SCREEN GUIDE: Films in London this week [19 to 25 JUL 2019]
RADIANT CIRCUS is your handcrafted guide to London’s DIY, indie & alternative movie nights, film events & gallery screenings. Our latest SCREEN GUIDE helps you find great films in London this week*.
FRI 19 // SAT 20 // SUN 21 // MON 22 // TUE 23 // WED 24 // THU 25
Find films in London this week by:
SINGLE-O EXHIBITS (one-off attractions – by date) // MUSEUM SHOWS (several exhibits under one roof – by seasons & festivals) // GRIND SHOWS (a selection of new releases & regular runs).
FOR ALL MANKIND d. Al Reinert, 1989 + Q&A with Roger Eno* at Regent Street Cinema (21 JUL 15:00):
- Heavenly Films presents: “To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing, a rare screening of Al Reinert’s spellbinding documentary. The film was backed by a stunning soundtrack composed by Brian and Roger Eno and Daniel Lanois, and released as the album Apollo: Atmospheres & Soundtracks. This album will be re-released on July 19th on the anniversary of the moon landing and features 11 brand new tracks.”
Japan Foundation London returns with their annual series of summer film screenings. This year, the programme projects a weekend of live action Japanese films based on manga at The British Library (27 to 28 JUL 2019).
Following a screening of BLADE RUNNER earlier in the year, Gerry Maguire’s DAYS OF FUTURE PAST continues with two more sci-fi cult classics: THE RUNNING MAN (24 JUL) + THE ANIMATRIX (08 AUG) at Regent Street Cinema.
FRI 19

LISBON BEAT d. Rita Maia & Vasco Viana, 2019 + Q&A with co-director Rita Maia + DJ Set at ICA (19 JUL 20:30):
- “Cinematographer Vasco Viana and Lisbon-born, London-based DJ Rita Maia depict a vibrant community of musicians and producers from diverse backgrounds each establishing their relationship to this complex city.”
- The film then enjoys a grind show run at the same venue: LISBON BEAT d. Rita Maia & Vasco Viana, 2019 at ICA (20 to 25 JUL).
MY FRIEND THE POLISH GIRL d. Ewa Banaszkiewicz & Mateusz Dymek, 2018 + Q&A with the directors at The Prince Charles (19 JUL 18:00):
- “A young American documentarian casts an aspiring Polish actress in her film about the life of migrants in London after the Brexit referendum, with the sole instruction to ‘act as if I’m not here.’ As the relationship between the women develops, they find themselves immersed in a strange power struggle.”
More films in London today (A – Z):
- Clint Mansell: MOON d. Duncan Jones, 2009 + Intro by Clint Mansell + Live Score by London Contemporary Orchestra at Barbican Centre (19 JUL 19:30 – Currently looking SOLD OUT! Check for returns). DO THE RIGHT THING d. Spike Lee, 1989 presented by Nomad Cinema at City Point (19 JUL 19:00). GLORIA BELL d. Sebastián Lelio, 2018 at Regent Street Cinema (19 JUL 18:30 & 20:40). IF BEALE STREET COULD TALK d. Barry Jenkins, 2018 at Bernie Grant Arts Centre (19 JUL 19:00). JAWS d. Steven Spielberg, 1975 presented by Crofton Park Pictures at Rivoli Ballroom (19 JUL 20:00). Sing-A-Long-A ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW d. Jim Sharman, 1975 at The Prince Charles (19 JUL 20:30).
SAT 20

INNOCENT SINNERS d. Philip Leacock, 1958 + Location Tour at Deptford Cinema (20 JUL 12:30 – FREE!/Booking required).
- “Based on Rumer Godden’s An Episode of Sparrow, the film raises questions about community, friendship, love and family growing up in a city. Post-screening, patrons are invited to take part in a critical excursion of Lovejoy Mason’s post-Blitz London. After a short tube journey this interactive tour of modern Pimlico will seek to further explore the film’s themes of renewal and gentrification.”
Nocturnal Creatures at The Whitechapel Gallery + various East End venues (20 JUL 18:00 – FREE!):
- “Whitechapel Gallery’s annual free late night contemporary art festival. For one night only, our galleries and a host of extraordinary east-end spaces are transformed by an exciting programme of installations, performances, music, film and culinary experiences. Includes: CHE SI PUÒ FARE d. Helen Cammock (part of Elaine Mitchener at The Whitechapel); LOST LIBRARIES d. Abigail Reynolds, 2018 (Wash House); IT’S A TRAGEDY d. Laure Prouvost, 2018 (The Golden Heart).”
