SCREEN GUIDE: What’s on in London this week (09 to 15 OCT 2020)
Discover what’s on in London this week with full listings for independent cinemas, drive-ins & alternative venues including special event screenings, Q&As, film clubs, new releases, repertory seasons & film festivals.*
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What’s on in London this week (virtual & in venues): SINGLE-O EXHIBITS one-off events / ORIGINAL FORMATS 8MM to 70MM+ / REP. SEASONS / FILM FESTIVALS / NEW RELEASES inc. revivals & restorations / CINEMA+ LISTINGS full schedules for London’s alternative venues & drive-ins / COMING ATTRACTIONS.

Wow. That was a tough week… As the entire world seemed to be aware, Bond 2020 shifted release date (you know it’s had wide coverage when your Mum mentions it in dispatches…). This precipitated announcements that Cineworld/Picturehouse were to close all their UK sites from today (09 OCT) and Odeon Cinemas will convert some of their sites to part time operation. Much of this was accompanied with prophesying for and against the likelihood of the cinema industry surviving a sustained drought of content…
Our only perspective is to feel that the industry has been here before (and survived). We’re no film historians, but the current situation seems eerily like the sustained dip in major releases that the American exhibition industry endured in the 1950s (see Kevin Heffernan’s Ghouls, Gimmicks And Gold: Horror Films and the American Movie Business, 1953–1968 for a good account). This period triggered an outpouring of low-cost independent film production (some funded by the exhibitors themselves…) and foreign imports. Smaller neighbourhood exhibitors turned to a blended diet of exploitation and arthouse programming and drive-in cinemas were at their peak. Some went the full porn of course, which isn’t something we see being replicated today… but the following comments from Catford Mews could well have been uttered by managers of nabe action houses back in the postwar period:
“Being totally reliant on Hollywood as my single source of driver for footfall, that is a risky proposition. There are a lot of really good independent films out there right now – ROCKS, an east London coming of age story we have been doing selling out shows on is a perfect film for Catford Mews. There is a long list of independent movies we are going to be showing over the next three months that we think we are going to have a good run with. We are feeling optimistic.” (Preston Benson, founder of Really Local Group in The Guardian: ‘We will survive, we just need movies’ says Vue cinema boss, 08 OCT / Online).
Of course, our hearts go out to the staff of any cinema that has gone dark (we are also thinking about the fine folk at Peckhamplex and the fire damaged Lexi) and any venue that is still struggling to reopen (notable continued absences from London’s scene include The David Lean Cinema, Phoenix Cinema and The Cinema Museum amongst others).
Anyone who receives regular news from Prince Charles Cinema will know they are reporting outstanding community support ahead of their reopening this week for the BFI London Film Festival. A rush of pre-bookings and significant boosts to their membership and merchandise sales have boosted their war chest. RADIANT CIRCUS will continue to advocate for audiences doing our part to help salvage independent and alternative screen culture whenever and however we are able to do so. As the Prince Charles has shown, people power is essential to saving our screens, whether they are operated by limited companies or held in trust by charitable foundations, managed by paid staff or run entirely by volunteers.
Possibly the hardest bit of news to swallow from last week was confirmation that Deptford Cinema will leave their current subterranean location at the end of November in search of a new property. Prior issues with their tenancy and the suitability of the building (everything from access to electricity were ongoing challenges) meant that such a move was being actively considered before the pandemic, but social distancing regulations for such a small venue have seriously put the nail in.
The entirely volunteer founded, managed and driven venue reports that their On Demand service will continue to operate for “the foreseeable future” and they are looking for pop-up solutions to keep their projector bulbs burning. But the pursuit of a suitable new home will always be a perilous undertaking and we will mourn their departure from our listings until they can find a new venue.
All we can do for now is offer a huge thank you to everyone involved for making Deptford Cinema not just one of London’s, but one of the UK’s most vibrant and passionate homes for resolutely DIY alternative screen culture. We also wish them well for the future. We last wrote about some of our favourite Deptford Cinema memories HERE. What were yours?

Despite all the bad news, there are enough indie releases and screens reopened for RADIANT CIRCUS to return to our familiar listings format. That means we won’t be producing full listings for every screen venue and will instead be keeping abreast of special events, rep screenings, seasons, festivals and other delights.
