NOW BOOKING: Films in London this month [OCTOBER 2019]
RADIANT CIRCUS is your handcrafted guide to London’s DIY, indie & alternative movie nights, film events & gallery screenings. Our latest SCREEN GUIDE helps you find repertory seasons & film festivals in London this month.
Find films in London this month by: REPERTORY SEASONS // FILM FESTIVALS
UPDATES: [10 OCT] BLACK HISTORY (EVERY) MONTH at Genesis, BLACK HISTORY MONTH & ROM COMS at Everyman Cinemas, SYSTEMS OF CARE at Deptford, & CARLOS ACOSTA’S CINE CLUB at Wimbledon Library added; [07 OCT] TNB BHM209 added; [03 OCT] WITCHES & VAMPIRES season, MIDNIGHT EXCESS, the Romanian Film Festival & UK Green Film Festival added.
Welcome to our monthly roundup.
Each month we look ahead to what we call London’s MUSEUM SHOWS, the places where you can find several attractions under one roof. Our listings are divided into repertory seasons and film festivals.
We keep you updated on all London’s one-off screenings including film clubs, meet the talent Q&As and other special events in our weekly digests and daily updates.
It’s a month for horrible things and our pumpkin carving gold medal goes to the epic Halloween season at The Prince Charles, this time masquerading under the title THRILLERS & KILLERS & MONSTERS, OH MY! But we also love the smaller scale chills of HITCHCOCKTOBER (an opportunity to see THE BIRDS at The Birds, where all these films are FREE!), WITCHES & VAMPIRES at House Of Vans (more FREE screams!), HALLOWEEN AT GENESIS featuring another gorgeous 35mm screening from The Celluloid Sorceress and our very own miniature terrors in the form of a short film HALLOWEEN SPECIAL as part of LUNCHTIME FILM SOCIETY.
Speaking of small things, there are some beautifully crafted smaller seasons scattered across the month, some from expert curators such as So Mayer’s CYBERFEMINISM ON FILM at Barbican and everything that’s opening at Close-Up, as well as newer curatorial voices such as the amazing outcrop of seasons at Deptford Cinema and NFTS student programmes at various venues. The same goes for festivals: we all know the big beast in town, but don’t forget to support the smaller events where you will most certainly be welcome.
Of course, if everything that’s due to happen this month is making you feel a little grim, you can always disappear into the MUSICALS! season at BFI, never to be seen again most likely, or its smaller cousin A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN MOVIE MUSICAL at Deptford.
Our featured attraction of the month is always one where we would love to see everything and October’s choice combines our themes because it’s small, beautifully formed and touched by terror. NFTS student Ben Driscoll’s season LIVE CULTURES screens at Close-Up. We’ll leave you with the chilling trailer for THE HELLSTROM CHRONICLE: “If any living species is to inherit the earth, it will not be man.”
See you in darkness…
LUNCHTIME FILM SOCIETY is our brand new popup cinema screening daily programmes of bitesize films for busy City workers at the Bridewell Theatre in the City Of London (22 OCT to 01 NOV 2019). Bring your own lunch, relax & refocus as you feast on a world of inspiring short film drama, documentary & animation.
> Now booking:
#32BoroughsOfFilm: We started our yearlong tour of community cinema with visits to Richmond Film Society to see Hirokazu Kore-eda’s SHOPLIFTERS (24 SEP 2019) & Leytonstone Loves Film for the Smartphone Film Festival (28 SEP 2019). More to come!

70mm PRESENTATIONS at The Prince Charles (ongoing):
“Bringing regular 70mm presentations back to the West End with”:
- TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY 70mm d. James Cameron, 1991 (14 OCT 20:45 / 23 OCT 20:45); and, THE TERMINATOR 35mm + TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY 70mm d. James Cameron, 1984 + 1991 (20 OCT 18:15).
ALL NIGHT / DAY / MINI MOVIE MARATHONS at The Prince Charles (ongoing):
“Butt-numbing marathons” (their words…ED.) of cult, horror, themed & film franchises including:
- HORROR MOVIE MARATHON 6 Films, 1 Ticket (18 OCT 21:15); JOHN CARPENTER MARATHON 6 Films, 1 Ticket (18 OCT 23:59); CLASSIC HORROR MARATHON 6 Films, 1 Ticket (19 OCT 21:00 / 26 OCT 21:00); TEEN HORROR MARATHON 6 Films, 1 Ticket (19 OCT 21:15); A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET MARATHON 7 Films, 1 Ticket (25 OCT 23:59); and, THE EVIL DEAD TRILOGY 3 Films, 1 Ticket (01 NOV 18:35).
“Our monthly Experimenta programme gives you a chance to explore this boundary-pushing, influential filmmaker.” Includes:
- Rome Is Burning: The Legacy of American Independent Shirley Clarke + Discussion (23 OCT 18:10); Brussels Film Loops (25 OCT 20:30); and, THE CONNECTION d. Shirley Clarke, 1961 (29 OCT 20:50).
“Across one month we screen the best films of an actor who has an undeniable, almost regal, screen presence, and who’s captivated generations of audiences.” Includes:
- WHAT’S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT d. Brian Gibson, 1993 (01 OCT 18:00); and, WAITING TO EXHALE 35mm d. Forest Whitaker, 1995 (01 OCT 20:30).