OF FISH & FOE d. Andy Heathcote & Heike Bachelier, 2018 + Q&A with the directors at ICA (20 JUL 18:00):
- “Brothers Kevin and John Pullar are continuing their family’s tradition of net fishing wild Atlantic salmon along the Scottish coastline. Eco-activist groups Sea Shepherd and Hunt Saboteurs are opposed to the practice and doggedly pursue the brothers, forcefully urging them to discontinue.”
More films in London today (A – Z):
- ARMSTRONG d. David Fairhead, 2019 + Prerecorded Q&A at Curzon Richmond (20 JUL 14:30). ARMSTRONG d. David Fairhead, 2019 at DocHouse (20 JUL 18:20). BLADE RUNNER: DOUBLE FEATURE d. Ridley Scott & Denis Villeneuve, 1982 + 2017 at The Prince Charles (20 JUL 21:00). GLORIA BELL d. Sebastián Lelio, 2018 at Regent Street Cinema (20 JUL 14:00, 16:10, 18:20 & 20:30). NAZ AND MAALIK d. Jay Dockendorf, 2015 at Bernie Grant Arts Centre (20 JUL 19:00). THE RIGHT STUFF 35mm d. Philip Kaufman, 1983 at The Prince Charles (20 JUL 11:45).
SUN 21

FOR ALL MANKIND d. Al Reinert, 1989 + Q&A with Roger Eno* at Regent Street Cinema (21 JUL 15:00):
- Heavenly Films presents: “To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing, a rare screening of Al Reinert’s spellbinding documentary. The film was backed by a stunning soundtrack composed by Brian and Roger Eno and Daniel Lanois, and released as the album Apollo: Atmospheres & Soundtracks. This album will be re-released on July 19th on the anniversary of the moon landing and features 11 brand new tracks.”
MY FRIEND THE POLISH GIRL d. Ewa Banaszkiewicz & Mateusz Dymek, 2018 + Q&A with the directors at ICA (21 JUL 18:00):
- “A young American documentarian casts an aspiring Polish actress in her film about the life of migrants in London after the Brexit referendum, with the sole instruction to ‘act as if I’m not here.’ As the relationship between the women develops, they find themselves immersed in a strange power struggle.”
More films in London today (A – Z):
- ASH IS PUREST WHITE d. Zhangke Jia, 2018 at Whirled Cinema (21 JUL 18:00). Double Bill: SUDDENLY, LAST SUMMER + ALL ABOUT EVE d. Joseph L. Mankiewicz, 1959 + 1950 at Regent Street Cinema (21 JUL 17:30 + 19:50). Lars Von Trier’s Depression Trilogy Lecture by Mary Wild presented by Deeper Into Movies at Moth Club (21 JUL 15:00). LOW on Film presented by Deeper Into Movies at Moth Club (21 JUL 19:00). MANDY d. Panos Cosmatos, 2018 at The Prince Charles (21 JUL 20:45). MY FRIEND THE POLISH GIRL d. Ewa Banaszkiewicz & Mateusz Dymek, 2018 at The Prince Charles (21 JUL 13:15). OUR TIME d. Carlos Reygadas, 2018 at ICA (21 JUL 13:15). PAPRIKA d. Satoshi Kon, 2006 at The Prince Charles (21 JUL 13:00). ROCKETMAN d. Dexter Fletcher, 2019 at Lexi Cinema (21 JUL 20:30). ROMAN HOLIDAY d. William Wyler, 1953 at Picturehouse Central (21 JUL 13:00 – Other Picturehouses available!). THE SWEET HEREAFTER d. Atom Egoyan, 1997 presented by Kennington Classics at The Cinema Museum (21 JUL 14:30). VAGABOND d. Agnès Varda, 1985 at ArtHouse Crouch End (21 JUL 13:30).
MON 22

Sick Monday: DVD Publication & Book Launch at The Horse Hospital (22 JUL 18:00):
- “Sick Monday is a celebration of the ‘video nasty’, its influence on contemporary video artists, and its overlooked critical capacity to express social and political truths in an exuberant style. Sick Monday is curated by Dean Kenning, Liam Scully and Vanessa Scully.”
- The Sick Monday exhibition continues at The Horse Hospital (22 JUL to 19 AUG, WEB to SAT 12:00 to 18:00).
More films in London today (A – Z):
- Double Bill: KILL BILL: VOL. 1 + KILL BILL: VOL. 2 d. Quentin Tarantino, 2003 + 2004 at Picturehouse Central (22 JUL 18:15 – Other Picturehouses available!). FENG SHUI d. Park Hee-kon, 2018 London Korean Film Festival Teaser Screening at Regent Street Cinema (22 JUL 19:00). FREEDOM FIELDS d. Naziha Arebi, 2018 + Prerecorded Q&A with the director at Lexi Cinema (22 JUL 18:30). JULIEN DONKEY-BOY d. Harmony Korine, 1999 presented by Deeper Into Movies at Moth Club (22 JUL 19:00). OKKO’S INN d. Kitarô Kôsaka, 2018 at The Prince Charles (22 JUL 15:35 – Dubbed).