Two cultural events dominate our listings this week. Firstly, Black History Month continues with excellent seasons and special screenings across town and online. We particularly like what The Castle Cinema has done by programming mostly Black centred and created content across their entire venue for the entire month. The New Black Film Collective continues their season at Vue Stratford with WHITE RIOT whilst online festival events I Will Tell and We Are Tano extend the reach. Dive into our daily listings for more.
The BFI London Film Festival continues online and at venues across London and the UK. We’ve tried to identify all of the venue-based events you can still book tickets for at the time of posting. We haven’t had the time to explore their full virtual programme, but you could do a lot worse than check out the festival’s collaboration with Kennington Bioscope for a special silent cinema screening (complete with accompaniment from Cyrus Gabrysch on Piano-Cam!). THE CHEATERS is available on BFI Player for FREE (11 to 14 OCT) and is our special mention of the week.
Our Featured Attraction Of The Week is the repertory screening of A VIEW TO A KILL at Olympic Studios (11 OCT). Because Bond 2020 has been delayed… Because rep, revival and DIY indie cinema will survive… And because Grace Jones… Well, to be honest, it’s really all about Grace Jones…
See you in darkness,

#LFF – SHIRLEY d. Josephine Decker, 2020 + Recorded Q&A at ArtHouse Crouch End (09 OCT 21:00):
- “‘I’m a witch, didn’t anyone tell you?’ When we first meet Shirley (Elisabeth Moss), soon to become America’s queen of horror fiction, she seems to be no such thing; just a sad, drunken shut-in, married to a cheating English professor (Michael Stuhlbarg) and blocked as a writer. But with the arrival of Rose (Odessa Young) and her teaching-assistant husband Fred (Logan Lerman), Shirley reveals herself as a far crueller and more sophisticated creature, seducing the innocent girl into becoming her companion and accomplice in the new mystery novel she is writing.”
- See our daily BFI London Film Festival listings for venue-based events.
To Bring the World into the World: Recent Work by Sarah Wood + Q&A with the filmmaker & Dr Catherine Grant FREE online event (09 OCT 18:00):
- BIMI presents: “This shorts programme focuses on Sarah Wood’s concerns with the way counter-cinema can survive as an open space for thought & imagination. This event is presented in partnership by Bertha DocHouse and Birkbeck University, bringing you some of the best events from this year’s disrupted Essay Film Festival 2020.”
- How it works: Register online for links to the event.
More films in London today:
- BLACK PANTHER d. Ryan Coogler, 2018 at Electric Cinema White City (09 OCT 17:30). GET OUT d. Jordan Peele, 2017 at Electric Cinema White City (09 OCT 21:00). LITTLE GIRL aka Petite Fille d. Sébastien Lifshitz, 2020 at Ciné Lumière (09 OCT 20:30).
BFI London Film Festival (in venues):
- DAYS d. Tsai Ming-Liang, 2020 at ICA (09 OCT 19:40). HERSELF d. Phyllida Lloyd, 2020 at BFI Southbank (09 OCT 14:30, 14:45 & 14:50). HERSELF d. Phyllida Lloyd, 2020 at Curzon Mayfair (09 OCT 21:00). SHIRLEY d. Josephine Decker, 2020 at BFI Southbank (09 OCT 20:45). SHIRLEY d. Josephine Decker, 2020 + Recorded Q&A at Catford Mews (09 OCT 19:30). SHIRLEY d. Josephine Decker, 2020 + Recorded Q&A at Ciné Lumière (09 OCT 20:00). SHIRLEY d. Josephine Decker, 2020 at Curzon Cinemas (09 OCT – various venues). SHIRLEY d. Josephine Decker, 2020 + Recorded Q&A at Everyman Cinemas (09 OCT 20:30). SHIRLEY d. Josephine Decker, 2020 + Recorded Q&A at Genesis Cinema (09 OCT 21:00). SHIRLEY d. Josephine Decker, 2020 at Regent Street Cinema (09 OCT 19:30). SHIRLEY d. Josephine Decker, 2020 + Recorded Q&A at Riverside Studios (09 OCT 20:15).

BURNING AN ILLUSION d. Menelik Shabazz, 1981 at ArtHouse Crouch End (10 OCT 15:00):
- “A pioneering first feature from Menelik Shabazz, much of it shot around the Notting Hill and Ladbroke Grove communities, BURNING AN ILLUSION marked a coming of age for black British cinema. A film about transformation and identity, it is a love story that traces the emotional and political growth of a young black couple in Thatcher’s London.”