“Exploring how directors have sought an aura of verisimilitude.” Includes:
- REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE d. Nicholas Ray, 1955 (14 OCT 18:20 / 25 OCT 18:10); BICYCLE THIEVES aka Ladri di Biciclette d. Vittorio De Sica, 1948 (14 OCT 20:40 / 20 OCT 20:40); A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS aka Per un pugno di dollari d. Sergio Leone, 1964 (14 OCT 20:45); THIS SPORTING LIFE d. Lindsay Anderson, 1963 (15 OCT 14:30); JOURNEY TO ITALY aka Viaggio in Italia d. Roberto Rossellini, 1954 (15 OCT 20:50 / 21 OCT 20:40); THE GENERAL d. Buster Keaton & Clyde Bruckman, 1926 + Intro by Geoff Andrew (16 OCT 18:20); CLEO FROM 5 TO 7 aka Cléo de 5 à 7 d. Agnès Varda, 1962 (16 OCT 18:40); RAGING BULL d. Martin Scorsese, 1980 (16 OCT 20:20); THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS [Director’s Definitive Cut] d. Michael Mann, 1992 (16 OCT 20:45); AGUIRRE, WRATH OF GOD aka Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes d. Werner Herzog, 1972 (17 OCT 18:15 / 28 OCT 21:00); LOVE STREAMS d. John Cassavetes, 1984 (17 OCT 20:20); POOR COW d. Ken Loach, 1967 (17 OCT 20:45 / 27 OCT 18:00); LATE SPRING aka Banshun d. Yasujiro Oz, 1949 (18 PCT 20:40 / 29 OCT 14:30); APOCALYPSE NOW FINAL CUT d. Francis Ford Coppola, 1979 (19 OCT 19:30); THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE d. John Ford, 1962 (20 OCT 17:30 / 31 OCT 14:30); LONGING 35mm d. Valeska Grisebach, 2006 (22 OCT 20:40); BICYCLE THIEVES aka Ladri di Biciclette d. Vittorio De Sica, 1948 + Intro by Geoff Andrew (23 OCT 18:00); THE NAKED CITY d. Jules Dassin, 1948 (24 OCT 20:45); THE GENERAL d. Buster Keaton & Clyde Bruckman, 1926 (26 OCT 19:00); and, THE NAKED CITY d. Jules Dassin, 1948 + Intro by Pamela Hutchinson (30 OCT 18:10).
“Films that focus on emotional and psychological turmoil.” Includes:
- THE TRIAL d. Orson Welles, 1962 (01 OCT 18:10).
- Includes: THE WATERMELON WOMAN d. Cheryl Dunee, 1996 (10 OCT 18:45); DOLEMITE IS MY NAME d. Craig Brewer, 2019 (11 OCT 18:15); SELMA d. Ava DuVernay, 2015 presented by Caramel Film Club (11 OCT 21:00); FARMING d. Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, 2018 + Q&A with the director (14 OCT 18:15); DAUGHTERS OF THE DUST d. Julie Dash, 1993 presented by We Are Parable (15 OCT 18:30); HERO d. Frances-Anne Solomon, 2018 + Panel presented by Black History Studies (17 OCT 20:40); and, JUST ANOTHER GIRL ON THE I.R.T. d. Leslie Harris, 1992 (24 OCT 18:45).
BLACK HISTORY MONTH at Everyman Cinemas (OCT):
“Everyman brings you a selection of films to celebrate Black History Month.” Includes:
- FARMING d. Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, 2018 (11 OCT 18:45 – King’s Cross / 11 OCT 20:30 – Muswell Hill ); BOYZ N THE HOOD d. John Singleton, 1991 (12 OCT 22:30 – Screen On The Green / Crystal Palace); WAITING TO EXHALE d. Forest Whitaker, 1995 + Panel presented by Refinery29 (15 OCT 18:30 – King’s Cross); PURPLE RAIN d. Albert Magnoli, 1984 + Live Music presented by We Are Parable (15 OCT 19:30 – Crystal Palace); DO THE RIGHT THING d. Spike Lee, 1989 (19 OCT 22:30 – Crystal Palace / Screen On The Green); HITSVILLE: THE MAKING OF MOTOWN d. Benjamin Turner & Gabe Turner, 2019 + Record Intro (21 OCT 18:00 – Canary Wharf + Others!); GET OUT d. Jordan Peele, 2017 (26 OCT 22:30 – Screen On The Green / Crystal Palace); and, MILES DAVIS – BIRTH OF THE COOL d. Stanley Nelson, 2019 (28 OCT 20:00 – Crystal Palace + Others!).

“A series of films embracing work which explores the human condition through stories from the African and Caribbean diaspora.” Includes:
- YOUNG SOUL REBELS d. Isaac Julien, 1991 + Season Launch Party (12 OCT 18:30).
CARLOS ACOSTA’S CINE CLUB at Wimbledon Library (15 to 17 OCT – FREE!/No booking required):
Film Merton presents: “International artist, choreographer and English National Ballet’s youngest principle dancer, Carlos Acosta has chosen three film classics which Film Merton are delighted to bring to the big screen.” Includes:
- CINEMA PARADISO d. Giuseppe Tornatore, 1988 (15 OCT 18:45); CARMEN JONES d. Otto Preminger, 1954 (17 OCT 18:45); and, THE GODFATHER: PART II d. Francis Ford Coppola, 1974 (19 OCT 18:45).
“A two-month season devoted to ‘our man in Hollywood’, an actor oozing charm, charisma and impressive range.” Includes:
- CHARADE d. Stanley Donen, 1963 (01 OCT 18:20); and, I WAS A MALE WARBRIDE aka You Can’t Sleep Here d. Howard Hawks, 1949 (01 OCT 20:45).