TUE 23

FORBIDDEN PLANET d. Fred M. Wilcox, 1956 + Talk: Inviting Worlds by Dr Glyn Morgan at The Castle Cinema (23 JUL 19:00):
- Science Fiction Theatre presents: “A rescue team from Earth travels to the distant planet Altair IV to discover the fate of a missing scientific expedition sent there decades earlier. But when Commander John J. Adams (Leslie Nielsen) and his crew arrive, they discover only two people – Dr. Morbius (Walter Pidgeon) and his daughter, Altaira (Anne Francis), who was born on the remote planet. Soon, Adams and his men are attacked by an invisible intruder, and he begins to unravel the mystery of what happened on Altair IV, and why Morbius and Altaira are the sole survivors…”
Goodnight Seattle: A Night Of FRASIER at Genesis Cinema (23 JUL 18:30):
- “To commemorate 15 long years since the gut-wrenching final episode of Frasier was aired, The Doctors Crane are taking over Bar Paragon to celebrate Seattle’s finest shrink-based-spinoff-farce. Hand-picked episodes will be screened in their full-length unabashed glory, on exclusive licence from CBS, alongside thoroughly over-analysed thoughts and discussions with your dutiful party hosts.”
LES PROSTITUÉES DE LYON PARLENT + Intro by Molly Smith at Close-Up (23 JUL 19:00):
- “A documentary made on 2 June 1975 during the occupation of Saint-Nizier Church in Lyon by 200 sex workers by Carole Roussopoulos and Vidéo Out. Molly Smith, co-author with Juno Mac of Revolting Prostitutes (Verso, 2018) and member of SCOT-PEP, a sex-worker led organisation committed to campaigning for sex workers’ rights, will introduce the film.”
MARIANNE & LEONARD: WORDS OF LOVE d. Nick Broomfield, 2019 + Recorded Q&A with the director & Jools Holland at Rich Mix (23 JUL 20:30):
- “A beautiful yet tragic love story between Leonard Cohen and his Norwegian muse Marianne Ihlen. The film follows their relationship from the early days on Hydra, a humble time of ‘free love’ and open marriage, to how their love evolved when Leonard Cohen became a successful musician.”
- Also at: Picturehouse Central (23 JUL 18:20 – Other Picturehouses available!); Curzon Aldgate (23 JUL 18:30 – Other Curzons available!); DocHouse (23 JUL 18:30); Lexi Cinema (23 JUL 19:00); JW3 (23 JUL 20:00); Phoenix Cinema (23 JUL 20:00); Genesis Cinema (23 JUL 21:00).
More films in London today (A – Z):
- AFTER LIFE d. Hirokazu Koreeda, 1998 at The David Lean (23 JUL 19:30). THE BRINK d. Alison Klayman, 2019 at Picturehouse Central (23 JUL 18:30 – Other Picturehouses available!). BULL DURHAM 35mm d. Ron Shelton, 1988 at The Prince Charles (23 JUL 18:10 – £1 Members’ Screenings). DIRTY GOD d. Sacha Polak, 2019 at Regent Street Cinema (23 JUL 18:30). EMPIRE RECORDS d. Allan Moyle, 1995 presented by Deeper Into Movies at Peckham Levels (23 JUL 19:30 – FREE!). FORCE OF NATURE NATALIA d. Gerald Fox, 2019 at Regent Street Cinema (23 JUL 20:45). MY FRIEND THE POLISH GIRL d. Ewa Banaszkiewicz & Mateusz Dymek, 2018 at The Prince Charles (23 JUL 18:30). OUR TIME d. Carlos Reygadas, 2018 at ICA (23 JUL 15:00). ROMEO & JULIET d. Franco Zeffirelli, 1968 presented by Tuffnel Park Film Club at The Lord Palmerston (23 JUL 20:00). TELL IT TO THE BEES d. Annabel Jankel, 2019 presented by Stow Film Lounge at Mirth, Marvel & Maud (23 JUL 19:45). THE WORLD IS YOURS d. Romain Gavras, 2018 at Ciné Lumière (23 JUL 18:15).
