SCREEN GUIDE: What’s on in London this week [08 to 14 APR 2022]
Our RADIANT CIRCUS guide to what’s on in London this week across DIY, indie & alternative cinema, including one-off screen events, film seasons, film festivals & new releases.
By RADIANT CIRCUS // Twitter @radiantcircus / Instagram @radiantcircus

Welcome to another screen week. I got caught in traffic, so let’s keep this brief…
With it being Easter, it remains a slightly quieter time for indie film clubs, but this week The Batty Mama presents a night of short films and cabaret, Too Black Too Queer, at Scala (09 APR), Deeper Into Movies continues their concert films with NIRVANA LIVE AT READING (1992) at Farr’s Dalston (11 APR), and Tufnell Park Film Club presents Park Chan-wook’s STOKER at at The Lord Palmerston (12 APR). Two new clubs join our listings this week, with Film Rage presenting The Sights & Sounds of Blaxploitation at Babel Arthouse Cinema (13 APR), and Dazed x MUBI launch a new Cinema Club at Soho House with one of this week’s several preview screenings of Paul Verhoeven’s masturbating lesbian nuns melodrama, BENEDETTA (12 APR).
It’s a grand week for silent cinema too, with Kennington Bioscope’s screening of OLD HEIDELBERG 16mm (13 APR) joined by CAFÉ ELEKTRIK at Ciné Lumière (10 APR), and THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER at Barbican (also 10 APR). All silents come with live musical accompaniment. If you like your cinema music a little more contemporary, there’s a special presentation of Norman Jewison’s 1973 big screen adaptation of JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR complete with Q&A with Sir Tim Rice at Olympic Studios (13 APR).
This week’s fundraisers for Ukraine include Stow Film Lounge’s screening of OLGA at Creative Works (08 APR), another outing for Encounters Presents: Ukrainian Shorts at Peckhamplex (10 APR), a programme of moving image works made by women at Pushkin House, Desirous Bodies, Malign War: Women’s Moving Image from Ukraine, and MY THOUGHTS ARE SILENT presented by Jellied Reels at The Castle Cinema (both 14 APR).
In new releases… Oscar Best Picture winner CODA gets a wide range of encore screenings across town (I’ve listed screenings at The David Lean). For my picks of the week, I’ve chosen Juho Kuosmanen’s COMPARTMENT NO. 6, Julie Cohen and Betsy West’s JULIA, and a limited engagement from UK Jewish Film of Max Fischer’s THE LUCKY STAR at JW3 (from 10 APR). Other new openings are available (see GRIND SHOWS for what’s on).
For my Featured Attraction of the Week I’ve chosen the two days of Turkish delights served by this year’s Remakesploitation Fest (09 to 10 APR) at The Cinema Museum. You’ll get a documentary about the whole shooting match – REMAKE, REMIX, RIP-OFF (2015) – followed by Turkish spins on STAR TREK (Turist Ömer Uzay Yolunda, 1973), STAR WARS (Dünyayı Kurtaran Adam, 1982), SOME LIKE IT HOT (Fıstık Gibi, 1970), DEATH WISH (Cellat, 1975), and THE EXORCIST (Şeytan, 1974). The festival is followed by an all-day academic symposium on the same themes at King’s College London, Reframing the Turkish Film Remake (11 APR 11:00 – 16:30 / FREE!).
Of course, if that doesn’t grab your fancy, we’re using our next Queer Horror Nights screening of Kimberly Peirce’s twisted, feminist superhero origin story CARRIE (2013) at The Castle Cinema (10 APR 14:00) to raise funds for local women’s mental health charity WISH. All money raised from a percentage of box office and a special prize draw (please bring cash for donations, however small!) will help WISH provide free counselling in the community for women with multiple complex needs.
See you in the darkness, and stay safe.