“We’re proud to present the films of the legendary African director, actor, orator, composer, and poet Djibril Diop Mambéty. After the late Pan-African greats Ousmane Sembène and Med Hondo, Mambéty came to innovate filmmaking for all Africa and the world with his signature mix of wild narrative style, rich traditional symbolism and virtuoso editing technique with impeccable political commitment.” Includes:
- TOUKI BOUKI d. Djibril Diop Mambéty, 1973 (05 OCT 20:00 / 14 OCT 20:15); LE FRANC + LA PETITE VENDEUSE DE SOLEIL d. Djibril Diop Mambéty, 1994 & 1999 (06 OCT 18:30 / 20 OCT 17:30); and, HYÈNES d. Djibril Diop Mambéty, 1992 (06 OCT 20:30 / 19 OCT 18:00).
CLOSE-UP ON KIRA MURATOVA at Close-Up (16 to 26 OCT):
“A year after her passing we remember the neglected – Romania born – Ukrainian auteur Kira Muratova with a rare programme of films selected from across her expansive career, presented in collaboration with the Oleksandr Dovzhenko National Centre.” Includes:
- BRIEF ENCOUNTERS d. Kira Muratova, 1967 (16 OCT 20:30); GETTING TO KNOW THE BIG WIDE WORLD d. Kira Muratova, 1979 (18 OCT 20:15); THE ASTHENIC SYNDROME d. Kira Muratova, 1989 (20 OCT 19:30); LONG FAREWELLS d. Kira Muratova, 1971 (22 OCT 20:15); and, ETERNAL HOMECOMING d. Kira Muratova, 2012 (26 OCT 20:00).
“Marking the 30th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall – and programmed in parallel to our upcoming Jürgen Böttcher retrospective with the Goethe-Institut – we’re pleased to present a selection of Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s film and television works from across his vast, yet tragically short lived ouvre.” Includes:
- LOVE IS COLDER THAN DEATH d. Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1969 (01 OCT 20:15); KATZELMACHER d. Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1969 (02 OCT 20:15 / 30 OCT 20:30); THE MERCHANT OF FOUR SEASONS d. Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1972 (03 OCT 20:15 / 07 OCT 20:45); WHY DOES HERR R RUN AMOK? d. Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1970 (05 OCT 18:00); FOX AND HIS FRIENDS d. Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1975 (08 OCT 20:15 / 26 OCT 17:30); ALL THAT HEAVEN ALLOWS d. Douglas Sirk, 1955 (12 OCT 18:00); THE BITTER TEARS OF PETRA VON KANT d. Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1972 (12 OCT 20:00 / 21 OCT 20:15); MARTHA d. Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1974 (13 OCT 18:00 / 28 OCT 20:15); and, ALI: FEAR EATS THE SOUL d. Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1974 (13 OCT 20:00).
“Celebrating Jürgen Böttcher’s diverse body of work as a filmmaker, this season includes seven programmes of short and feature length films.” Includes:
- BORN ’45 & STARS d. Jürgen Böttcher, 1966 + 1963 (23 OCT 19:00 – Goethe-Institut); Looking & Being Looked At: A Workshop On Jürgen Böttcher’s Early Films (26 OCT 14:00 – King’s College); Short Film Programme One: Part 1 (27 OCT 18:00 – Close-Up); and, Short Film Programme One: Part 2 (27 OCT 20:30 – Close-Up).

“This film programme, curated by So Mayer, explores fascinating and still radical ways of thinking about gender, sexuality and technology with a feminist twist.” Includes:
- GENDERNAUTS: A JOURNEY THROUGH SHIFTING IDENTITIES d. Monika Treut, 1999 (05 OCT 16:00); Transfigurations – A Barbara Hammer Tribute + Intro by So Mayer (07 OCT 18:15); and, CONCEIVING ADA d. Lynn Hershman, 1997 (08 OCT 18:30).
“Dance Umbrella’s SUNDAY SHORTS serve up three mixed bills of choreographically inspired short film.” Includes:
- Sunday Shorts 1 + Q&A with Oona Doherty (13 OCT 15:30); Sunday Shorts 2 + Q&A with Freddie Opoku-Addaie (20 OCT 15:30); and, Sunday Shorts 3 + Q&A with Gitta Wigro (27 OCT 15:30).
DRESSED TO IMPRESS at Classic Cinema Club – Ealing (SEP to OCT):
“We look to cinema as a purveyor of escapist entertainment, glamour and luxury on screen. From historical period pieces and costume dramas, to films that set future fashion trends, the outfits veer from chic to ridiculous.” Includes:
- THREE DAYS OF THE CONDOR d. Sydney Pollack, 1975 (04 OCT 19:30); THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR d. Norman Jewison, 1968 (11 OCT 19:30); AKIRA KUROSAWA’S DREAMS d. Akira Kurosawa, 1990 (18 OCT 19:30); and, TOP HAT d. Mark Sandrich, 1935 (25 OCT 19:30).
THE FILMS OF CARLOS REYGADAS at Deptford Cinema (20 OCT to 03 NOV):
“A season of films by the Mexican filmmaker. His output explores themes of love, suffering, death, and meaning in life.” Includes:
- JAPÓN d. Carlos Reygadas, 2002 (20 OCT 19:00); and, POST TENEBRAS LUX d. Carlos Reygadas, 2012 (26 OCT 20:00).