WED 24

THE GREAT HACK d. Karim Amer & Jehane Noujaim, 2019 + Q&A with data rights lawyer, Ravi Naik at ICA (24 JUL 18:15):
- “The impact of data exploitation is explored in this timely documentary centred on the fallout of the Cambridge Analytica scandal. With access to key players linked to the explosive controversy, Academy Award-nominated filmmakers Karim Amer and Jehane Noujaim (The Square, Control Room, explore the sinister ramifications of widespread data mining.”
- Then enjoys a grind show run at the same venue: THE GREAT HACK d. Karim Amer & Jehane Noujaim, 2019 at ICA (25 to 31 JUL).
THE RUNNING MAN d. Paul Michael Glaser, 1987 + Panel Discussion at Regent Street Cinema (24 JUL 19:30):
- “Bored of the same old reality TV? Settle down and enjoy Arnie and co fighting their way to freedom in Paul Michael Glaser’s dystopian vision of totalitarian power run amok, in a vision of the future which may have you questioning what you watch in the year it was set, 2019. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion on reality TV, media power and fake news.”
THE STING 16mm d. George Roy Hill, 1973 + Intro at The Castle Cinema (24 JUL 19:30 – also 28 JUL 13:30):
- Ciné-Real presents: “Following the murder of a mutual friend, aspiring con man Johnny Hooker (Robert Redford) teams up with old pro Henry Gondorff (Paul Newman) to take revenge on the ruthless crime boss responsible, Doyle Lonnegan (Robert Shaw). Hooker and Gondorff set about implementing an elaborate scheme, one so crafty that Lonnegan won’t even know he’s been swindled.”
Tales of the Silk Road – Chapter 3: Syria short film programme + Live Music + Panel Discussion at BFI Southbank (24 JUL 13:45 – FREE!/Booking required):
- Shorts On Tap & Bagri Foundation present: “Through an engaging programme of music, short films, activist videos, documentaries and discussion, we share the voices of Syria, its human stories and the country’s vision for the future.”
More films in London today (A – Z):
- BIRDS OF PASSAGE d. Ciro Guerra & Cristina Gallego, 2018 presented by Screen25’s Odyssey Film Club at Harris Academy South Norwood (24 JUL 19:45 – Use promo code “CIRCUS19” to book & save). Double Bill: DUEL d. Steven Spielberg, 1971 + DRIVE d. Nicolas Winding Refn, 2011 presented by Cultish Events at TT Liquor (24 JUL 19:30).
FORCE OF NATURE NATALIA d. Gerald Fox, 2019 at Picturehouse Central (24 JUL 18:30 – Other Picturehouses available!). IN FABRIC d. Peter Strickland, 2018 at The Prince Charles (24 JUL 13:00). LOVE ME OR LEAVE… d. Charles Vidor, 1955 at Regent Street Cinema (24 JUL 12:00 & 15:30). THE ROOM d. Tommy Wiseau, 2003 at The Prince Charles (24 JUL 21:00). WILD RELATIVES d. Jumana Manna, 2018 presented by Wavelength Docs at Deptford Cinema (24 JUL 19:30).
THU 25

ARE YOU PROUD? d. Ashley Joiner, 2019 + Q&A with the director at Picturehouse Hackney (25 JUL 18:30):
- “Combining rare archive footage with interviews from leading campaigners, ARE YOU PROUD? charts the LGBTQ+ movement’s momentous journey towards equality. Gay Pride, the Gay Liberation Front and Stonewall are among the organisations recognised in a film that doesn’t just look back, but asks tough questions about the future.”
BEATS d. Brian Walsh, 2019 + Q&A with the director at House Of Vans (25 JUL 19:30 – FREE!/Booking required):
- Commune Cinema presents: “Best mates Johnno and Spanner share a deep bond. Now on the cusp of adulthood, life is destined to take them in different directions – Johnno’s family are moving him to a new town and a better life, leaving Spanner behind to face a precarious future. But this summer is going to be different for them, and for the country. The explosion of the free party scene and the largest counter-cultural youth movement in recent history is happening across the UK.”
FIRE IN BABYLON d. Stevan Riley, 2010 + Q&A + Afterparty at Usain Bolt’s Tracks & Records (25 JUL 19:00):
- We Are Parable presents: “A documentary that explores the intense rivalry between the West Indies and England in the 1960s and 1970s. Featuring interviews with cricket legend Viv Richards and musician Bunny Wailer, the film takes an in-depth look at the social context of cricket, from racism and discrimination to equal pay.”