“From STAR WARS to SOME LIKE IT HOT, Remakesploitation proudly present a weekend festival devoted to the weird and wonderful world of Turkish remakes. For many years, these films only circulated in low-resolution bootlegs but they have now been lovingly digitally restored with all-new English subtitles. All six screenings will have short introductions from invited special guests from Turkey, Germany and the USA, and we will also be having post-screening Q&As between the films. There are no plans for us to release these films on Blu-ray, DVD or VOD, so make sure you grab this rare opportunity to see these truly fascinating films on the big screen. We will also be providing complementary Turkish snacks for all ticket holders.” (Remakesploitation)
Followed by an all-day academic symposium on the same themes at King’s College London, Reframing the Turkish Film Remake (11 APR 11:00 – 16:30 – FREE!).

- THE DESCENT d. Neil Marshall, 2005 + Q&A with the director & composer David Julyan at The Cinema In The Arches (08 APR 20:00).
- MURINA d. Antoneta Alamat Kusijanović, 2021 + Q&A with the director at Curzon Bloomsbury (08 APR 18:10).
- Ukraine Fundraiser: OLGA d. Elie Grappe, 2021 presented by Stow Film Lounge at Creative Works (08 APR 19:30).
- TINDERBOX d. Gillian Mosley, 2020 + Q&A with the director & Sir Vincent Fean, former member of the British Diplomatic Service at Curzon Soho (08 APR 18:20).
- WEST SIDE STORY d. Robert Wise, 1961 at The Garden Cinema (08 APR 20:15).
- COLD CASE HAMMARSKJÖLD d. Mads Brügger, 2019 + Discussion presented by African Odysseys at BFI Southbank (09 APR 14:00).
- THE DUKE d. Roger Michell, 2020 at The David Lean (09 APR 14:00).
- Preview: GERRY ANDERSON: A LIFE UNCHARTED d. Benjamin Field, 2022 + Q&A with the director & producer Jamie Anderson at BFI Southbank (09 APR 15:00).
- REVOLUTION OF OUR TIMES d. Kiwi CHOW, 2021 + Q&A with YouTuber Elmer Yuen at The Prince Charles (09 APR 11:00 / 10 APR 11:00).
- Too Black Too Queer short films + cabaret presented by The Batty Mama at Scala N1 (09 APR 19:00 – Pay what you can!).
- THE 400 BLOWS aka Les quatre cents coups d. François Truffault, 1959 at Picturehouse Cinemas (10 APR various).
- ALL I CAN SAY d. Shannon Hoon, Taryn Gould, Colleen Hennessy & Danny Clinch, 2020 at Bertha DocHouse (10 APR 16:00).
- CARRIE d. Kimberly Peirce, 2013 + Intro & Bar Social, presented by Queer Horror Nights to raise funds for WISH women’s mental health at The Castle Cinema (10 APR 14:00).
- CAFÉ ELEKTRIK d. Gustav Ucicky, 1927 + Live piano accompaniment by John Sweeney at Ciné Lumière (10 APR 16:30).
- Ukraine Fundraiser: Encounters Presents: Ukrainian Shorts at Peckhamplex (10 APR 16:30).
- THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER d. Jean Epstein, 1928 + Live accompaniment by Stephen Horne & Elizabeth-Jane Baldry at Barbican (10 APR 15:00).
- HOW TO MARRY A MILLIONAIRE d. John Negulesco, 1954 + Talk by Travis Elborough, the author of Through the Looking Glasses at Phoenix Cinema (10 APR 15:30).
- MOTHERING SUNDAY d. Eva Husson, 2021 at Whirled Cinema (10 APR 17:00).
- MURINA d. Antoneta Alamat Kusijanović, 2021 + Q&A with the director at The Garden Cinema (10 APR 15:30).
- MURINA d. Antoneta Alamat Kusijanović, 2021 + Q&A with the director at Genesis Cinema (10 APR 18:30).
- REVOLUTION OF OUR TIMES d. Kiwi CHOW, 2021 + Q&A with YouTuber Elmer Yuen at The Prince Charles (10 APR 11:00).