THE FILMS OF DAVID FINCHER at The Prince Charles (15 AUG to 21 NOV):
- Includes: FIGHT CLUB 35mm d. David Fincher, 1999 (01 OCT 12:20 / 02 OCT 12:45); and, ZODIAC 35mm d. David Fincher, 2007 (17 OCT 20:15).
HALLOWEEN AT GENESIS at Genesis Cinema (27 OCT to 31 OCT):
- Includes: NEAR DARK d. Kathryn Bigelow, 1987 presented by Movies On Weekends (27 OCT 20:30); FAUST d. F.W. Murnau, 1926 + New Live Score by Grok (30 OCT 19:00); INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 35mm d. Neil Jordan, 1994 presented by The Celluloid Sorceress (31 OCT 21:00).
HARRY POTTER SEASON at The Prince Charles (03 AUG to 16 NOV):
“Every HARRY POTTER film screening over the coming months, all presented from 35mm!” Includes:
- HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX 35mm d. David Yates, 2007 (19 OCT 13:00).
HERE BE WITCHES at The Prince Charles (31 OCT to 21 NOV):
“Kicking off on Halloween and all throughout November, The Final Girls will dive deep into exploring the figure of the witch in film and TV through a season of films, discussions and a brand-new podcast.” Includes:
- THE CRAFT d. Andrew Fleming, 1996 (31 OCT 20:45).
HIDDEN FIGURES: EUZHAN PALCY at Barbican (06 to 26 OCT):
“Showcasing the work of accomplished Martinique director, Euzhan Palcy as part of Hidden Figures; a programme showcasing great directors who deserve greater recognition in the UK.” Includes:
- SUGAR CANE ALLEY 4K d. Euzhan Palcy, 1983 + Q&A with June Givanni & Priscilla Igwe (06 OCT 18:00); A DRY WHITE SEASON d. Euzhan Palcy, 1989 + Intro by Akua Gyamfi (16 OCT 18:20); and, AIMÉ CÉSAIRE: A VOICE FOR HISTORY d. Euzhan Palcy, 1994 + Intro by Professor Belinda Jack( 26 OCT 14:00).
“Deptford Cinema joins in the BFI’s nationwide three-month celebration of the musical film genre with our own special and spectacular season! Expect short films and programme notes at all screenings, and even some special guest speakers.” Includes:
- TOP HAT d. Mark Sandrich, 1935 + Short (21 OCT 19:00); and, CABIN IN THE SKY d. Vincente Minnelli, 1943 + Short (28 OCT 19:00).

HITCHCOCKTOBER at The Birds E11 (03 OCT to 01 NOV – FREE!/Paid reservations & packages available!):
“Hitch’s best, for free.” Includes:
- STRANGERS ON A TRAIN d. Alfred Hitchcock, 1951 (03 OCT 20:00); THE BIRDS d. Alfred Hitchcock, 1963 (04 OCT 20:00); VERTIGO d. Alfred Hitchcock, 1958 (10 OCT 20:00); HITCHCOCK d. Sacha Gervasi, 2012 (13 OCT 18:00); THE 39 STEPS d. Alfred Hitchcock, 1935 (17 OCT 20:00); NORTH BY NORTHWEST d. Alfred Hitchcock, 1959 (18 OCT 20:00); DIAL M FOR MURDER d. Alfred Hitchcock, 1954 (25 OCT 20:00); REBECCA d. Alfred Hitchcock, 1940 (27 OCT 14:00); PSYCHO d. Alfred Hitchcock, 1960 (31 OCT 20:00); and, 78:52 d. Alexandre O. Philippe, 2017 (01 NOV 20:00).
INGMAR BERGMAN at Deptford Cinema (ongoing):
“A season of films by the prolific and much celebrated Swedish director. Philip French referred to Bergman as ‘one of the greatest artists of the 20th century’.” Includes:
- WILD STRAWBERRIES d. Ingmar Bergman, 1957 (03 OCT 19:30).
IN THE EYES OF THE LAW at Ciné Lumière (25 AUG to 02 OCT):
“A new series of films on justice, spreading out over several months, aims to provide a small panorama of the wide range of existing films on the theme, a central preoccupation of cinema ever since Georges Méliès’s seminal 1898 film THE DREYFUS AFFAIR.” Includes:
- L’AVEU d. Costa-Gavras, 1970 (02 OCT 19:00).
IT’S… MONTY PYTHON AT 50 at BFI Southbank (SEP):
“Join us to celebrate half a century of absurdity, songs, jokes and genius, from Britain’s best-loved comedic sextet.” Includes:
- THE RISE AND RISE OF MICHAEL RIMMER d. Kevin Billington, 1970 (01 OCT 20:40).
JAMES BOND SUNDAYS at Regent Street Cinema (until 27 OCT):
“James Bond’s greatest outings, back on the big screen and followed by Q&As and autograph signings with some of the films’ female stars.” Includes:
- GOLDFINGER d. Guy Hamilton + Q&A with Dr. Monica Germanà, author of Bond Girls (27 OCT 15:00).
KAZUHIRO SODA at Deptford Cinema (06 OCT to 10 NOV):
“A season of documentary films by the Japanese filmmaker.” Includes:
- THE BIG HOUSE d. Kazuhiro Soda, 2018 (06 OCT 17:45); CAMPAIGN d. Kazuhiro Soda, 2007 (17 OCT 19:15); and, MENTAL d. Kazuhiro Soda, 2008 (23 OCT 19:15).