HEDWIG & THE ANGRY INCH d. John Cameron Mitchell, 2001 + Exhibition/Stalls/DJs at Genesis Cinema (25 JUL 21:00):
- The People’s Film Club, The Outside Project & Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Fest present: “A night of queer celebration putting the political back in Pride month. We will be celebrating the ‘outsider’ subcultures that queer communities have pioneered, creating their own cultural spaces on the fringes of a homophobic and heteronormative society. Featuring an Outsider Pride exhibition, stalls, drinks & DJs, the evening will raise funds for The Outside Project.”
PRIDE d. Matthew Warchus, 2014 + Food + Panel at Amnesty International (25 JUL 18:00):
- Welcome Cinema + Kitchen presents: “A monthly screening and supper club, uniting Londoners of different backgrounds through film, food and friendship. Inspired by an extraordinary true story, PRIDE will be accompanied by a vegan feast with food from five countries and panel discussion with Mike Jackson of Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners, Aloysius Ssali of the Say It Loud Club and other guests.”
More films in London today (A – Z):
- AMAZING GRACE d. Alan Elliott & Sydney Pollack, 2018 at DocHouse (25 JUL 16:30). DEADLY IS THE FEMALE aka GUN CRAZY d. Joseph H. Lewis, 1950 presenting by Redmond Pictures at Redmond Community Centre (25 JUL 19:30 – FREE!/Booking required). IF BEALE STREET COULD TALK d. Barry Jenkins, 2018 at Bernie Grant Arts Centre (25 JUL 19:00). LATE NIGHT d. Nisha Ganatra, 2019 at The David Lean (25 JUL 14:30 HOH & 19:30). LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE d. Jonathan Dayton & Valerie Faris, 2006 presented by Sydenham Film Club at Sydenham Centre (25 JUL 19:30). MEMOIR OF WAR d. Emmanuel Finkiel, 2018 at Ciné Lumière (25 JUL 19:00). TOMBS OF THE BLIND DEAD d. Amando de Ossorio, 1972 presented by Terror Vision at BFI (25 JUL 20:40). Without Fire short film programme by Change Incorporated presented by South Shorts at Whirled Cinema (25 JUL 19:25).
> SIGN UP for free Friday emails highlighting 7 days of sensational screens.
SEASONS (by event/venue)

70mm PRESENTATIONS at The Prince Charles (ongoing):
- Bringing regular 70mm presentations back to the West End with: LAWRENCE OF ARABIA 70mm d. David Lean, 1962 (20 JUL 12:45).
- “An exploration of the life, times and legacy of Horace Ové. In partnership with Somerset House’s exhibition Get up, Stand Up Now (12 Jun-15 Sep).” Includes: PRESSURE d. Horace Ové, 1975 + Intro by Dr Elizabeth M Williams (19 JUL 18:10); BABYLON d. Franco Rosso, 1980 (19 JUL 20:50); and, Bacchanal: the World of Horace Ové afternoon of talks & screenings (20 JUL 12:00).
- “After the French New Wave and the tumultuous political events of May 1968, a younger and more progressive generation of directors emerged. This season explores the work of these bold new directors.” Includes: LOULOU d. Maurice Pialat, 1980 (25 JUL 18:45).
ALL NIGHT / DAY / MINI MOVIE MARATHONS at The Prince Charles (ongoing):
- “Butt-numbing marathons” (their words…ED.) of cult, horror, themed & film franchises including: JOHN WICK TRILOGY 3 Films, 1 Ticket (20 JUL 20:45).
BACKYARD CINEMA: L.A. NIGHTS at Roundhouse (19 JUL to 24 AUG):
- “Be transported to the sun kissed beaches of Los Angeles, for the ultimate summer beach party cinema.” Includes: THE LEGO MOVIE 2: THE SECOND PART (20 JUL 12:30); SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE (20 JUL 16:30); DUMBO, 2019 (21 JUL 12:30); CAPTAIN MARVEL (21 JUL 16:30); BLACKKKLANSMAN (22 JUL 20:30); CRAZY RICH ASIANS (23 JUL 20:00); CLUELESS (24 JUL 20:30); and, GREASE SING-A-LONG PARTY (25 JUL 16:30).
- “Movies examining how cinema has depicted obsession. Part of the national Film Feels project”. Includes: PEEPING TOM d. Michael Powell, 1960 (19 JUL 20:40); THE BIG LEBOWSKI d. Joel Coen, 1998 (20 JUL 20:45); LES ENFANTS TERRIBLES 35mm d. Jean-Pierre Melville, 1950 (21 JUL 15:30 / 25 JUL 18:10); LAURA d. Otto Preminger, 1944 (22 JUL 20:45); POINT BLANK 35mm d. John Boorman, 1967 (23 JUL 18:15); THE CONVERSATION d. Francis Ford Coppola, 1974 (23 JUL 20:45); PEEPING TOM d. Michael Powell, 1960 + Intro by Nathalie Morris (24 JUL 18:20); and, VERTGO d. Alfred Hitchcock, 1958 (25 JUL 20:30).