DOSED d. Tyler Chandler, 2019 + Panel at Genesis Cinema (10 OCT 15:30):
- “An evening dedicated to psychedelics, mental health, addiction, compassion, education, and solutions. The DOSED screening will be followed by a Q&A moderated by special guests from the psychedelic community.”
ETERNAL BEAUTY 35MM d. Craig Roberts, 2019 + Q&A with the director & producer Adrian Bate at Genesis Cinema (10 OCT 18:05):
- “When Jane (Academy Award nominee Sally Hawkins – THE SHAPE OF WATER, BLUE JASMINE) is dumped at the altar, she has a breakdown and spirals into a chaotic world where love (both real and imagined) and family relationships collide with both touching and humorous consequences.”
More films in London today:
- BLACK PANTHER d. Ryan Coogler, 2018 at Electric Cinema Portobello (10 OCT 13:30). BLACK PANTHER d. Ryan Coogler, 2018 at electric Cinema White City (10 OCT 20:30). THE BLACK POWER MIXTAPE 1967-1975 d. Göran Hugo Olsson, 2011 at Bellingham Film Palace (10 OCT 18:30). GET OUT d. Jordan Peele, 2017 at Electric Cinema Portobello (10 OCT 20:45). GET OUT d. Jordan Peele, 2017 at Electric Cinema White City (10 OCT 17:30). THE GOONIES d. Richard Donner, 1985 at Everyman Canary Wharf & Chelsea (10 OCT – various times). LA HAINE d. Mathieu Kassovitz, 1995 at Ciné Lumière (10 OCT 20:05). LITTLE GIRL aka Petite Fille d. Sébastien Lifshitz, 2020 at Ciné Lumière (10 OCT 18:10). SORRY TO BOTHER YOU d. Boots Riley, 2018 at Catford Mews (10 OCT 19:30).
BFI London Film Festival (in venues):
- HERSELF d. Phyllida Lloyd, 2020 at Barbican Cinema (10 OCT 15:00 HOH). HERSELF d. Phyllida Lloyd, 2020 at Ciné Lumière (10 OCT 18:00). MOGUL MOWGLI d. Bassam Tariq, 2020 at Curzon Soho (10 OCT 18:30). SHIRLEY d. Josephine Decker, 2020 + Recorded Q&A at Curzon Mayfair + Richmond (10 OCT 21:00 + 11:00). TIME d. Garrett Bradley, 2020 at Curzon Soho (10 OCT 16:10). TIME d. Garrett Bradley, 2020 at ICA (10 OCT 20:00).

GOODFELLAS 30TH ANNIVERSARY d. Martin Scorsese, 1990 + Intro by Nick Toth at Genesis Cinema (11 OCT 17:15):
- “Henry Hill might be a small time gangster, who may have taken part in a robbery with Jimmy Conway and Tommy De Vito, two other gangsters who might have set their sights a bit higher. His two partners could kill off everyone else involved in the robbery, and slowly start to think about climbing up through the hierarchy of the Mob. Henry, however, might be badly affected by his partners’ success, but will he consider stooping low enough to bring about the downfall of Jimmy and Tommy?”
More films in London today:
- AKIRA d. Katsuhiro Otomo, 1988 at Regent Street Cinema (11 OCT 14:00). A VIEW TO A KILL d, John Glen, 1985 at Olympic Studios (11 OCT 14:20). BLACK PANTHER d. Ryan Coogler, 2018 at Electric Cinema Portobello (11 OCT 19:00). BLACK PANTHER d. Ryan Coogler, 2018 at electric Cinema White City (11 OCT 15:00 & 20:15). CAPITAL IN THE 21ST CENTURY d. Justin Pemberton, 2019 at Ciné Lumière (11 OCT 19:30). CAPITAL IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY d. Justin Pemberton, 2019 at Everyman King’s Cross (11 OCT 12:30). DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: A LIFE ON OUR PLANET d. Alastair Fothergill, Jonnie Hughes & Keith Scholey, 2020 at Archlight Cinema (11 OCT 17:40). DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: A LIFE ON OUR PLANET d. Alastair Fothergill, Jonnie Hughes & Keith Scholey, 2020 at Genesis Cinema (11 OCT 18:00). GET OUT d. Jordan Peele, 2017 at Electric Cinema White City (11 OCT 17:30).
