specific time and explore issues of invasion, atomic power, the progressing relationship between science and the military, the red threat and McCarthyism.” Includes:
- THEM! d. Gordon Douglas, 1954 (11 MAR 19:30).
JACK LEMMON IN… at Regent Street Cinema (MAR to APR):
“Once described as “America’s everyman” and often playing likeable but down on their luck characters, we celebrate the extraordinary versatility of an actor who was a virtuoso in both comedy and drama.” Includes:
- SOME LIKE IT HOT d. Billy Wilder, 1959 (01 MAR 16:00); and, DAYS OF WINE AND ROSES d. Blake Edwards, 1962 (08 MAR 16:15).

- THE WRONG MOVE d. Wim Wenders, 1975 (05 MAR 19:00 – FREE!); and, THE CHILDREN OF THE DEAD d. Kelly Copper & Pavol Liska, 2019 (17 MAR 19:00 – FREE!).
JOHN CASSAVETES IN 35MM at The Prince Charles (JAN to MAR):
- OPENING NIGHT 35mm d. John Cassavetes, 1977 (08 MAR 20:45); and, GLORIA 35mm d. John Cassavetes, 1980 (22 MAR 20:45).
JOIN THE #BONGHIVE at The Prince Charles (JAN to MAR):
“We’re trying to bring as many of Bong Joon-ho’s titles to our screen as possible.” Includes:
- MEMORIES OF MURDER aka Salinui chueok d. Bong Joon-ho, 2003 (02 MAR 18:00 / 29 MAR 17:00); MOTHER 35mm aka Madeo d. Bong Joon-ho, 2009 (04 MAR 18:10); and, THE HOST d. Bong Joon-ho, 2006 (10 MAR 20:45).
“Marking the seventieth anniversary of the beginning of the Korean War (1950-53) with 8 carefully selected titles from South Korea, the US and UK. Each one shedding light on one of the most important events in Korean history and collective memory.” Includes:
- THE MARINES WHO NEVER RETURNED d. Lee Man-hee, 1963 (19 MAR 19:00 – FREE!).
LATE NIGHTS SEASON – NICOLAS CAGE at Everyman Screen On The Green (FEB to MAR):
- FACE/OFF d. John Woo, 1997 (07 MAR 23:30); MOONSTRUCK d. Norman Jewison, 1987 (14 MAR 23:30); LEAVING LAS VEGAS d. Mike Figgis, 1995 (21 MAR 23:30); and, CON AIR d. Simon West, 1997 (28 MAR 23:30).
“Join us at your neighbourhood film school, where we bring you a programme of lost gems, under-rated masterpieces and world cinema classics. All are welcome!” Includes:
- LOSING GROUND d. Kathleen Collins, 1982 + Talk by Tega Okiti (16 MAR 18:30); ROCKS d. Sarah Gavron, 2019 + Talk by the director & screenwriter Theresa Ikoko (23 MAR 18:30); and, A TASTE OF HONEY d. Tony Richardson, 1961 + Talk by Helen de Witt (30 MAR 18:30).
LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION! at Classic Cinema Club – Ealing (06 MAR to 24 APR):
“Films where setting is key, and the action takes place primarily against one backdrop. A home can be a palace or a prison, a castle or a cage; and someone can find themselves lost in the big city, or smothered in a small town.” Includes:
- UNDER MILK WOOD d. Andrew Sinclair, 1971 (06 MAR 19:30); JU DOU d. Zhang Yimou, 1990 (13 MAR 19:30); MY LEFT FOOT d. Jim Sheridan, 1989 (20 MAR 19:30); and, RED DESERT d. Michelangelo Antonioni, 1964 (27 MAR 19:30).
- SYMPATHY FOR MR VENGEANCE d. Chan-wook Park, 2003 (17 MAR 20:45).
PAUL THOMAS ANDERSON at Deptford Cinema (29 FEB to 20 JUN):
“Anderson’s films are often characterized by their depiction of flawed and desperate characters, explorations of themes such as dysfunctional families, alienation and loneliness, a bold visual style.” Includes:
- HARD EIGHT d. Paul Thomas Anderson, 1996 (29 MAR 20:00).
“If your rights were at risk before, what do the current political changes mean for tomorrow?” Includes:
- PUSH d. Fredrik Gertten, 2019 (28 FEB to 05 MAR/Check venue for details); and, THE PLAN THAT CAME FROM THE BOTTOM UP d. Steve Sprung, 2018 + Panel Discussion (01 MAR 14:00).