CINEMATIC OBSESSIONS at Deptford Cinema (11 JUN to 29 JUL):
- “Those of us who are obsessive about cinema know full well that the medium allows us to delve into our deepest desires and obsessions; the joy and community to be found in pursuing your passion, as well as the cautionary tales that obsessive behaviour can bring.” Includes: THE DUKE OF BURGUNDY d. Peter Strickland, 2014 + Q&A with Anton Bitel (23 JUL 19:00).
CLOSE-UP ON CLAIRE DENIS at Close-Up (08 to 31 JUL):
- “A retrospective celebrating the work of one of our greatest artists, Claire Denis. This programme features eight films directed by Denis alongside three features she worked on as assistant director.” Includes: PARIS, TEXAS d. Wim Wenders, 1984 (19 JUL 19:30); WHITE MATERIAL d. Claire Denis, 2009 (20 JUL 20:30); WINGS OF DESIRE d. Wim Wenders, 1987 (21 JUL 20:00 / 24 JUL 20:15); and, DOWN BY LAW d. Jim Jarmusch, 1986 (25 JUL 20:15).
- See also Jacques Rivette: Out 1 – Episodes 1 & 2 (199min), 3 & 4 (215min), 5 & 6 (190min), 7 & 8 (171min) (20 to 21 JUL – tickets for the full weekend only).
THE FILMS OF ANDREI TARKOVSKY at The Prince Charles (until 03 NOV):
- Includes: THE SACRIFICE d. Andrei Tarkovsky, 1986 (21 JUL 15:10).
- “Three films for you to revisit – all of which feature prominently in her latest release VARDA BY AGNÈS.” Includes: VARDA BY AGNÈS d. Agnès Varda, 2019 + Intro by So Mayer (19 JUL 18:20); VAGABOND d. Agnès Varda, 1985 (20 JUL 18:35); and, CLÉO FROM 5 TO 7 d. Agnès Varda, 1962 (21 JUL 20:45 / 24 JUL 18:15).
FRANCO PIAVOLI: 1954 – 2016 at Deptford Cinema (07 to 28 JUL):
- Includes: AT THE FIRST BREATH OF WIND d. Franco Piavoli, 2002 (21 JUL 20:00).
- Includes: PERSONA d. Ingmar Bergman, 1966 (21 JUL 18:35).
JOHN CARPENTER RETROSPECTIVE at The Prince Charles (until 31 JUL):
- Includes: JOHN CARPENTER’S GHOSTS OF MARS d. John Carpenter, 2001 (22 JUL 18:25).
- “Take an even deeper look into the Korean psyche and open our hearts to love − the kind of love which thrives on the margins of society, that challenges our preconceptions, that shocks us with its intensity and amazes us with its capacity to forgive and transform.” Includes: Love Without Boundaries: Shorts Night (25 JUL 18:30).
KUBRICK: Back By Popular Demand… at BFI IMAX & Southbank (JUL):
- “A few extra screenings to thrill and delight you…” Includes: A CLOCKWORK ORANGE d. Stanley Kubrick, 1971 (21 JUL 19:45).
LIFT OFF! at Harris Academy South Norwood (10 JUL to 31 AUG):
- “Screen25 presents a new season of lunar-themed cinema events commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing.” FIRST MAN d. Damien Chazelle, 2018 + Intro by Peter Bull (19 JUN 19:45 – Use promo code “CIRCUS19” to book & save).
- Includes: THE AGE OF INNOCENCE 35mm d. Martin Scorsese, 1993 (23 JUL 20:40).
MOVIES ON THE RIVER departing from Tower Millennium Pier (until 03 AUG):
- Time Out presents: BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY (19 JUL 20:00); THE GREATEST SHOWMAN (20 JUL 20:00); PRETTY WOMAN (23 JUL 20:00); GREASE (24 JUL 20:00); and, A STAR IS BORN (25 JUL 20:00).
- “Explosive, transformative and challenging cinema and TV – that’s the nineties we want to explore and celebrate.” Includes: TETSUO: THE IRON MAN d. Shin’ya Tsukamoto, 1989 (20 JUL 18:20); RESERVOIR DOGS d. Quentin Tarantino, 1992 (20 JUL 20:50); THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT d. Daniel Myrick & Eduardo Sanchez, 1999 (21 JUL 17:50); MEAT d. John Madden, 1994 + ZINKY BOYS GO UNDERGROUND d. Paul Tickell, 1994 (22 JUL 18:20); TRAINSPOTTING d. Danny Boyle, 1996 + Intro by Matt Glasby (22 JUL 20:50); THE WATERMELON WOMAN d. Cheryl Dunye, 1996 (23 JUL 18:30); THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT d. Daniel Myrick & Eduardo Sanchez, 1999 + Intro by Mike Muncer (23 JUL 20:30); and, LA HAINE d. Mathieu Kassovitz, 1995 (24 JUL 20:20).