- WOLF d. Nathalie Biancheri, 2021 + Q&A with George MacKay presented by Barnes Film Festival at Olympic Studios (10 APR 16:00).
- Preview: BENEDETTA d. Paul Verhoeven, 2021 at Picturehouse Cinemas (11 APR various).
- THE LIVES OF OTHERS aka Das Leben der Anderen d. Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, 2006 at Whirled Cinema (11 APR 20:00 / 12 APR 20:00 / 13 APR 20:00 / 17 APR 17:00).
- NIRVANA LIVE AT READING (1992) presented by Deeper Into Movies at Farr’s Dalston (11 APR 19:30).
TALKS etc.
- Mark Kermode Live in 3D at the BFI (11 APR 18:30).
- Reframing the Turkish Film Remake Academic Symposium at King’s College London (11 APR 11:00 – 16:30 – FREE!).
- THE 400 BLOWS aka Les quatre cents coups d. François Truffault, 1959 at Picturehouse Central (12 APR 18:30).
- THE ARCHITECTURE OF FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT d. Murray Grigor, 1983 + Intro by Adrian Steel, Director of Collections and Programmes at RIBA at BFI Southbank (12 APR 18:15).
- Preview: BENEDETTA d. Paul Verhoeven, 2021 presented by Dazed x MUBI Cinema Club at Soho House (12 APR 18:30 + Complimentary drink!).
- CODA d. Sian Heder, 2021 at The David Lean (12 APR 19:30 / 14 APR 19:30).
- CYRANO d. Joe Wright, 2021 at The David Lean (12 APR 19:30).
- ESCHER: JOURNEY INTO INFINITY d. Robin Lutz, 2018 at JW3 (12 APR 15:00).
- THE LIVES OF OTHERS aka Das Leben der Anderen d. Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, 2006 at Whirled Cinema (12 APR 20:00 / 13 APR 20:00 / 17 APR 17:00).
- NAVALNY d. Daniel Rohr, 2022 + Recorded Q&A at: Bertha DocHouse (12 APR 20:30); Curzon Cinemas (12 APR various).
- STOKER d. Park Chan-wook, 2013 presented by Tufnell Park Film Club at The Lord Palmerston (12 APR 20:00).
- Preview: BENEDETTA d. Paul Verhoeven, 2021 at BFI Southbank (13 APR 20:30).
- FORGED d. Ali Al Ibrahim & Lauren Anders Brown, 2022 + Q&A with Lauren Anders Brown at Frontline Club (13 APR 19:00).
- HIVE d. Blerta Basholli, 2021 at The David Lean (13 APR 19:30 / 14 APR 14:30).
- JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR d. Norman Jewison, 1973 + Q&A with Sir Tim Rice at Olympic Studios (13 APR 19:30).
- THE LIVES OF OTHERS aka Das Leben der Anderen d. Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, 2006 at Whirled Cinema (13 APR 20:00 / 17 APR 17:00).
- OLD HEIDELBERG 16mm d. John Emerson, 1915 + Intro & supporting programme by Chris Bird + Live piano accompaniment by Colin Sell & John Sweeney presented by Kennington Bioscope at The Cinema Museum (13 APR 19:30).
- The Sights & Sounds of Blaxploitation: Live Music by Daybreakers + Blaxploitation Trailers presented by Film Rage at Babel Arthouse Cinema (13 APR 19:00).
- CineClub: SOLDAT AHMET d. Jannis Lenz, 2021 at Austrian Cultural Forum SW7 (13 APR 19:00 – FREE!).
- Preview: BENEDETTA d. Paul Verhoeven, 2021 at The Prince Charles (14 APR 20:50).
- CODA d. Sian Heder, 2021 at The David Lean (14 APR 19:30).
- Ukraine Fundraiser: Desirous Bodies, Malign War: Women’s Moving Image from Ukraine programme of artists’ film at Pushkin House (14 APR 19:00). Also available online from 6pm Friday 15 April until 6pm Saturday 17 April.