BFI London Film Festival (in venues):
- SHIRLEY d. Josephine Decker, 2020 at ICA (11 OCT 19:30). SUPERNOVA d. Harry Macqueen, 2020 at Ciné Lumière (11 OCT 19:40). SUPERNOVA d. Harry Macqueen, 2020 at Curzon Soho (11 OCT 20:00). TIME d. Garrett Bradley, 2020 at Ciné Lumière (11 OCT 16:45).

DIG! d. Ondi Timoner, 2004 at Dalston Roof Park (12 OCT 19:30):
- Deeper Into Movies presents: “Chronicles the rise and fall of The Brian Jonestown Massacre and The Dandy Warhols, two similar bands and close friends who played 1960s-style psychedelic and garage rock beginning in the 1990s. DIG! is the story of two extremely egotistical frontmen: it’s an account of catastrophic fall-outs, rockstar excess, musical anti-heroes, and the underground’s reluctance to sell out.”
Cinema Club: No Ticket Required – Online discussion of BAIT d. Mark Jenkin, 2019 with Jon Davies (12 OCT 20:00
- Watermans presents: Join us to discuss the critically acclaimed film BAIT, the 2019 British drama written and directed by Mark Jenkin. Set in a Cornish fishing village, a fisherman struggles to make ends meet without a fishing boat and tension arises between the locals and tourists. The film is in black and white and was filmed using a vintage hand cranked Bolex camera. It won several awards including a BAFTA for best Outstanding debut by a British Writer, Director or Producer.”
- How it works: watch the film online & register to take part in the discussion.
More films in London today:
- THE TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7 d. Aaron Sorkin, 2020 at Watermans (12 OCT 13:00 – Protected Group Screening).
BFI London Film Festival (in venues):
- SUPERNOVA d. Harry Macqueen, 2020 at Curzon Mayfair (12 OCT 21:00). UNDINE d. Christian Petzold, 2020 at Barbican Cinema (12 OCT 18:05). UNDINE d. Christian Petzold, 2020 at Ciné Lumière (12 OCT 19:30). UNDINE d. Christian Petzold, 2020 at Curzon Cinemas (12 OCT – various venues).

QUEEN & SLIM d. Melina Matsoukas, 2019 at Curzon Wimbledon (13 OCT 20:00):
- Wimbledon Film Club presents: “She is a super-smart criminal defense attorney; he is a God-fearing grocery store assistant. Their lukewarm first date takes an dramatic twist when a policeman pulls them over for a minor traffic infringement. The pair flees south from Ohio, heading for Florida, in a spectacularly shot road movie that could not be more timely.” For Black History Month.
Virtual CineClub: DAVOS d. Daniel Hoesl & Julia Niemann, 2020 FREE online event (13 OCT 18:00):
- Austrian Cultural Forum presents: “What drives our world becomes paradigmatic in Davos: everyday life in contrast to the global elite, who operate untied from all places, virtually without touching the ground. Davos is a film about equilibrium and contrast, about capitalism in our fractured world and the impact of the powerful on the many.”
- How it works: Register for this event before 17:00 – you will receive a link with a password via e-mail on the day.
More films in London today:
- CAPITAL IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY d. Justin Pemberton, 2019 at Everyman King’s Cross (13 OCT 12:30). DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: A LIFE ON OUR PLANET d. Alastair Fothergill, Jonnie Hughes & Keith Scholey, 2020 at Archlight Cinema (13 OCT 19:30). LES MISÉRABLES d. Ladj Ly, 2019 at Ciné Lumière (13 OCT 20:35). THE QUIET ONE d. Oliver Murray, 2019 at Olympic Studios (13 OCT 20:50). RBG d. Julie Cohen & Betsy West, 2018 at JW3 (13 OCT 14:45). RESISTANCE d. Jonathan Jakubowicz, 2020 presented by UKJF at JW3 (13 OCT 17:45). SORRY TO BOTHER YOU d. Boots Riley, 2018 at Catford Mews (13 OCT 19:30). WHO YOU THINK I AM d. Safy Nebbou, 2019 at JW3 (13 OCT 20:45).
BFI London Film Festival (in venues):
- MOGUL MOWGLI d. Bassam Tariq, 2020 at BFI Southbank (13 OCT 14:45 & 14:50). MOGUL MOWGLI d. Bassam Tariq, 2020 at ICA (13 OCT 19:30). MOGUL MOWGLI d. Bassam Tariq, 2020 at The Prince Charles Cinema (13 OCT 18:00). SHIRLEY d. Josephine Decker, 2020 at The Prince Charles (13 OCT 20:30). TIME d. Garrett Bradley, 2020 at Barbican Cinema (13 OCT 18:10). UNDINE d. Christian Petzold, 2020 at Curzon Mayfair (13 OCT 21:00).