LIVE CULTURES at Close-Up (15 to 25 OCT):
“Making a case against human superiority in the natural world, this programme of experimental film and documentaries turns a nonhuman eye to the things which ooze, sprout, and crawl. Curated by NFTS student Ben Driscoll.” Includes:
- SLEEP HAS HER HOUSE d. Scott Barley, 2017 + Shorts (15 OCT 20:15); THE HELLSTROM CHRONICLE d. Walon Green, 1971 + Intro by Dr Amy Cutler (17 OCT 20:15); THE WILD BOYS d. Bertrand Mandico, 2017 (23 OCT 20:15); and, ARBORETUM CYCLE 16mm d. Nathaniel Dorsky, 2017 (25 OCT 19:30).

LUNCHTIME FILM SOCIETY at The Bridewell Theatre (22 OCT to 01 NOV):
“RADIANT CIRCUS & Partners present a brand new popup cinema screening daily programmes of bitesize films for busy workers, visitors & residents in the City Of London. Bring your own lunch, relax & refocus as you feast on a world of inspiring short film drama, documentary & animation.” Includes:
- BETTER UNITED (22 OCT 13:00); ABOUT US (23 OCT 13:00); FRAME BY FRAME (24 OCT 13:00); UNCONVENTIONAL U (25 OCT 13:00); SMART PHONE (29 OCT 13:00); LONDON STORIES (30 OCT 13:00); HALLOWEEN SPECIAL (31 OCT 13:00); and, THAT FRIDAY FEELING (01 NOV 13:00).
“Over 800 minutes long and a decade in the making, Argentinian filmmaker Mariano Llinás’ LA FLOR defies cinematic convention. Comprised of six independent, successive stories, the film’s complex narrative is connected by four actresses who play radically different roles throughout the film’s epic length.” Includes:
- LA FLOR: PART III d. Mariano Llinás, 2018 (01 OCT 12:30 / 02 OCT 12:30 / 03 OCT 12:30).
“A two-part exploration of an uncompromising director and the impact he’s made on recent French cinema and its actors.” Includes:
- LOULOU d. Maurice Pialat, 1980 (14 OCT 18:10); À NOS AMOURS aka To Our Loves d. Maurice Pialat, 1983 (18 OCT 18:35); Pialat Shorts 1 (19 OCT 15:45 / 23 OCT 20:45); Pialat Shorts 2 (19 OCT 18:10 / 31 OCT 20:30); Maurice Pialat: Lust for Life Illustrated Talk (21 OCT 18:15); L’ENFANCE NUE 35mm aka Naked Childhood d. Maurice Pialat, 1968 (21 OCT 20:45); LA MAISON DES BOIS (PARTS 1 – 3) d. Maurice Pialat, 1971 (26 OCT 14:00 / 28 OCT 19:50); LA MAISON DES BOIS (PARTS 4 – 5) d. Maurice Pialat, 1971 (26 OCT 17:30 / 29 OCT 20:30); LA MAISON DES BOIS (PARTS 6 – 7) d. Maurice Pialat, 1971 (26 OCT 20:10 / 31 OCT 18:10); and, NOUS NE VIEILLIRONS PAS ENSEMBLE aka We Won’t Grow Old Together d. Maurice Pialat, 1972 (17 OCT 18:30 / 29 OCT 18:20).
- Sight & Sound Deep Focus: SAVAGE NIGHTS 35mm d. Les Nuits Fauves d. Cyril Collard, 1992 (14 OCT 20:30 / 22 OCT 18:10 / 24 OCT 18:00); SOUND & FURY aka De bruit et de Fureur d. Jean-Claude Brisseau, 1988 (15 OCT 18:00 / 18 OCT 20:50); WILD REEDS 35mm aka Les Roseaux Sauvages d. André Téchiné, 1994 (15 OCT 20:45); NO FEAR, NO DIE 35mm aka S’en fout, la mort d. Claire Denis, 1990 (20 OCT 15:15 / 30 OCT 20:40); and, C’est la vie: Pialat’s legacy and the New French Realism Panel Discussion (30 OCT 18:15).
MIDNIGHT EXCESS at Rio Cinema (12 OCT to 14 DEC):
“MIDNIGHT EXCESS is a film programme from SUPAKINO that brings back the thrill of weird and wonderful late-night movies to London’s historic Rio Cinema.” Includes:
- THE DAMNED d. Joseph Losey, 1961 + Discussion with Ranjit S. Ruprai & Millicent Thomas (12 OCT 23:30); and, THE BROOD d. David Cronenberg, 1979 + Discussion with Ranjit S. Ruprai & Millicent Thomas (19 OCT 23:30).
“Dust off your dancing shoes, practice your scales and join us for some heart-lifting movies, special events and joyful singalongs.” Includes:
- COSSACKS OF THE KUBAN aka Kubanskie Kazaki d. Ivan Pyrev, 1949 + Intro by Justine Waddell (14 OCT 20:35); FAME d. Alan Parker, 1980 (15 OCT 18:05); CABIN IN THE SKY 35mm d. Vincente Minnelli, 1943 (16 OCT 18:10); LA LA LAND d. Damien Chazelle, 2016 (17 OCT 14:30); JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR d. Norman Jewison, 1973 (17 OCT 18:20); GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES d. Howard Hawks, 1953 (17 OCT 20:40); GUYS & DOLLS d. Joseph L Mankiewicz, 1955 (19 OCT 17:40); THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW d. Jim Sharman, 1975 (19 OCT 20:30); SINGING LOVEBIRDS aka Oshidori Utagassen d. Masahiro Makino, 1939 (20 OCT 15:50); SCHOOL DAZE d. Spike Lee, 1988 (22 OCT 20:30 / 30 OCT 20:30); OKLAHOMA! d. Fred Zinnemann, 1955 (23 OCT 20:10); I LOVE MELVIN 35mm d. Don Weis, 1953 (28 OCT 18:00); and, COSSACKS OF THE KUBAN aka Kubanskie Kazaki d. Ivan Pyrev, 1949 (31 OCT 18:20).
