SCREEN GUIDE: Films in London this week [02 to 08 NOV 2018]
RADIANT CIRCUS is your handcrafted guide to London’s DIY, indie & alternative movie nights, film events & gallery screenings. Our latest SCREEN GUIDE helps you find great films in London this week*.
FRI 02 // SAT 03 // SUN 04 // MON 05 // TUE 06 // WED 07 // THU 08
Featured attraction: Filikino presents ALIPATO: THE VERY BRIEF LIFE OF AN EMBER + RECORDED Q&A with director Khavn De La Cruz at Genesis Cinema (05 NOV 18:30): “Khavn De La Cruz, one of the Philippine’s most prolific filmmakers, gives us this hyperkinetic mind-fuck, offering up an image of Manila that is frightening – not so much in its otherworldly qualities as in its familiarity.”
Find films in London this week by: SINGLE-O EXHIBITS (one-off attractions) // MUSEUM SHOWS (several exhibits under one roof – seasons & festivals) // GRIND SHOWS (a selection of regular runs).
FRI 02

I CAN’T THINK STRAIGHT + Q&A at The Prince Charles (02 NOV 18:25):
- ClexaCon London 2018 presents: Based on the book of the same name, I CAN’T THINK STRAIGHT tells the story of Tala, daughter to wealthy Christian Palestinians Reema and Omar, in the upper echelons of traditional Middle Eastern society. As they prepare for her marriage to Hani in Jordan, Tala encounters Leyla, a young British Indian Muslim woman who is dating Tala’s best friend Ali.
MAMA COLONEL at CentrE17 (02 NOV 19:15):
- Last Frame Club presents: Colonel Honorine Manyole, commonly known as ‘Mama Colonel’, works for the Congolese police force and heads the unit for the protection of minors and the fight against sexual violence. This film addresses the issue of violence towards women and children in the DRC and the difficulty of overcoming the past war.
MAN AND BEYOND + Q&A with filmmakers Antonio Barbaro & Albert Sobilo at Harris Academy South Norwood (02 NOV 19:45):
- Screen25 presents: Celebrate World Vegan Day with an exclusive preview of MAN AND BEYOND, a unique insight into the vegan lifestyle through the eyes of Albert, a sufferer of a lifelong illness that he has been battling through with passion, determination and adopting a plant-based diet.
Philosophy and Film: Immersion in Hitchcock inc. SHADOW OF A DOUBT + Q&A at Birkbeck Cinema (02 NOV 13:30 – Free!);
- The aim of this event is to explore the experience of (narrative) immersion in film from both a philosophical and an empirical perspective, with a focus on Hitchcock’s use of immersive techniques. Includes a screening of Hitchcock’s ‘favourite’ among his own films.
More films in London today (A – Z): AFTERMATH + Q&A with Dr. Simron Singh who appears in the film at the Royal Anthropological Institute (02 NOV 19:00 – Free!). DANCE WITH US + YUGEN at Regent Street Cinema (02 NOV 15:30). HALLOWEEN (1978) at The Prince Charles (02 NOV 16:00). Halloween Special – Sitges Film Festival short film programme presented by CinemaAttic London (02 NOV 19:30). KISS ME DEADLY at BFI (02 NOV 18:20). MAGIC MIKE XXL at The Prince Charles (02 NOV 21:00). MIRAI at Genesis Cinema (02 NOV 18:35). MIRAI at The Prince Charles (02 NOV 20:45). THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WIND at Deptford Cinema (02 NOV 15:00). SHIRKERS at ICA (02 NOV 13:00). Walking in the Middle of the Road: Working-class homecoming in British TV Drama at Birkbeck Cinema (02 NOV 18:00).
SAT 03

- A screening of recent works commissioned by the ICA.
- A IS FOR ARTIST: Ayo Akingbade’s black and white 16mm short is a contemplative meditation on what it means to sustain oneself and grow as an artist.
- APHRA AND ARADIA: Célia Hay’s longform film follows Aphra, a young woman who travels to a desolate island to meet Aradia, a local witch.
HERE. NOW. SKATEBOARDING IN ATHENS. at House Of Vans (03 NOV 17:30 – Free! / No Booking Required):
- An evening of film screenings celebrating Athens, skateboarding and empowering refugees and locals in their city.