TONI MORRISON: THE PIECES I AM d. Timothy Greenfield-Sanders, 2019 + Q&A with the director hosted by Be Manzini, FREE online event (14 OCT 19:00):
- Bertha DocHouse and Genesis Cinema present: “In this lovingly crafted film, Director Timothy Greenfield-Sanders, who was Morrison’s friend and photographer for four decades, has Morrison narrate her own story, from her earliest days growing up in small town Ohio. “I have spent my entire writing life trying to make sure that the white gaze was not the dominant one in any of my books,” she tells us, staring straight into the camera.” For Black History Month.
More films in London today:
- Afternoon Tea Classics CASABLANCA d. Michael Curtiz, 1942 at Kino Bermondsey (14 OCT 15:30 – Inc a scone with clotted cream & jam and tea!). AKIRA d. Katsuhiro Otomo, 1988 at Regent Street Cinema (14 OCT 17:10). BLACK PANTHER d. Ryan Coogler, 2018 at Electric Cinema Portobello (14 OCT 17:15). BLACK PANTHER d. Ryan Coogler, 2018 at electric Cinema White City (14 OCT 17:30). BURNING GHOST d. Stéphane Batut, 2019 at Ciné Lumière (14 OCT 20:15). GET OUT d. Jordan Peele, 2017 at Electric Cinema White City (14 OCT 20:30). MEMORIES OF MURDER d. Bong Joon-ho, 2003 at Kino Bermondsey (14 OCT 19:45). SEXY BEAST d. Jonathan Glazer, 2000 at Olympic Studios (14 OCT 20:50).
BFI London Film Festival (in venues):
- ANOTHER ROUND d. Thomas Vinterberg, 2020 at Ciné Lumière (14 OCT 19:30). ANOTHER ROUND d. Thomas Vinterberg, 2020 at Curzon Soho (14 OCT 18:10). DAVID BYRNE’S AMERICAN UTOPIA d. Spike Lee, 2020 at Curzon Soho (14 OCT 21:00). UNDINE d. Christian Petzold, 2020 at ICA (14 OCT 19:40).

A DARK MIND d. Dami Adeyeye, 2020 + Panel at Genesis Cinema (15 OCT 18:30):
- “A DARK MIND is a documentary about mental health in the black community; seeking to remove the taboo, challenge the stigma and initiate change. Part of Black History Month and in support of the work of Black Thrive.”
ESCAPE FROM PRETORIA d. Francis Annan, 2020 + Q&A with the director at Rooftop Drive In, Alexandra Palace (15 OCT 20:30):
- “Starring Daniel Radcliffe this film is based on the real-life prison break of three political captives, ESCAPE FROM PRETORIA is a race-against-time thriller set in the tumultuous apartheid days of South Africa in 1979. Through an ingenious system of fake keys and levers, the men engineer a breakout.”
HOUSE PARTY: HEATHERS d. Michael Lehmann, 1989 at Everyman Cinemas (15 OCT – various times / FREE pizza & drinks):
- “Are you a Heather or are you a Veronica? Either way, Everyman House Party is back with the the camp croquet-playing classic comedy Heathers. In order to get out of the snobby clique that is destroying her good-girl reputation, an intelligent teen teams up with a dark sociopath in a plot to kill the cool kids.”
More films in London today:
- BLACK PANTHER d. Ryan Coogler, 2018 at electric Cinema White City (15 OCT 20:30). GET OUT d. Jordan Peele, 2017 at Electric Cinema Portobello (15 OCT 17:45). GET OUT d. Jordan Peele, 2017 at Electric Cinema White City (15 OCT 18:00). HOPE GAP d. William Nicholson, 2019 at Olympic Studios (15 OCT 17:00). LES MISÉRABLES d. Ladj Ly, 2019 at Ciné Lumière (15 OCT 20:20). LITTLE GIRL aka Petite Fille d. Sébastien Lifshitz, 2020 at Ciné Lumière (15 OCT 18:15). THE PAINTED BIRD d. Václav Marhoul, 2019 at JW3 (15 OCT 19:00). THE QUIET ONE d. Oliver Murray, 2019 at Olympic Studios (15 OCT 13:30). SCARFACE d. Brian De Palma, 1983 at Archlight Cinema (15 OCT 20:00). SORRY TO BOTHER YOU d. Boots Riley, 2018 at Catford Mews (15 OCT 19:30). THE TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7 d. Aaron Sorkin, 2020 at The Prince Charles (15 OCT 17:50).