NOIRS at House Of Vans (07 JUL to 03 AUG):
- “From the classics all the way through to the modern homage. If you like mystery and hard boiled crime, we’ve got a treat for you.” Includes: THE THIRD MAN (20 JUL 15:00 & 17:30); COWBOY BEBOP: THE MOVIE (21 JUL 13:00 & 15:30); and, DOUBLE INDEMNITY (24 JUL 17:00).
ONCE UPON A TIME WITH TARANTINO at The Prince Charles (until 14 AUG):
- “In the lead up to the release of Quentin Tarantino’s 9th film ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD, we will be getting in the mood with all things Tarantino!” Includes: THE DRIVER 35mm d. Walter Hill, 1978 (24 JUL 18:35).
- “We’re bringing a handful of films featuring Raymond Chandler’s detective creation; Phillip Marlowe!” Includes: MARLOWE 35mm d. Paul Bogart, 1969 (22 JUL 20:45).
QUEER SQUEE at various venues (30 JUN to 27 JUL):
- “Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Fest presents a series of double bills celebrating LGBT Fandom. Expect insights into the hunt for Judy’s ruby slippers, celebration of the Beyhive and at least one in depth profile of Jodie Foster.” Includes: TV Binge Watch Double Bill: UNITED WE FAN d. Michael Sparaga, 2018 + Queer Squee at Mirth, Marvel & Maud (24 JUL 19:00).
REVENGE at Classic Cinema Club – Ealing (JUN to JUL):
- “We launch into our next programme with a vengeance, looking at the theme that is the driving force behind many character motivations, narrative arches and a staple of genre films.” Includes: MEDEA d. Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1969 (19 JUL 19:30).
ROOFTOP FILM CLUB various roofs (until 31 JUL):
- Includes: BABY DRIVER (19 JUL 21:00 – Stratford); A STAR IS BORN (19 JUL 21:00 – Peckham); FIGHT CLUB: 20TH ANNIVERSARY (21 JUL – Peckham); DAZED AND CONFUSED (21 JUL 21:00 – Stratford); THE GREATEST SHOWMAN (22 JUL 21:00 – Peckham); MACHO LIBRE (22 JUL 21:00 – Shoreditch); DIRTY DANCING (23 JUL 21:00 – Shoreditch); BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY (23 JUL 21:00 – Peckham); BACK TO THE FUTURE (23 JUL 21:00 – Stratford); THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL (24 JUL 21:00 – Peckham); SAVE THE LAST DANCE (24 JUL 21:00 – Stratford); UP (25 JUL 21:00 – Peckham); and, BABY DRIVER (25 JUL 21:00 – Stratford).
- “With stars, directors and films to rival Hollywood, Mexican cinema of the 30s-50s saw a surge in production, from music-infused dramas to romance and thrillers.” Includes: MACLOVIA 35mm d. Emilio Fernández, 1948 (19 JUL 18:15); AVENTUERERA d. Alberto Gout, 1950 (21 JUL 17:45 / 24 JUL 20:40); and, ENAMORADA d. Emilio Fernández, 1946 (22 JUL 18:30).
THE STAGE ON SCREEN at Ciné Lumière (until 21 JUL):
- “Exploring how theatre has inspired the greatest filmmakers, from Bergman and Almodóvar, to Truffaut and Cassavetes, this season of classics centres on the stage, performance and the screen.” Includes: OPENING NIGHT d. John Cassavetes, 1977 (21 JUL 14:00).
TRIBUTE TO AGNÈS VARDA at Ciné Lumière (until 26 JUL):
- Includes: VARDA BY AGNÈS d. Agnès Varda, 2019 (until 26 JUL); CLÉO DE 5 À 7 d. Agnès Varda, 1961 (20 JUL 14:00); LES PLAGES D’AGNÈS d. Agnès Varda, 2008 (21 JUL 16:50); and, LES GLANEURS ET LA GLANEUSE d. Agnès Varda, 2000 (22 JUL 20:40).
WE’RE GONNA PARTY LIKE IT’S 1999! at The Prince Charles (02 MAY to 26 NOV):
- “1999 was an EPIC year for movies – so we’re bringing a whole heap of it back to the big-screen!” Includes: THE MATRIX d. Lana Wachowski & Lilly Wachowski, 1999 (until 25 JUL); and, CRUEL INTENTIONS d. Roger Kumble, 1999 (19 JUL 20:45).