PLAY IT AS IT LAYS at Barbican (03 NOV 16:00):
- New Suns: Feminist Literary Festival presents: An ultra-rare screening of the 1972 adaptation of Joan Didion’s cult novel, starring Tuesday Weld and Anthony Perkins: ‘I know what nothing means, and keep on playing.’
More films in London today (A – Z): BAD REPUTATION presented by Genesisters at Genesis Cinema (03 NOV 21:00). BENEATH THE CLOCKTOWER at ArtHouse Crouch End (03 NOV 15:00). THE BIG LEBOWSKI at The Prince Charles (03 NOV 18:10). BLADE RUNNER: DOUBLE FEATURE at The Prince Charles (03 NOV 21:00). BULLITT at The Prince Charles (03 NOV 15:30). FAHRENHEIT 11/9 at Regent Street Cinema (03 NOV 13:30). LIFT TO THE SCAFFOLD aka Ascenseur pour l’échafaud at BFI (03 NOV 20:50). THE LOST HONOUR OF KATHARINA BLUM at Picturehouse Central (03 NOV 13:05). MALCOLM X: An Overwhelming Influence on the Black Power Movement presented by Black History Studies at The Ritzy (03 NOV 12:00). MR KLEIN presented by Fruitvale Film Club at Birkbeck Cinema (03 NOV 14:00 – Free!). SOME LIKE IT HOT at ArtHouse Crouch End (03 NOV 16:20). SOME LIKE IT HOT at Barbican (03 NOV 17:50). WORLDS OF URSULA K. LE GUIN at DocHouse (03 NOV 16:30).
SUN 04

THE BURYING PARTY + Q&A with director Richard Weston & actor Matthew Staite at Genesis Cinema (04 NOV 18:00):
- Sine Wave Media presents Wilfred Owen biopic THE BURYING PARTY, on the 100th anniversary of the war poet’s tragic death in WW1. Starring Matthew Staite as Wilfred Owen, Sid Phoenix as Siegfried Sassoon and Joyce Branagh as Susan Owen.
Fireflies #6: Alain Guiraudie: THAT OLD DREAM THAT MOVES 35mm + Albert Serra: BIRDSONG at Close-Up (04 NOV 18:00 & 20:00):
- The launch of Fireflies Issue #6 explores the cinemas of Alain Guiraudie and Albert Serra. A Catalan iconoclast and a radical dreamer from the south of France, Serra and Guiraudie are two of the most compelling voices in cinema today.
LOVE’S CRUCIBLE aka Vem Dömer + INTRO by Bryony Dixon + LIVE ACCOMPANIMENT by Stephen Horne at BFI Southbank (04 NOV 13:50):
- A special treat for Halloween is Sjöström’s little-known gem, which supplies sumptuous renaissance settings, martial hatred, creepy monks peddling poison and a great ‘burn the witch’ moment.
More films in London today (A – Z): 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY at Picturehouse Central (04 NOV 15:30 – Other Picturehouses available!). AN ARTIST’S EYES + Q&A with director Jack Bond at ArtHouse Crouch End (04 NOV 17:00). Connan Mockasin: On Film presented by Deeper Into Movies at Moth Club (04 NOV 15:00). DOWN TO EARTH + INTRO at Hackney Picturehouse (04 NOV 12:00). THE GUARDIANS at Whirled Cinema (04 NOV 18:00). MANDY presented by Deeper Into Movies at Moth Club (04 NOV 20:00). MIRAI at Genesis Cinema (04 NOV 15:25). NOSFERATU THE VAMPYRE aka Noseferatu: Phantom der Nacht at BFI (04 NOV 20:15). NUREYEV: ALL THE WORLD HIS STAGE at DocHouse (04 NOV 13:30). PERFECT BLUE at The Prince Charles (04 NOV 18:10). SCRAMBLED at House Of Vans (04 NOV 16:00 – Free! / No Booking Required). SHADOW OF THE THIN MAN presented by Kennington Talkies at The Cinema Museum (04 NOV 14:30). SHIRKERS at ICA (04 NOV 21:25). SOME LIKE IT HOT at Barbican (04 NOV 13:30).