BFI London Film Festival (in venues):
- AFTER LOVE d. Aleem Khan, 2019 (15 OCT 18:00 HOH). ANOTHER ROUND d. Thomas Vinterberg, 2020 at Curzon Mayfair (15 OCT 21:00). DAVID BYRNE’S AMERICAN UTOPIA d. Spike Lee, 2020 at Curzon Mayfair (15 OCT 17:45). DAVID BYRNE’S AMERICAN UTOPIA d. Spike Lee, 2020 at ICA (15 OCT 19:30). TIME d. Garrett Bradley, 2020 at The Prince Charles (15 OCT 18:20).
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- ETERNAL BEAUTY 35MM d. Craig Roberts, 2019 + Q&A with the director & producer Adrian Bate at Genesis Cinema (10 OCT 18:05).
- JOURNAL D’UNE FEMME DE CHAMBRE 35MM aka Diary of a Chambermaid d. Luis Buñuel, 1964 at Ciné Lumière (11 OCT 14:00 / 13 OCT 18:00).
- LOST IN TRANSLATION 35MM d. Sofia Coppola, 2003 presented by Truman’s Brewery at Genesis Cinema (09 OCT 18:30 – With a FREE pint of something Truman’s!).
- TENET IMAX 15/70MM d. Christopher Nolan 2020 at BFI IMAX (09 OCT 12:00 & 16:00 / 10 OCT 12:00 & 16:00 / 11 OCT 11:30 & 15:15).

“The New Black Film Collective presents a season of screenings that address the Black Lives Matter movement globally and how it affects the Black British experience.”
- WHITE RIOT d. Rubika Shah, 2019 + Panel at Vue Stratford (15 OCT 19:00 – FREE!).
BLACK HISTORY MONTH at The Castle Cinema (OCT):
“October is Black History Month. To celebrate, the majority of films we screen will showcase black filmmakers and stories, highlighting some incredible work by outstanding black talent.”
- BLACK PANTHER d. Ryan Coogler, 2018 (12 OCT 21:00). THE COLOR PURPLE d. Steven Spielberg, 1985 (15 OCT 15:30). DO THE RIGHT THING d. Spike Lee, 1989 (14 OCT 15:30). I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO d. Raoul Peck, 2017 (11 OCT 14:15 / 15 OCT 18:45). LA HAINE d. Mathieu Kassovitz, 1995 (daily 09 to 13 & 15 OCT). LES MISÉRABLES d. Ladj Ly, 2019 (daily 09 to 12 & 14 to 15 OCT). MISS JUNETEENTH d. Channing Godfrey Peoples, 2020 (09 OCT 11:30 / 13 OCT 11:20 / 14 OCT 16:15 & 20:30 / 15 OCT 14:00). MOONLIGHT d. Barry Jenkins, 2017 (09 OCT 21:00 / 12 OCT 18:30). REAL d. Aki Omoshaybi, 2019 (daily 09 to 12 & 14 to 15 OCT). ROCKS d. Sarah Gavron, 2019 (daily until 20 OCT).
“Riverside Studios is proud to celebrate Black History Month with a selection of films that explore and interrogate different aspects of life, looking at the past and present of the Black experience both in the US and in the UK.”
- HITSVILLE: THE MAKING OF MOTOWN d. Gabe Turner & Benjamin Turner, 2019 + Intro by Kaleem Aftab (10 OCT 14:00).
- JOURNAL D’UNE FEMME DE CHAMBRE 35MM aka Diary of a Chambermaid d. Luis Buñuel, 1964 (11 OCT 14:00 / 13 OCT 18:00).
“Further to our online celebration of Michel Piccoli, one of France’s most prolific actors who sadly left us on 12 May, Ciné Lumière invites you to revisit his legacy on the big screen.”
- JOURNAL D’UNE FEMME DE CHAMBRE 35MM aka Diary of a Chambermaid d. Luis Buñuel, 1964 (11 OCT 14:00 / 13 OCT 18:00).