- Kino Shorts: THE DONG WITH THE LUMINOUS NOSE d. Jonny Phillips + Intro/Q&A with the director at Kino Bermondsey (14 APR 19:30).
- HIVE d. Blerta Basholli, 2021 at The David Lean (14 APR 14:30).
- OPERATION MINCEMEAT d. John Madden, 2021 + Q&A with the director at Chiswick Cinema (14 APR 19:15).
- Ukraine Fundraiser: MY THOUGHTS ARE SILENT d. Antonio Lukich, 2019 presented by Jellied Reels at The Castle Cinema (14 APR 21:00).
- YOJI YAMADA’S SAMURAI TRILOGY at The Calder Bookshop & Theatre SE1 (14 APR 19:00 / 21 APR 19:00 / 28 APR 19:00 – Donation requested!).

35MM PRESENTATIONS at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): OUT OF THE BLUE 35mm d. Dennis Hopper, 1980 (08 APR 15:05); LICORICE PIZZA 35mm d. Paul Thomas Anderson, 2021 (08 APR 15:20 / 11 APR 15:05 / 14 APR 15:05); HEAT 35mmd. Michael Mann, 1995 (08 APR 20:15); EMPIRE RECORDS: Original Version 35mm d. Allan Moyle, 1995 (08 APR 21:00); HOLIDAY 35mm d. George Cukor, 1938 (09 APR 12:45); CASINO 35mm d. Martin Scorsese, 1995 (09 APR 20:15); BURLESQUE 35mm d. Steve Antin, 2010 (09 APR 21:00); BEFORE SUNRISE 35mm d. Richard Linklater, 1995 (10 APR 12:30 / 13 APR 12:45); HACKERS 35mm d. Iain Softley, 1995 (10 APR 15:00); SEVEN 35mm d. David Fincher, 1995 (10 APR 17:35); GET SHORTY 35mm d. Barry Sonnefeld, 1995 (10 APR 20:30); TANK GIRL 35mm d. Rachel Talalay, 1995 (11 APR 18:00); SHOWGIRLS 35mm d. Paul Verhoeven, 1995 (11 APR 20:30); THE PUBLIC ENEMY 35mm d. William A. Wellman, 1931 (12 APR 18:00).
70MM PRESENTATIONS at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY – New ‘Unrestored’ Version 70mm d. Stanley Kubrick, 1968 (13 APR 20:20).
007 SEASON at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): THE SPY WHO LOVED ME d. Lewis Gilbert, 1977 (09 APR 15:10 4K / 14 APR 14:30 4K).
70S CINEMA LATE NIGHTS 35MM at Everyman Screen On The Green
- Includes (check venue for full listings): CHINATOWN 35mm d. Roman Polanski, 1974 (09 APR 22:30 / 13 APR 10:30).
A LONG WEEKEND IN 1995 at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): TO WONG FOO, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING! JULIE NEWMAR d. Beeban Kidron, 1995 (08 APR 18:20); HEAT 35mm d. Michael Mann, 1995 (08 APR 20:15); EMPIRE RECORDS: Original Version 35mm d. Allan Moyle, 1995 (08 APR 21:00); GHOST IN THE SHELL d. Mamoru Oshii, 1995 (09 APR 18:00); CASINO 35mm d. Martin Scorsese, 1995 (09 APR 20:15); BEFORE SUNRISE 35mm d. Richard Linklater, 1995 (10 APR 12:30 / 13 APR 12:45); HACKERS 35mm d. Iain Softley, 1995 (10 APR 15:00); SEVEN 35mm d. David Fincher, 1995 (10 APR 17:35); GET SHORTY 35mm d. Barry Sonnefeld, 1995 (10 APR 20:30); TANK GIRL 35mm d. Rachel Talalay, 1995 (11 APR 18:00); SHOWGIRLS 35mm d. Paul Verhoeven, 1995 (11 APR 20:30); LA HAINE d. Mathieu Kassovitz, 1995 (13 APR 18:00 4K).