MON 05

ALIPATO: THE VERY BRIEF LIFE OF AN EMBER + RECORDED Q&A with director Khavn De La Cruz at Genesis Cinema (05 NOV 18:30):
- Filikino presents: Khavn De La Cruz, one of the Philippine’s most prolific filmmakers, gives us this hyperkinetic mind-fuck, offering up an image of Manila that is frightening – not so much in its otherworldly qualities as in its familiarity.
PRINCE OF DARKNESS at Picturehouse Central (05 NOV 21:10 – Other Picturehouses available!):
- Deep in the basement of an abandoned church, once run by a sinister religious sect, lies a strange bottle of green liquid being investigated by a group of local theoretic physics students. But as the night draws on the students soon realise that the strange relic holds a dark and powerful force beyond their control.
V FOR VENDETTA + A BEER/CIDER presented by Truman’s Brewery at Genesis Cinema (05 NOV 21:00):
- Following world war, London is a police state occupied by a fascist government, and a vigilante known only as V (Hugo Weaving) uses terrorist tactics to fight the oppressors of the world in which he now lives. When V saves a young woman named Evey (Natalie Portman) from the secret police, he discovers an ally in his fight against England’s oppressors.
- Also V FOR VENDETTA 35mm at The Prince Charles (05 NOV 20:45).
More films in London today (A – Z): BIGGER THAN LIFE 35mm at BFI (05 NOV 20:30). HALLOWEEN (1978) at The Prince Charles (05 NOV 15:30). THE WICKER MAN [1973] at The Prince Charles (05 NOV 18:30).
TUE 06

FLAG WARS at Barbican (06 NOV 18:30):
- Architecture On Film presents a UK premiere: Laura Poitras (CITIZENFOUR) and Linda Bryant’s award winning observation of complex urban conflicts, as a black working class neighbourhood receives an influx of white homosexual homebuyers.
HIT THE NIGHT + Q&A with director Jeong Ga-young at ICA (06 NOV 18:30):
- Under the pretext of carrying out research for her new scenario, director Ga-young plays the lead in HIT THE NIGHT as a filmmaker, and interviews a man she’s been wanting to get to know. Asking him to consider her a friend, she begins to draw out details of his sexual fantasies and relationship status, and her real intentions for the meeting slowly become clear.
Sci-Fi Short Films & Networking at St Margaret’s House (06 NOV 18:30):
- The Film Bunch presents: A sci-fi themed screening that’s out of this world. Join us as we screen some of the best short films and eat popping candy. Our mission is to improve access for deaf and hard-of-hearing people to mainstream short films, so we provide English captions and BSL interpreters.
More films in London today (A – Z): AUTUMN SONATA presented by Tufnell Park Film Club at The Lord Palmerston (06 NOV 20:00). CONTEMPORARY COLOR at The Prince Charles (06 NOV 18:00). CRAZY RICH ASIANS at The David Lean (06 NOV 19:30). FAHRENHEIT 11/9 at Regent Street Cinema (06 NOV 20:45). FRANTZ + Q&A with film critic Ginette Vincendeau presented by Wimbledon Film Club at Curzon HMV (06 NOV 20:30). HALLOWEEN (1978) at The Prince Charles (06 NOV 13:00). NOSFERATU THE VAMPYRE aka Noseferatu: Phantom der Nacht at BFI (06 NOV 20:55). WILDLIFE at Picturehouse Central (06 NOV 18:30 – Other Picturehouses available!). WILDLIFE preview at BFI (06 NOV 20:50). WORLDS OF URSULA K. LE GUIN at DocHouse (06 NOV 20:30).
WED 07

INVISIBLE BATTALION + PANEL at Frontline Club (07 NOV 19:00):
- Invisible Battalion consists of six stories of servicewomen told by three Ukrainian film directors: Iryna Tsilyk, Svitlana Lischynska and Alina Gorlova. The film’s protagonists are different by their life experience, age, military and civil professions, but all of them united by this war.