THE SOFIA & BILL SEASON at Genesis Cinema (OCT):
“In light of Sofia Coppola’s new release ON THE ROCKS (starring Bill Murray) we decided to have a little cinematic celebration of the two excellent artists.”
- LOST IN TRANSLATION 35MM d. Sofia Coppola, 2003 presented by Truman’s Brewery (09 OCT 18:30 – With a FREE pint of something Truman’s!).
THROUGH HER EYES at Genesis Cinema (OCT):
“From superstars that have changed the face of pop music to little girls that are subjected to female genital mutilation, we are bringing together a mini BHM season to explore black female stories.”
- TONI MORRISON: THE PIECES I AM d. Timothy Greenfield-Sanders, 2019 (12 OCT 21:00 – FREE tickets for Tower Hamlets residents, enquire with the venue). TANGERINE d. Sean Baker, 2015 (15 OCT 21:00).

- Banff Mountain Film Festival UK & Ireland Tour online event (06 to 15 OCT).
- BFI London Film Festival blended event (07 to 18 OCT).
- Chronic Youth Film Festival online event (03 to 13 OCT).
- The Design Film Festival online event (11 SEP to 01 NOV 2020).
- I Will Tell: 31 Day Crush Racism Film Challenge online event (OCT).
- We Are Tano online event (01 to 20 OCT).

BEYOND THE VISIBLE: HILMA AF KLINT d. Halina Dyrschka, 2020:
- “Hilma af Klint was an abstract artist before the term existed, a visionary, trailblazing figure who, inspired by spiritualism, modern science, and the riches of the natural world around her, began in 1906 to reel out a series of huge, colourful, sensual, strange works without precedent in painting. The subject of a recent smash retrospective at the Guggenheim Museum, af Klint was for years an all-but-forgotten figure in art historical discourse, before her long-delayed rediscovery.”
- Screening at: Curzon Bloomsbury
I AM WOMAN d. Unjoo Moon, 2020:
- “1966. Helen Reddy arrives in New York with her three-year-old daughter, a suitcase and 230 dollars in her pocket. Helen had been told she had won a recording contract, but the record company promptly dashes her hopes by telling her it has enough female stars and suggests she has fun in New York before returning home to Australia.”
- Screening at: Curzon Cinemas / Everyman Cinemas / Regent Street Cinema
KAJILLIONAIRE d. Miranda July, 2020:
- “From acclaimed writer/director Miranda July comes a profoundly moving and wildly original comedy. Con-artists Theresa (Debra Winger) and Robert (Richard Jenkins) have spent 26 years training their only daughter, Old Dolio (Evan Rachel Wood), to swindle, scam, and steal at every opportunity. During a desperate, hastily conceived heist, they charm a stranger (Gina Rodriguez) into joining their next scam, only to have their entire world turned upside down.”
- Screening at: ArtHouse Crouch End / Catford Mews / Everyman Cinemas / Regent Street Cinema
SAINT MAUD d. Rose Glass, 2020:
- “The debut film from writer-director Rose Glass, SAINT MAUD is a chilling and boldly original vision of faith, madness, and salvation in a fallen world. Maud, a newly devout hospice nurse, becomes obsessed with saving her dying patient’s soul – but sinister forces, and her own sinful past, threaten to put an end to her holy calling.”
- Screening at: ArtHouse Crouch End / Curzon Cinemas / Everyman Cinemas / Genesis Cinema / Rich Mix / Rio Cinema / Riverside Studios
Also screening in London:
- AKIRA d. Katsuhiro Ohtomo, 1988 at Genesis Cinema (daily from 09 to 15 OCT). Short: COGNITION d. Ravi Ajit Chopra, 2020 at Archlight Cinema (daily 09 to 11 & 13 to 18 OCT).

- AKIRA 4K d. Katsuhiro Ôtomo, 1988 (daily until 15 OCT). TENET IMAX 15/70MM d. Christopher Nolan 2020 (09 OCT 12:00 & 16:00 / 10 OCT 12:00 & 16:00 / 11 OCT 11:30 & 15:15).