ROBERT EGGERS at The Prince Charles (FEB to MAR):
- THE LIGHTHOUSE d. Robert Eggers, 2019 (28 FEB to 05 MAR); and, THE WITCH d. Robert Eggers, 2015 (18 MAR 18:20).
ROMCOMS at House Of Vans (06 FEB to 01 MAR – FREE!/No booking required):
“Who said that Valentine’s has to be restricted to one day? This month, we’re getting cosy in the screening room as we show some of the best blockbuster romcoms for every situation, curated by us.” Includes:
- ANNIE HALL d. Woody Allen, 1977 (01 MAR 14:00 & 16:00 – FREE!).
SCI-FI SUNDAYS at Deptford Cinema (2020):
“Sci-Fi Sundays Year 2 at Deptford Cinema. Join us for a special screening on the last Sunday of the month.” Includes:
- DISTRICT 9 + Short: ALIVE IN JOBURG d. Neill Blomkamp, 2009/2006 (29 MAR 15:30).
STUDIO GHIBLI FOREVER at The Prince Charles (forever!):
“Never far from our screen are the legendary films from the greatest animation house on the planet, Studio Ghibli.” Includes:
- KIKI’S DELIVERY SERVICE d. Hayao Miyazaki, 1989 (14 MAR 12:00); MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO 35mm d. Hayao Miyazaki, 1988 (23 MAR 18:20); and, ONLY YESTERDAY d. Isao Takahata, 1991 (28 MAR 12:00).
- Dubbed versions available. Check venue for details.
“A season showcasing this creative chameleon, an extraordinary, convention-defying filmmaker and performer who’s worked with the best in art and cinema.” Includes:
- WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN d. Lynne Ramsay, 2011 (01 MAR 17:40 / 13 MAR 20:30); SNOWPIERCER d. Bong Joon-ho, 2013 + Q&A with the director & Tilda Swinton (01 MAR 19:20 – Currently looking SOLD OUT!/Check venue); CARAVAGGIO d. Derek Jarman, 1986 (01 MAR 20:20 – Currently looking SOLD OUT!/Check venue / 07 MAR 21:00 / 15 MAR 18:00); ORLANDO d. Sally Potter, 1992 + Intro by the director & Tilda Swinton (02 MAR 18:00); Tilda Swinton In Conversation (03 MAR 18:15 – Currently looking SOLD OUT!/Check venue); Tilda Swinton & Wes Anderson On Stage: A Magical Tour Of Cinema (03 MAR 21:00 – Currently looking SOLD OUT!/Check venue); THE GARDEN d. Derek Jarman, 1990 (04 MAR 20:45); ONLY LOVERS LEFT ALIVE d. Jim Jarmusch, 2013 (05 MAR 18:10 / 15 MAR 20:10); JULIA 35mm d. Eric Zonca, 2008 (06 MAR 20:15); MICHAEL CLAYTON d. Tony Gilroy, 2007 (07 MAR 18:00 / 16 MAR 20:40); I AM LOVE aka Io sono l’amore d. Luca Guadagnino, 2009 (07 MAR 20:40); ORLANDO d. Sally Potter, 1992 (08 MAR 20:20); MAN TO MAN d. John Maybury, 1992 + Short: CAPRICE d. Joanna Hogg, 1986 (09 MAR 20:50); The Seasons in Quincy: Four Portraits of John Berger Screenings + Discussion (11 MAR 18:20); THE GARDEN d. Derek Jarman, 1990 + Intro by Tilda Swinton (12 MAR 18:15); Screen Epiphany: Tilda Swinton Introduces PETER IBBETSON 35mm d. Henry Hathaway, 1935 + Short: A PORTRAIT OF GA d. Margaret Tait, 1952 (13 MAR 18:10); THE DEEP END 35mm d. Scott McGehee & David Siegel, 2001 (14 MAR 18:10 / 18 MAR 20:50); SNOWPIERCER d. Bong Joon-ho, 2013 (14 MAR 20:30); JULIA 35mm d. Eric Zonca, 2008 + Intro by Tilda Swinton (15 MAR 15:00); MAN TO MAN d. John Maybury, 1992 + Short: CAPRICE d. Joanna Hogg, 1986 + Intros by the directors & Tilda Swinton (16 MAR 18:10); and, I AM LOVE aka Io sono l’amore d. Luca Guadagnino, 2009 + Intro by Tilda Swinton (17 MAR 18:00).