THE OTHER SIDE OF EVERYTHING + Q&A with director Mila Turajlic at DocHouse (07 NOV 18:20):
- London premiere: In Belgrade, an apartment is divided in two by a door, which has been permanently locked for over 70 years. The apartment, which was divided on the order of Yugoslavia’s then communist government, is where director Mila Turajlic’s mother was born, and where Mila grew up herself.
- Then shows 09 to 11 NOV.
PRINCIPAL DANCER + Q&A with dancer Thiago Soares at Regent Street Cinema (07 NOV 19:00):
- A mesmerizing look on how an artist’s journey is defined by his ability to challenge his own limits. Brazilian hip-hop dancer turned into Royal Ballet’s principal Thiago Soares unveils ROH backstage as he rehearses alongside some of the most outstanding names in contemporary dance – and prepares a trip back home to face one of the most challenging performances in his career.
More films in London today (A – Z): AN ARTIST’S EYES + Q&A with director Jack Bond at Rio Cinema (07 NOV 17:00). APOSTASY presented by Pitshanger Pictures at St. Barnabas Millennium Halls (07 NOV 20:15). BALL OF FIRE at Regent Street Cinema (07 NOV 12:00 & 15:30). BLACK ’47 presented by Filmbox Community Cinema at Langley Park Centre (07 NOV 19:30). HACKERS 35mm at The Prince Charles (07 NOV 20:30). LIZZIE preview at BFI (07 NOV 18:20). O BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU? 35mm at The Prince Charles (07 NOV 18:20). OCEAN’S 8 presented by Filmbox Community Cinema at Langley Park Centre (07 NOV 19:45). THE RIDER presented by Screen25 at Harris Academy South Norwood (07 NOV 19:45). ROMEO + JULIET 35mm presented by 69 Colebrooke Row at Everyman Screen On The Green (07 NOV 20:00). TALES OF THE SILK ROAD: TURKEY short film programme presented by Shorts On Tap & The Bagri Foundation at 93 Feet East (07 NOV 19:00). THE THIRD MAN presented by Twickenham Film Club at The Exchange (07 NOV 19:30). THOR: RAGNAROK at The Prince Charles (07 NOV 20:45). THRONE OF BLOOD + INTRO by Dr Alastair Phillips at BFI (07 NOV 18:10). Y TU MAMÁ TAMBIÉN at Deptford Cinema (07 NOV 20:00).
THU 08

70 YEARS OF NAKBA: A collection of Palestinian Shorts + INTRO/PANEL at Genesis Cinema (08 NOV 18:30):
- The People’s Film Club presents: a diverse programme of short films by both young and established Palestinian film-makers. The first part of the programme reflects directly on the events of the Nakba (the 1948 Catastrophe) and the dream of return. The second part explores contemporary experiences, through traditional documentary, docu-drama and the film essay.
- All proceeds to Middle East Children’s Alliance.
- Urban Lab Films presents: In the 1960s, renowned scientist, inventor and comic-strip author Athelstan Spilhaus, dreams of a new kind of city environment. Alarmed by a growing environmental crisis in America, he designs a domed metropolis where technology and innovative design eradicate the excessive pollution and waste levels typical in contemporary cityscapes.
OCEAN STORIES – CINE MAR SURF FILM NIGHT at Genesis Cinema (08 NOV 20:30):
- The Cine Mar – Surf Film Night presents the latest and award-winning ocean stories. This time we will change the perspective and take a look behind the scenes. Who are the people behind the camera lenses? Who can produce a surf movie and what exactly does it take?
More films in London today (A – Z): BLADE 35mm at The Prince Charles (08 NOV 21:10 – £1 PCC Members Screening). THE LITTLE STRANGER at The David Lean (08 NOV 14:30 & 19:30). The Miskatonic Institute of Horror Studies – Cabinet of Curiosities: The Strange Case of the Scala Cinema with instructor Jane Giles at The Horse Hospital (08 NOV 19:00). MOUCHETTE 35mm at BFI (08 NOV 20:45).
SEASONS (by event/venue)

70mm PRESENTATIONS at The Prince Charles (ongoing):
- Bringing regular 70mm presentations back to the West End with: 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY 70mm new ‘unrestored’ print (04 NOV 20:30 / 06 NOV 20:15).