- Bob Fosse: SWEET CHARITY d. Bob Fosse, 1969 (14 OCT 14:30); and, ALL THAT JAZZ d. Bob Fosse, 1979 (14 OCT 18:00).
- Barbra Streisand: YENTL d. Barbra Streisand, 1983 (15 OCT 18:10); FUNNY GIRL d. William Wyler, 1968 (16 OCT 14:30); and, HELLO, DOLLY! d. Gene Kelly, 1969 (19 OCT 14:20).
- Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen: ON THE TOWN d. Gene Kelly & Stanley Donen, 1949 (16 OCT 20:30); DU BARRY WAS A LADY 35mm d. Roy Del Ruth, 1943 (22 OCT 18:10); FUNNY FACE d. Stanley Donen, 1957 (24 OCT 20:30 / 26 OCT 20:45); Gene Kelly: The Legacy – An Evening with Patricia Ward Kelly (25 OCT 19:00); and, ON THE TOWN d. Gene Kelly & Stanley Donen, 1949 + Intro by Patricia Ward Kelly (26 OCT 15:00).
- Talks & Events: Philosophical Screens: The Spectacle of Religion (17 OCT 20:20); 50th Anniversary: GOODBYE, MR. CHIPS 35mm d. Herbert Ross, 1969 (20 OCT 17:15); What is a Film Musical? Panel Discussion (24 OCT 18:15); Study Day: Hollywood Musical Stars (26 OCT 12:00); and, ROCK FOLLIES d. Jon Scoffield & Brian Farnham, 1976 + Q&A with actors Rula Lenska & Charlotte Cornwell, writer Howard Schuman & composer Andy Mackay (27 OCT 12:00).
- Re-releases: Launch Evening: SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN d. Gene Kelly & Stanley Donen, 1952 + Intro (18 OCT 18:20); SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN d. Gene Kelly & Stanley Donen, 1952 (18 to 31 OCT); and, SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN d. Gene Kelly & Stanley Donen, 1952 + Intro by Patricia Ward Kelly (24 OCT 20:20).
- Family Screenings: WILLY WONKA & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY d. Mel Stuart, 1971 (20 OCT 12:30); and, ALADDIN d. John Musker & Ron Clements, 1992 (22 OCT 14:00 / 23 OCT 14:00).

NEWMAN’S OWN: THE EARLY FILMS OF PAUL NEWMAN at Regent Street Cinema (01 SEP to 27 OCT):
“Paul Newman – the man with the most famous blue eyes in history – rose to fame when he starred in CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF, then cemented his status in Hollywood with a string of hits.” Includes:
- BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID d. George Roy Hill, 1969 (13 OCT 19:00); COOL HAND LUKE d. Stuart Rosenberg, 1967 (16 OCT 20:00); HUD d. Martin Ritt, 1963 (20 OCT 19:30); and, THE HUSTLER d. Robert Rossen, 1961 (27 OCT 19:30).
NIGHTCLEANERS & ’36 TO ’77 at DocHouse (31 OCT to 06 NOV):
“Two classics of ’70s British political protest cinema made by the Berwick Film Collective.” Includes:
- NIGHTCLEANERS d. Berwick Street Film Collective & Marc Karlin & Mary Kelly & James Scott & Humphry Trevelyan, 1975 + Intro by Professor Sally Alexander (31 OCT 18:30).
“What happens in bars and clubs across the world after dark? This season takes you on a nocturnal journey full of passion, transgression and joy, through New York’s Studio 54, unified Berlin, neon-lit Taipei, and rough and ready Mexico City, as well as exploring the vanishing queer spaces of London.” Includes:
- Queer Erasure? London’s LGBTQ+ Nightlife on Film + Q&A with Amy Lamé (15 OCT 18:30); 54 [Directors Cut] d. Mark Christopher, 1998 (18 OCT 18:30); BERLIN BOUNCER d. David Dietl, 2019 (19 OCT 16:00); MILLENIUM MAMBO d. Hsiao-Hsien Hou, 2001 (25 OCT 18:30); and, LOS CAIFANES aka The Outsiders d. Juan Ibáñez, 1967 (29 OCT 19:00).
ONCE UPON A TIME WITH TARANTINO at The Prince Charles (ongoing):
- Includes: ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD 35mm d. Quentin Tarantino, 2019 (pretty much daily until 10 OCT).
ROM COMS at Everyman Maida Vale (20 OCT to 10 NOV).
“Warm up with some of our favourite rom coms this Autumn at Everyman Maida Vale.” Includes:
- WHEN HARRY MET SALLY d. Rob Reiner, 1989 (20 OCT 13:00); and, HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS d. Donald Petrie, 2003 (27 OCT 13:00).
SAMURAI SUNDAYS at Deptford Cinema (27 OCT to 24 NOV):
“The SAMURAI SUNDAYS season has been programmed by Peter Blunden, and is kindly supported by the London East Asia Film Festival.” Includes:
- HARAKIRI d. Masaki Kobayashi, 1962 (27 OCT 19:30).