WES ANDERSON DAYS at Deptford Cinema (18 MAR to 11 NOV):
“A year-long season celebrating the work of auteur filmmaker Wes Anderson. Preceding most films in the season will be either a short film or commercial directed by Anderson.” Includes:
- BOTTLE ROCKET d. Wes Anderson, 1996 + Short Film (18 MAR 19:30).
“We spotlight the stories of a series of inspirational women from around the globe.” Includes:
- TONI MORRISON: THE PIECES I AM d. Timothy Greenfield-Sanders, 2019 (until 19 MAR/Check venue for details); WOMEN’S DAY d. Dolya Gavanski, 2019 (08 MAR 15:55 / 12 MAR 16:20); YOURS IN SISTERHOOD d. Irene Lusztig, 2018 (14 MAR 16:30 & 17 MAR 18:20); THE DISAPPEARANCE OF MY MOTHER d. Beniamino Barrese, 2019 (15 MAR 16:00); and, RADIO SILENCE d. Juliana Fanjul, 2019 (18 MAR 16:30 / 29 MAR 18:30).
WOMEN IN FILM at House Of Vans (08 to 29 MAR – FREE!/No booking required):
“It’s Women’s History Month and we’d like to dedicate our March film series to the stories of all the rad women who’ve run the extra mile, pushed boundaries and made a stand.” Includes:
- FRIDA d. Julie Taymor, 2002 (08 MAR 15:00 & 17:30 – FREE!); THE HELP d. Tate Taylor, 2011 (12 MAR 17:00 – FREE!); ERIN BROCKOVICH d. Steven Soderbergh, 2000 (14 MAR 15:00 & 17:30 – FREE!); SHE’S BEAUTIFUL WHEN SHE’S ANGRY d. Mary Dore, 2014 (15 MAR 14:00 & 16:00 – FREE!); QUEEN OF KATWE d. Mira Nair, 2016 (19 MAR 17:00 & 19:15 – FREE!); HIDDEN FIGURES d. Theodore Melfi, 2016 (22 MAR 14:00 & 16:00 – FREE!); SUFFRAGETTE d. Sarah Gavron, 2015 (26 MAR 17:00 & 19:15 – FREE!); THE COLOR PURPLE d. Steven Spielberg, 1985 (27 MAR 17:00 & 19:15 – FREE!); THELMA & LOUISE d. Ridley Scott, 1991 (28 MAR 15:00 & 17:30 – FREE!); and, PERSEPOLIS d. Vincent Paronnaud & Marjane Satrapi, 2007 (29 MAR 14:00 & 16:00 – FREE!).

Film festivals in London this month include:
- Actors East Film Festival (06 MAR).
- Banff Mountain Film Festival (10 to 23 MAR).
- BFI FLARE London LGBTIQ+ Film Festival (18 to 29 MAR).
- Black Creators Matter: Short Movie Festival (12 MAR).
- Burnt Roti Festival (01 MAR).
- Chronic Youth Film Festival (28 to 29 MAR).
- Cinema Made In Italy (04 to 10 MAR).
- Crystal Palace International Film Festival (05 to 28 MAR).
- Deptford Cinema Film Festival (07 MAR).
- Essay Film Festival (26 MAR to 04 APR).
- Feminista Film Festival UK Tour (various London dates).
- Human Rights Watch Film Festival (12 to 20 MAR).
- Kendal Mountain Festival UK Tour (11 MAR).
- Kinoteka Polish Film Festival (19 MAR TO 05 APR).
- London Independent Film Festival (13 to 22 MAR).
- The People’s Film Festival (06 to 07 MAR).
- Soundscreen Music & Film Festival (27 to 29 MAR).
- St. Patrick’s Day Film Festival (15 to 17 MAR).
- UK Asian Film Festival (25 MAR to 05 APR).
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*THE SMALL PRINT: As accurate as we could make it. Apologies for any errors. Apologies if we have missed your event. Updates & corrections will be made to the online version. Event dates/times are subject to change by the venue/organiser. We try to only list events you can book for at the time of posting: however, some events may already be sold out. Please click quickly! We don’t filter by age/certification: all readers & subscribers should be 18+.