> Plan ahead with our monthly roundup of London’s rep seasons & film festivals.
FILM FESTIVALS (by date/duration)

Film festivals in London this week include:
- CASA Festival of Latin American Arts (16 to 27 JUL).
- Rainbow Film Festival (21 to 28 JUL).
> SUBSCRIBE to get our full listings emailed & support #LDNindieFILM.

FRAMING JOHN DELOREAN d. Don Argott & Sheena M. Joyce, 2019 at The Prince Charles (19 to 25 JUL):
- “A story so shocking it reads like the plot of a Hollywood movie. John DeLorean was a maverick who defied the industry to create the DeLorean Motor Company, and realise his vision of a futuristic car, which was plagued with disaster from the start. In an effort to keep his business and jet setting lifestyle afloat, he became embroiled in an FBI sting operation and appeared to be caught red handed, exchanging millions for the transportation of cocaine.”
GWEN d. William McGregor, 2018 at ArtHouse Crouch End (until 25 JUL):
- “Gwen (Eleanor Worthington-Cox) lives on a farm in the beautiful hills of Snowdonia with her mother Elen (Peake) and little sister Mari. Like nearly all the local men, Gwen’s father is away at war. As she struggles to cope with her mother’s mysterious illness, her father’s absence and a ruthless mining company encroaching on their land, darkness begins to take a grip on Gwen’s home, and the suspicious local community turn on her.”
VARDA BY AGNÈS d. Agnès Varda, 2019 at Rio Cinema (19 to 25 JUL):
- “Packed with moving stories, amusing anecdotes and illuminating wisdom VARDA BY AGNES is the final dazzling, witty and highly original film from a great director, uncompromising pioneer, photographer, installation artist, visual storyteller and institution of world cinema – but never a supporter of institutional thinking.”
More films in London this week (A – Z):
- APOLLO 11 d. Todd Douglas Miller, 2019 at DocHouse (until 24 JUL). BOOKSMART d. Olivia Wilde, 2019 at The Prince Charles (until 25 JUL). THE BRINK d. Alison Klayman, 2019 at DocHouse (until 25 JUL). THE DEAD DON’T DIE d. Jim Jarmusch, 2019 at Genesis Cinema (until 25 JUL). THE GREAT HACK d. Karim Amer & Jehane Noujaim, 2019 at ICA (25 to 31 JUL). LISBON BEAT d. Rita Maia & Vasco Viana, 2019 (20 to 25 JUL). THE MATRIX d. Lana Wachowski & Lilly Wachowski, 1999 at The Prince Charles (until 25 JUL). MIDSOMMAR d. Ari Aster, 2019 at Rich Mix (until 24 JUL). MY FRIEND THE POLISH GIRL d. Ewa Banaszkiewicz & Mateusz Dymek at ICA (19 to 25 JUL). NEVER LOOK AWAY d. Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, 2019 at ICA (until 25 JUL). ONLY YOU d. Harry Wootliff, 2018 at ArtHouse Crouch End (until 25 JUL). PAVAROTTI d. Ron Howard, 2019 at Phoenix Cinema (19 to 25 JUL). TAMPOPO d. Jûzô Itami, 1985 at Whirled Cinema (22 to 28 JUL). TEL AVIV ON FIRE d. Sameh Zoabi, 2018 at JW3 (21 to 28 JUL).
*UPDATE 19.07.19: Apologies to anyone who gets our newsletter & listings mailed direct, we got the wrong Eno…
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RADIANT CIRCUS – “Home of alternative screen culture in London” (Film London) – is supported entirely by readers’ monthly subscriptions. Subscribers get our listings emailed directly as well as other great rewards. With enough subscribers backing us, we will be able to: 1) establish RADIANT CIRCUS as a permanent resource; 2) fund a full site rebuild to make our listings more social and searchable; and, 3) stage free events for subscribers as our way of saying a huge thank you! Our target? One thousand passionate film fans sharing what they love so that many more can discover it. Subscribe at
“I love everything you’re doing with RADIANT CIRCUS, the output is brilliant. And just so great to see it grow. Kudos to you.” (A fan via email!).
*THE SMALL PRINT: As accurate as we could make it. Apologies for any errors. Apologies if we have missed your event. Updates & corrections will be made to the online version. Event dates/times are subject to change by the venue/organiser. We try to only list events you can book for at the time of posting: however, some events may still be sold out. Please click quickly! We don’t filter by age/certification: all readers & subscribers should be 18+.