ANIME at BFI Southbank
- Includes (check venue for full listings): MAQUIA: WHEN THE PROMISED FLOWER BLOOMS aka Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana o Kazaro d. Mari Okada, 2018 (08 APR 18:00); MY NEIGHBOUR TOTORO aka Tonari no Totoro d. Hayao Miyazaki, 1988 (08 APR 20:50); KIMBA THE WHITE LION aka Jangaru Taitei, 1965 featuring Go, White Lion, Great Caesar’s Ghost, & Destroyers from the Desert dubbed versions (09 APR 12:40); STEAMBOY aka Suchîmubôi d. Katsuhiro Ôtomo, 2004 (09 APR 20:20 WHEN MARNIE WAS THERE aka Omoide No Mani d. Hiromasa Yonebayashi, 2014 (10 APR 15:10); Early Days of Anime Shorts Programme 1917-1946 (11 APR 20:40); ROYAL SPACE FORCE: THE WINGS OF HONNEAMISE aka Oritsu Uchugun: Oneamisu no Tsubasa d. Hiroyuki Yamada, 1987 (12 APR 18:00); MOMOTARO’S DIVINE SEA WARRIORS aka Momotaro: Umi no Shinpei d. Mitsuyo Seo, 1945 (13 APR 18:30); PATLABOR: THE MOVIE aka Kidô keisatsu patorebâ: Gekijô-ban d. Mamoru Oshii, 1989 (13 APR 20:40); COWBOY BEBOP: THE MOVIE aka Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no tobira d. Shinichiro Watanabe, 2001 (14 APR 20:45).
ANIME at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): BELLE aka Ryû to sobakasu no hime d. Mamoru Hosoda, 2021 (12 APR 12:45 / 13 APR 20:45); GHOST IN THE SHELL d. Mamoru Oshii, 1995 (09 APR 18:00).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): AGUIRRE, WRATH OF GOOD aka Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes d. Werner Herzog, 1972 (08 APR 18:15); STALKER d. Andrei Tarkovsky, 1979 (09 APR 17:30); BABETTE’S FEAST aka Babettes Gaestebud d. Gabriel Axel, 1987 (10 APR 12:10); ORDET aka The Word d. Carl Dreyer, 1955 (10 APR 15:30); THE NEW WORLD d. Terrence Malick, 2005 (10 APR 17:30); THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW aka Il vangelo secondo Matteo d. Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1964 (11 APR 18:00); BLACK NARCISSUS d. Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, 1947 (12 APR 20:45); UNE FEMME DOUCE aka A Gentle Creature d. Robert Bresson, 1969 + Intro by Alex Barrett (13 APR 18:20); MY NIGHT WITH MAUD aka Ma Nuit chez Maud d. Eric Rohmer, 1969 (14 APR 20:30).
BLACK & WHITE MOVIES at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): HOLIDAY 35mm d. George Cukor, 1938 (09 APR 12:45); LA HAINE d. Mathieu Kassovitz, 1995 (13 APR 18:00 4K).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): Career interview with Luis Miñarro (09 APR 16:30); MIGHTY FLASH aka Destello bravío d. Ainhoa Rodríguez, 2021 UK Premiere + Q&A (09 APR 18:20); THE ODD-JOB MEN aka Sis dies corrents d. Neus Ballús, 2021 (10 APR 18:00).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): BEDTIME STORY d. Ralph Levy, 1964 (08 APR 18:00); THE GODFATHER d. Francis Ford Coppola, 1972 (09 APR 20:00); ON THE WATERFRONT d. Elia Kazan, 1954 (10 APR 18:30 / 13 APR 18:30); LISTEN TO ME MARLON d. Stevan Riley, 2015 (11 APR 18:30); THE WILD ONE d. László Benedek, 1953 (11 APR 21:00); A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE d. Elia Kazan, 1951 (12 APR 20:40).