SCI-FI SUNDAYS at Deptford Cinema (ongoing):
“An afternoon movie and a little something extra on the last Sunday of the month.” Includes:
- VIDEODROME d. David Cronenberg, 1983 (27 OCT 15:30).
SYSTEM OF CARE at Deptford Cinema (14 OCT to 24 NOV):
Wavelength presents: “A new season of non-fiction films exploring care for the elderly, the mentally ill and neuro-diverse adults.” Includes:
- ISLAND d. Steven Eastwood, 2017 + Q&A with the director (14 OCT 19:15); and, AMÉRICA d. Erick Stoll & Chase Whiteside, 2018 + Short: CHIYO d. Chiemi Shimada, 2019 + Intro by Chiemi Shimada (24 OCT 19:15).
THE TALENTED MR DELON at Ciné Lumière (20 OCT to 26 NOV):
“Les Classiques will be dedicated to legendary French actor Alain Delon, showcasing a selection of films by the greatest directors from René Clément to Michelangelo Antonioni.” Includes:
- MR KLEIN d. Joseph Losey, 1976 (20 OCT 14:00 / 22 OCT 18:30 + Intro by Prof. Ginette Vincendeau); and, LE CERCLE ROUGE d. Jean-Pierre Melville, 1970 (27 OCT 14:00 / 30 OCT 18:30).
THRILLERS & KILLERS & MONSTERS, OH MY! at The Prince Charles (27 SEP to 01 NOV):
“We bring you a strand of dark, twisted, scary, fun and bloody cinema!” Includes:
- AMERICAN PSYCHO 35mm d. Mary Harron, 2000 enjoys a grind show run (until 09 OCT); HOCUS POCUS 35mm d. Kenny Ortega, 1993 (01 OCT 18:20); DEATH BECOMES HER 35mm d. Robert Zemeckis, 1992 (01 OCT 20:45); THE LOVE WITCH d. Anna Biller, 2016 (02 OCT 21:00); CHILD’S PLAY 1 & 2 35mm d. Tom Holland & John Lafia, 1988 & 1990 2 Films, 1 Ticket (04 OCT 21:10); FRIGHT NIGHT d. Tom Holland, 1985 (05 OCT 21:00); THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER d. Roger Corman, 1960 (06 OCT 13:00); CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST d. Ruggero Deodato, 1980 (06 OCT 21:00 / 08 OCT 12:45 / 10 OCT 16:05); CRITTERS d. Stephen Herek, 1986 (07 OCT 20:45); IT FOLLOWS d. David Robert Mitchell, 2014 (08 OCT 21:00); CONSTANTINE 35mm d. Francis Lawrence, 2005 (09 OCT 21:00); YOU’RE NEXT d. Adam Wingard, 2011 (10 OCT 21:00); 28 DAYS LATER + 28 WEEKS LATER d. Danny Boyle & Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, 2002 & 2007 (11 OCT 21:00); THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE 35mm + THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 2 35mm d. Tobe Hooper, 1974 + 1986 (12 OCT 21:00); AUDITION 35mm d. Takashi Miike, 1999 (13 OCT 21:00); Monster Triple Feature: FRANKENSTEIN, DRACULA & MONSTER SQUAD d. ames Whale, Tod Browning & Fred Dekker, 1931 & 1987 (15 OCT 18:15); GET OUT d. Jordan Peele, 2017 (16 OCT 18:20); HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER d. John McNaughton, 1986 (17 OCT 18:10); ZODIAC 35mm d. David Fincher, 2007 (17 OCT 20:15); THE LOST BOYS 35mm d. Joel Schumacher, 1987 enjoys a grind show run (18 to 24 OCT); THE SHINING [Extended Version] d. Stanley Kubrick, 1980 enjoys a grind show run (18 to 24 OCT); THE MUMMY d. Karl Freund, 1932 (19 OCT 16:15); PARANORMAN d. Chris Butler & Sam Fell, 2012 (20 OCT 13:30); THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER d. Charles Laughton, 1955 (20 OCT 16:00); CARRIE d. Brian De Palma, 1976 ( 21 OCT 18:20); CHRISTINE d. John Carpenter, 1983 (21 OCT 20:40); JENNIFER’S BODY 35mm d. Karyn Kusama, 2009 (22 OCT 18:20); GINGER SNAPS d. John Fawcett, 2000 (22 OCT 20:45); WHAT LIES BENEATH d. Robert Zemeckis, 2000 (24 OCT 18:10); AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON d. John Landis, 1981 (24 OCT 18:20); SUSPIRIA d. Dario Argento, 1977 enjoys a grind show run (25 to 31 OCT); SUSPIRIA d. Luca Guadagnino, 2018 (25 OCT 20:30); LITTLE MONSTERS d. Richard Greenberg, 1989 (26 OCT 13:00); THE WOLF MAN d. George Waggner, 1941 (26 OCT 14:00); BEETLEJUICE d. Tim Burton, 1988 (26 OCT 16:00); PSYCHO d. Alfred Hitchcock, 1960 (26 OCT 18:20); CASPER 35mm d. Brad Silberling, 1995 (27 OCT 13:00); CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON 35mm d. Jack Arnold, 1954 (27 OCT 15:20); THE EXORCIST [Theatrical Cut] 35mm d. William Friedkin, 1973 (27 OCT 17:30); THE FRIGHTENERS 35mm d. Peter Jackson, 1996 (27 OCT 20:30); THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT 35mm d. Daniel Myrick & Eduardo Sánchez, 1999 (28 OCT 18:25); HÄXAN d. Benjamin Christensen, 1922 + Live Score by The Begotten (28 OCT 20:45); SCREAM 35mm + SCREAM 2 35mm d. Wes Craven, 1996 + 1997 (29 OCT 18:20); DRAG ME TO HELL d. Sam Raimi, 2009 (30 OCT 18:20); SHAUN OF THE DEAD 35mm d. Edgar Wright, 2004 (30 OCT 21:00); THE CRAFT d. Andrew Fleming, 1996 (31 OCT 20:45); and, THE SIXTH SENSE d. M. Night Shyamalan, 1999 (03 NOV 20:45).