A SPIKE LEE MIXTAPE at Deptford Cinema (until 06 NOV):
- For Black History Month. Includes: CHI-RAQ (06 NOV 19:00).
CINÉ LUMIÈRE 20TH ANNIVERSARY at Ciné Lumière (until 28 NOV):
- Ciné Lumière celebrates its 20th anniversary in style with a series of festive screenings. Includes: RETURN OF THE HERO (08 NOV 18:30).
- One of the most revelatory voices to emerge from the postwar explosion of international art-house cinema, Ingmar Bergman was a master storyteller who startled the world with his stark intensity and naked pursuit of the most profound metaphysical and spiritual questions. Includes: SUMMER WITH MONIKA (02 NOV 20:15); and, AUTUMN SONATA (05 NOV 20:15).
- In anticipation of the UK premiere of Nuri Bilge Ceylan’s new film, THE WILD PEAR TREE, at the London Film Festival, this programme presents the Turkish auteur’s three preceding features. Includes: UZAK 35mm (03 NOV 18:00); and, CLIMATES 35mm (03 NOV 20:30).
- “A compelling and urgent voice in contemporary cinema that we think you should hear.” Includes: THE SACRED FAMILY aka La Sagrada Familia (05 NOV 18:00).
COMEDY GENIUS at BFI Southbank (OCT 2018 to JAN 2019):
- “Tons of side-splitting film and TV, whether you like your comedy straight-up, slapstick or smutty.” Includes: HIS GIRL FRIDAY (04 NOV 15:30); A CHUMP AT OXFORD 35mm (04 NOV 18:15); THE CABLE GUY (04 NOV 20:10); BFI Screen Epiphany: Felicity Kendal introduces SOME LIKE IT HOT at BFI (06 NOV 18:10); WHAT’S UP, DOC? 35mm (06 NOV 18:30); Henning Wehn: Are Germans Funny?+ MANTA, MANTA + Q&A with director Wolfgang Büld (06 NOV 20:30); I LOVE LUCY clips & conversation (07 NOV 18:15); and, GIRLS TRIP (07 NOV 20:30).
- SOME LIKE IT HOT enjoys a grind show run (02 to 18 NOV).
- Jennifer Saunders in Conversation (05 NOV 18:30).
FRANKENSTEIN FOREVER at Deptford Cinema (02 to 30 NOV):
- A celebration of the cinematic legacy of Mary Shelley’s novel featuring some of the weirdest, wackiest and most bizarre films inspired by Shelley’s imagination. Includes: THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW + PARTY (02 NOV 19:00).
- This two-month season spotlight’s Fonda’s finest screen moments, from camp space adventures to tense thrillers and moving drama. Includes: CAT BALLOU 35mm(02 NOV 20:40); BARBARELLA (03 NOV 20:40); and, BAREFOOT IN THE PARK (04 NOV 18:00).
JEAN COCTEAU RETROSPECTIVE at Ciné Lumière (until 18 NOV):
- Includes: ORPHÉE (until 15 NOV); LA BELLE ET LA BÊTE (04 NOV 14:00); and, L’AIGLE À DEUX TÊTES (06 NOV 18:30).
- See also (below): Sight & Sound presents FANTASTIQUE: THE DREAM WORLDS OF FRENCH CINEMA at BFI Southbank (OCT to NOV).
LOOKING BACK, LOOKING FORWARD at Classic Cinema Club – Ealing (NOV to DEC):
- An eclectic mix of films that cover different points in recent history. Includes: WHEN I SAW YOU as part of the Hanwell Palestine Festival (02 NOV 19:30).
- Seán McGovern presents: Ross Hunter, at one time, was a force in Hollywood. “A Ross Hunter Production” had certain hallmarks: a campy, sometimes manic sensibility, overwrought emotion and high-octane melodrama. But Ross Hunter has largely been forgotten. Until now… Includes: IMITATION OF LIFE (08 NOV 19:30).
- Francesco Maria Carreri presents a four-part programme of films that use the technique of found footage to retell the history of the 20th century. Includes: OUR CENTURY + PERFECT FILM (07 NOV 20:15); and, FROM THE POLE TO THE EQUATOR (08 NOV 20:15).