CHER ON SCREEN at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): BURLESQUE 35mm d. Steve Antin, 2010 (09 APR 21:00).
CLAUDIA VON ALEMANN at ICA & Goethe-Institut
- Includes (check venue for full listings): BLIND SPOT aka Die Reise nach Lyon/Le Voyage à Lyon d. Claudia von Alemann, 1981 at ICA (08 APR 18:15); THE NEXT CENTURY WILL BE OURS aka Das nächste Jahrhundert wird uns gehören + BRIGHT NIGHTS aka Lichte Nächte/Nuits Claires d. Claudia von Alemann, 1986/7 + 1988 at Goethe-Institut (09 APR 14:00 – 19:00); THE WOMAN WITH THE CAMERA – PORTRAIT OF THE PHOTOGRAPHER ABISAG TÜLLMANN d. Claudia von Alemann, 2015 at Goethe-Institut (11 APR 19:00).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): LOVE STREAMS d. John Cassavetes, 1984 (08 APR 20:15); THE KILLING OF A CHINESE BOOKIE d. John Cassavetes, 1976 (09 APR 20:15); FACES d. John Cassavetes, 1968 (10 APR 17:45); OPENING NIGHT d. John Cassavetes, 1977 (10 APR 20:00).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): POLYTECHNIQUE d. Denis Villeneuve, 2009 (14 APR 17:15 – £1 Members’ Screening).
FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): APOCALYPSE NOW: FINAL CUT d. Francis Ford Coppola, 1979 (12 APR 20:05 – 4K).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): LA GRANDE ILLUSION d. Jean Renoir, 1937 (10 APR 20:45); LE JOUR SE LÈVE d. Marcel Carné, 1939 + Intro by Tom Brown (14 APR 18:30).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): THE MAGIC FLUTE d. Ingmar Bergman, 1975 (10 APR 14:50).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD d. Joachim Trier, 2022 (until 14 APR).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): OSLO, AUGUST 31ST d. Joachim Trier, 2011 (13 APR 12:10); REPRISE d. Joachim Trier, 2006 (12 APR 15:35); THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD d. Joachim Trier, 2022 (08 to 14 APR).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): Liv Ullmann in Conversation (08 APR 18:10); PERSONA d. Ingmar Bergman, 1966 + Intro by Liv Ullmann (08 APR 20:40); AUTUMN SONATA 4K aka Sonata Höstsonaten d. Ingmar Bergman, 1978 + Q&A with Liv Ullmann (09 APR 12:10); FAITHLESS aka Trolösa d. Liv Ullmann, 2000 + Extended intro by Liv Ullmann (09 APR 18:15); SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE aka Scener ur ett Äktenskap d. Ingmar Bergman, 1973 (10 APR 17:40); AN-MAGRITT 35mm d. Arne Skouen, 1969 (12 APR 20:40); SHAME aka Skammen d. Ingmar Bergman, 1968 (13 APR 18:10); THE PASSION OF ANNA aka En Passiond. Ingmar Bergman, 1969 + Intro by Geoff Andrew, Programmer-at-Large (14 APR 18:10). Re-release: CRIES & WHISPERS aka Viskningar och rop d. Ingmar Bergman, 1972 (01 to 14 APR).
- Includes (check venue for listings): CASINO 35mm d. Martin Scorsese, 1995 (09 APR 20:15).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): THE YEAR OF THE SEX OLYMPICS d. Michael Elliott, 1968 (12 APR 18:10).
PRE-CODE HOLLYWOOD at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for listings): THE PUBLIC ENEMY 35mm d. William A. Wellman, 1931 (12 APR 18:00).
SCREWBALL COMEDY at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): HOLIDAY 35mm d. George Cukor, 1938 (09 APR 12:45).