THE DRIVE IN, Troubadour Meridian Water inc (by date):
- GET OUT d. Jordan Peele, 2017 (09 OCT 19:00). TENET d. Christopher Nolan, 2020 (09 OCT 21:45 / 15 OCT 20:00). BAD BOYS FOR LIFE d. Adil & Bilall, 2020 (10 OCT 21:00 / 12 OCT 21:45 HOH). THE GREATEST SHOWMAN d. Michael Gracey, 2017 (10 OCT 18:00). SISTER ACT d. Emile Ardolino, 1992 (11 OCT 18:00). THE MATRIX d. Lana Wachowski & Lilly Wachowski, 1999 (11 OCT 21:00). IF BEALE STREET COULD TALK d. Barry Jenkins, 2018 (12 OCT 19:00 HOH). UNHINGED d. Derrick Borte, 2020 (13 OCT 20:00 HOH). JURASSIC PARK d. Steven Spielberg, 1993 (14 OCT 20:00).
- Returns 23 OCT.
ROOFTOP DRIVE IN at Alexandra Palace inc:
- A RAINY DAY IN NEW YORK d. Woody Allen, 2019 (12 OCT 17:30). GREASE d. Randall Kleiser, 1978 (12 OCT 20:30). 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU d. Gil Junger , 1999 (13 OCT 17:30). ROMEO + JULIET d. Baz Luhrmann, 1996 (13 OCT 20:30). ROCKS d. Sarah Gavron, 2019 (14 OCT 17:30). THE BIG LEBOWSKI d. Joel Coen, 1998 (14 OCT 20:30). ESCAPE FROM PRETORIA d. Francis Annan, 2020 + Q&A with the director (15 OCT 20:30 – See daily listings for full details).
- 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU d. Gil Junger, 1999 (09 OCT 16:00). MARY POPPINS d. Robert Stevenson, 1964 (10 OCT 12:00). BILL & TED FACE THE MUSIC d. Stephen Herek, 2020 (10 OCT 16:00). TENET d. Christopher Nolan, 2020 (14 OCT 15:30). GREASE d. Randall Kleiser, 1978 (15 OCT 16:00).
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- AURORA d. Miia Tervo, 2019 presented by South Social Film Festival at Genesis Cinema (24 OCT 18:00).
- THE BIGGEST LITTLE FARM d. John Chester, 2018 + Intro presented by No Planet B Film at Catford Mews (21 OCT 19:30).
- Bloomsbury Festival blended event (16 to 25 OCT).
- BRIAN DE PALMA SEASON: PART 1 at The Prince Charles Cinema (NOV).
- Ciné-Real 16mm Film Club Halloween Special: DRACULA 16MM d. Terence Fisher, 1958 (21 + 29 OCT) + THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE 8MM d. Tobe Hooper, 1974 (22 + 28 OCT) at The Castle Cinema.
- EMERGING FILM CURATORS season at Barbican Cinema (24 OCT to 08 DEC).
- Film Africa blended event (30 OCT to 08 NOV).
- Forbidden Forest Cinema pop-up event (23 OCT to 08 NOV).
- FrightFest Digital Edition 2 online event (21 to 25 OCT).
- FROM HELL 35MM d. The Hughes Brothers, 2001 + Intro by The Celluloid Sorceress + Retro Trailers at Genesis Cinema (31 OCT 21:00).
- European Arthouse Cinema Day (08 NOV).
- Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Fest online event (10 to 15 NOV).
- I AM GRETA d. Nathan Grossman, 2020 + Q&A at Everyman Cinemas (18 OCT – various venues).
- Ocean Film Festival World Tour online event (25 to 27 OCT & 17 to 19 NOV).
- ONE MAN AND HIS SHOES d. Yemi Bamiro, 2020 + Q&A with the director presented by We Are Parable + Dartmouth Films at Everyman Broadgate (20 OCT 19:30).
- Queer East Film Festival (OCT 2020 to JAN 2021).
- Rainbow Film Festival blended event (18 to 25 OCT).
- Raindance Film Festival blended event (28 OCT to 07 NOV).
- THE THING d. John Carpenter, 1982 + Intro/Salon with Nick Walker at Genesis Cinema (29 OCT 18:30).
- US d. Jordan Peele, 2019 presented by Sydenham Film Club at The Grove Centre (29 OCT 19:00).

*THE SMALL PRINT: Opinions author’s own. As accurate as we could make it. Apologies for any errors. Updates & corrections will be made to the online version only. Event dates/times are subject to change by the venue/organiser. We try to only list events you can book for at the time of posting: however, some events may still be sold out. Please click quickly! // We don’t filter by age/certification: all readers & subscribers should be 18+. // > Remember, always try to follow The Carny Code by “not screwing up anyone else’s game” //.