- “Unravel the beauty and magic of this distinct poet-filmmaker from Orkney.” Includes: Film Poems + DISCUSSION with Anna Coatman, So Mayer, Lucy Reynolds & Peter Todd (05 NOV 18:10); and, Experimenta Presents: Cross-generation Dialogue: The Margaret Tait Award + Q&A (05 NOV 20:45).
SEAN MCALLISTER RETROSPECTIVE at Deptford Cinema (03 to 04 NOV):
- Includes: THE RELUCTANT REVOLUTIONARY (03 NOV 13:30); A SYRIAN LOVE STORY (03 NOV 15:15); JAPAN: A STORY OF LOVE AND HATE (04 NOV 14:00); and, A NORTHERN SOUL + Q&A with director Sean McAllister (04 NOV 15:30).
- Weekend pass available.
- Incorporating fantasy, horror and science fiction, the French fantastique genre has a weird and wonderful tradition of its own. Includes: LES VISITEURS DU SOIR 35mm (02 NOV 20:30); LA MAIN DU DIABLE 35mm(03 NOV 20:20); THE WEDDING RING aka L’alliance 35mm (07 NOV 20:40); and, FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER 35mm La Chute De La Maison Usher + LIVE ACCOMPANIMENT by Stephen Horne (08 NOV 18:30).
- ORPHÉE enjoys a grind show run (until 08 NOV).
STUDIO GHIBLI FOREVER at The Prince Charles (until 06 JAN 2019):
- Legendary films from the greatest animation house on the planet. Includes: PONYO (04 NOV 13:20).
- The English Dubs are also screening if you need them (tickets £4).
FILM FESTIVALS (by date/duration)

Film festivals in London this week include:
- Czech100: Made In Prague Festival (02 to 04 NOV).
- Doc’n Roll Film Festival (01 to 18 NOV).
- Film Africa (02 to 11 NOV).
- London East Asia Film Festival (25 OCT to 04 NOV).
- London Korean Film Festival (01 to 25 NOV).
- UK Iranian Film Festival (26 OCT to 05 NOV)
- Unrestricted View Horror Film Festival (29 OCT to 04 NOV).
- Utopia: 9th Portuguese Film Festival (30 OCT to 29 NOV).

BLACK MOTHER at ArtHouse Crouch End (02 to 08 NOV):
- Part film, part baptism, director Khalik Allah embarks on a spiritual exploration through Jamaica. Soaking up its bustling metropolises and tranquil countryside, Allah introduces a succession of vividly rendered souls who call the island home.
MIRAI at ICA (02 to 08 NOV):
- Four-year-old Kun has a new baby sister, and the loving attention once lavished on him by his parents appears to evaporate instantly. With his mother and father preoccupied, Kun experiences the arrival of his sister Mirai as competition for their love.
SUSPIRIA (1977) at The Prince Charles (02 to 15 NOV):
- Dario Argento is Europe’s leading horror director and his SUSPIRIA is a masterpiece, situated between art-house aesthetics and splatter gore-fest. Argento’s expressionist hyper-assault on our senses is legendary!
More films in London this week (A – Z): AN EVENING WITH BEVERLY LUFF LINN at The Prince Charles (02 to 08 NOV). THE DEMINER at The Montpellier (until 07 NOV). MANDY at The Prince Charles (until 15 NOV). NAE PASARAN at ICA (02 to o8 NOV). NANCY at Watermans (02 to 08 NOV). PETERLOO at Phoenix Cinema (02 to 08 NOV). PUTIN’S WITNESSES at DocHouse (02 to 08 NOV). REINVENTING MARVIN at Whirled Cinema (05 TO 11 NOV). THE SUMMONING presented by UKJF at JW3 (04 to 07 NOV). THEY’LL LOVE ME WHEN IM DEAD at ICA (02 to 08 NOV). UTØYA – JULY 22 at The Castle Cinema (02 to 08 NOV).
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*THE SMALL PRINT: As accurate as we could make it. Apologies for any errors. Apologies if we have missed your event. Updates & corrections will be made to the online version. Event dates/times are subject to change by the venue/organiser. We check box office for all films in London this week before posting: some events may still be sold out. Please click quickly! We don’t filter by age/certification: all readers & subscribers should be 18+.