- Includes (check venue for listings): MOANA d. Ron Clements, John Musker, Don Hall & Chris Williams, 2016 (13 APR 14:55); MURINA d. Antoneta Alamat Kusijanović, 2021 (08 APR 18:30 & 20:30 / 09 APR 15:00 & 18:00 / 10 APR 18:00 / 11 APR 16:45 & 18:45 / 13 APR 16:00 & 20:45 / 14 APR 16:30 & 18:30); LES VACANCES DE MONSIEUR HULOT aka Mr Hulot’s Holiday d. Jacques Tati, 1953 (10 APR 14:00 / 12 APR 18:30 / 14 APR 16:00).
- Includes (check venue for listings): 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY – New ‘Unrestored’ Version 70mm d. Stanley Kubrick, 1968 (13 APR 20:20).
THREE BY SATYAJIT RAY at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for listings): APARAJITO d. Satyajit Ray, 1956 (12 APR 18:10).
TWO BY EDWARD YANG at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for listings): A BRIGHTER SUMMER DAY d. Edward Yang, 1991 (14 APR 19:15).
- Includes (check venue for listings): MURINA d. Antoneta Alamat Kusijanović, 2021 (until 14 APR various); THE AUDITION d. Ina Weisse, 2019 (14 APR 20:40).

- Essay Film Festival (19 MAR to 23 APR).
- London Independent Film Festival (01 to 10 APR).
- London International Student Film Festival (14 APR).
- The People’s Film Festival (02 to 09 APR).
- Remakesploitation Fest (09 to 10 APR).

COMPARTMENT NO. 6 aka Hytti nro 6 d. Juho Kuosmanen, 2021:
- Various venues, inc: ActOne Cinema / ArtHouse Crouch End / Barbican / BFI / The Castle Cinema / Ciné Lumière / Curzon Cinemas / ICA / Rich Mix / Riverside Studios

JULIA d. Julie Cohen & Betsy West, 2022:
- Various venues, inc: ArtHouse Crouch End / Bertha DocHouse / Picturehouse Cinemas

THE LUCKY STAR d. Max Fischer, 1980:
- Various venues, inc: JW3 (from 10 APR).
- Also 08 to 14 APR (various dates/times): ALL I CAN SAY d. Shannon Hoon, Taryn Gould, Colleen Hennessy & Danny Clinch, 2020 at: Picturehouse Cinemas // MURINA d. Antoneta Alamat Kusijanović, 2021 at: ArtHouse Crouch End / Barbican / Ciné Lumière / Curzon Cinemas / The Garden Cinema / Genesis Cinema // NAVALNY d. Daniel Roher, 2022 at: Bertha DocHouse // OUR TIME MACHINE d. Yang Sun & Leo Chiang, 2019 at: Bertha DocHouse // THE OUTFIT d. Graham Moore, 2022 at: ActOne Cinema / Curzon Cinemas / Everyman Cinemas / The Lexi Cinema / Picturehouse Cinemas / Riverside Studios // PRAYERS FOR THE STOLEN aka Noche de fuego d. Tatiana Huezo, 2021 at: Barbican / ICA // SMALL BODY aka Piccolo corpo d. Laura Samani, 2021 at: Barbican / BFI / ICA // THE WALK d. Giovanni Maderna, 2021 at: ICA.

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*THE SMALL PRINT: Opinions author’s own. // As accurate as we could make it. Apologies for any errors. Updates & corrections will be made to the online version only. // Event dates/times/formats are subject to change by the venue/organiser. Events may already be sold out at the time of posting, so please click quickly. // We try to list as many original format screenings as we can (8 to 70MM), but sometimes formats change due to age of the print, availability, logistics etc, so please check ahead with your venue if the format is your thing. // All images are used in the spirit of fair use for reporting & review – no ownership is implied or intended / unless otherwise credited to RADIANT CIRCUS as the original rights holder. We will remove any images immediately upon request – just get in touch. // We don’t filter our listings by age/certification: all readers & subscribers should therefore be 18+. // Finally, we always try to follow The Carny Code by “not screwing up anyone else’s game”, but everyone can make mistakes… If something does go wrong, we will always do our best to put it right. //.