- Marathons: HORROR MOVIE MARATHON 6 Films, 1 Ticket (18 OCT 21:15); JOHN CARPENTER MARATHON 6 Films, 1 Ticket (18 OCT 23:59); CLASSIC HORROR MARATHON 6 Films, 1 Ticket (19 OCT 21:00 / 26 OCT 21:00); TEEN HORROR MARATHON 6 Films, 1 Ticket (19 OCT 21:15); A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET MARATHON 7 Films, 1 Ticket (25 OCT 23:59); and, THE EVIL DEAD TRILOGY 3 Films, 1 Ticket (01 NOV 18:35).
TNB BHM2019 various venues (07 to 31 OCT):
The New Black Film Collective celebrates Black History Month. Includes:
- HITSVILLE: THE MAKING OF MOTOWN d. Gabe Turner & Benjamin Turner, 2019 + Panel + Performance (03 OCT 20:30 – Stratford East Picturehouse); TEDDY PENDERGRASS: IF YOU DON’T KNOW ME d. Olivia Lichtenstein, 2018 + Q&A (04 OCT 18:00 – St Paul’s Way Community Centre); RUDEBOY: THE STORY OF TROJAN RECORDS d. Nicolas Jack Davies, 2018 + Panel + Performance presented by Doc’n Roll Festival (07 OCT 20:30 – Stratford East Picturehouse); AMAZING GRACE d. Alan Elliott & Sydney Pollack, 2018 + Panel + Performance (17 OCT 20:30 – Stratford East Picturehouse); RAFIKI d. Wanuri Kahiu, 2018 + Q&A (18 OCT 18:00 – St Paul’s Way Community Centre); MILES DAVIS: BIRTH OF THE COOL d. Stanley Nelson, 2019 + Panel + Performance (24 OCT 20:30 – Stratford East Picturehouse); MA d. Tate Taylor, 2019 + Q&A (25 OCT 18:00 – St Paul’s Way Community Centre); and, INNA DE YARD d. Peter Webber, 2019 + Panel + Performance (31 OCT 20:30 – Stratford East Picturehouse).

TOGETHER ALONE at Rio Cinema (26 to 27 OCT):
“A season of four absorbing, thought-provoking independent films exploring solitude from different and often surprising perspectives. Curated by NFTS student Octavian Dancila.” Includes:
- BULANTI aka Nausea d. Zeki Demirkubuz, 2015 + NOTHING PERSONAL d. Urszula Antoniak, 2009 + Spoken Word Performance by Miss Yankey (26 OCT 13:00); and, DISTANT aka Uzak d. Nuri Bilge Ceylan, 2002 + A COFFEE IN BERLIN aka OH, BOY! d. Jan Ole Gerster, 2013 (27 OCT 13:00).
WITCHES & VAMPIRES at House Of Vans (03 to 27 OCT – FREE!/No booking required):
“For the month of magic and darkness, House of Vans brings you some of our favourite films featuring some of our favourite dark magical creatures.” Includes:
- THE LOST BOYS (03 OCT 17:00 & 19:15); THE WITCHES OF EASTWICK (05 OCT 15:00 & 17:30); INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE (06 OCT 14:00 & 16:00); PRACTICAL MAGIC (13 OCT 14:00 & 16:00); VAMPIRE HUNTER D: BLOODLUST (19 OCT 15:00 & 17:30); HOCUS POCUS (20 OCT 14:00 & 16:00); THE CRAFT (26 OCT 15:00 & 17:30); and, BLOOD: THE LAST VAMPIRE (27 OCT 14:00 & 16:00).

Film festivals in London this month include:
- BFI London Film Festival (02 to 13 OCT).
- Black Cultural Archives Film Festival (04 to 14 OCT).
- Black Sunday Film Festival (25 to 27 OCT).
- Bloomsbury Festival (11 to 20 OCT).
- London East Asia Film Festival (24 OCT to 03 NOV).
- London Surf / Film Festival (09 to 12 OCT).
- Native Spirit Festival (12 to 20 OCT).
- Ocean Film Festival World Tour (14 to 19 OCT).
- Pop-Up Eco Film Festival (25 to 28 OCT).
- Roger Moore Film Festival (13 OCT).
- Romanian Film Festival In London (24 to 28 OCT).
- Soho A Go Go Film Festival (04 to 06 OCT).
- Top Dog Film Festival UK Tour (01 to 02 OCT).
- UK Green Film Festival (30 OCT to 09 NOV).
- UK Iranian Film Festival (25 to 30 OCT).
- Wimbledon International Short Film Festival (06 OCT).
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*THE SMALL PRINT: As accurate as we could make it. Apologies for any errors. Apologies if we have missed your event. Updates & corrections will be made to the online version. Event dates/times are subject to change by the venue/organiser. We try to only list events you can book for at the time of posting: however, some events may already be sold out. Please click quickly! We don’t filter by age/certification: all readers & subscribers should be 18+.