SCREEN GUIDE: What’s on in London this week [10 to 16 SEP 2021]
Our RADIANT CIRCUS guide to what’s on in London this week across DIY, indie & alternative cinema, including one-off screen events, film seasons, film festivals & new releases.
By RADIANT CIRCUS // Twitter @radiantcircus / Instagram @radiantcircus

London’s indie exhibitors continue to bring their shows to big screens across the city, and this week we see the welcome return of some favourites (even if it’s only after a well-deserved summer break!).
Tufnell Park Film Club present Chantal Akerman’s NEWS FROM HOME at The Lord Palmerston (14 SEP 20:00) and Wimbledon Film Club begins a new autumn season in some style with a special screening of Rose Glass’ shocker SAINT MAUD complete with Q&A with producer Oliver Kassman (14 SEP). Pitchblack Playback gives your their annual screening of “the most joyous, feel-good concert film in history”, Jonathan Demme’s TALKING HEADS STOP MAKING SENSE at Rio Cinema (15 SEP) and Lobotomy Room Film Club presents a free screening of Joan Crawford’s “gripping 1947 psychodrama” POSSESSED at Fontaines Bar (16 SEP). Richmond Film Society also return with a members’ only screening of Marielle Heller’s CAN YOU EVER FORGIVE ME? this week (14 SEP) and we look forward to being back at one of their public events in their excellent forward programme very soon.
In seasons, everything continues very much as before with a couple of very welcome new additions. AUTISM AND CINEMA starts screening at Barbican and is looking very popular with several screenings already sold out. Then there’s an excellent season of BRITISH ANIMATION at Riverside Studios that we kinda, maybe (definitely!) missed the start of last week, but continues with COMING OF AGE: A NEW HISTORY OF BRITISH ANIMATION PART 2 (12 SEP).
The re-emergence of so many film festivals is one further sign of the growing need to resume public projections, even if operating conditions continue to be challenging. We don’t have the capacity to take as deep a dive into their programmes as we like, but scroll down for a full list of every festival we’ve found this week (we’ve also updated our monthly roundup so you can see what’s coming up). Read our guides to Queer East, Japanese Avant-garde & Experimental Film Festival and Peckham & Nunhead Free Film Festival to see what RADIANT CIRCUS likes the look of.
We have some of our own skin in this year’s Leytonstone Loves Film festival and hope we’ll see as many indie exhibitors, content creators and creatives as possible at the launch of our new indie screen culture networking event, WunderKammer Live (17 SEP – Free!). With some great speakers lined up, open mic networking and a surprise cult feature film to close, it’s looking to be a really special event which we hope will be the first of many opportunities to bring London’s alternative cinema community together.
Our Featured Attraction of the Week is the 25th anniversary of a BEAUTIFUL THING, with both indoor and outdoor celebrations of the queer classic that made Body Shop’s peppermint foot lotion (in)famous. Catch it in the open air with Sunset Screening Sessions (10 SEP) – a night that also celebrates the climax of their brilliantly British outdoor programme – and from 35mm with a special Q&A with playwright/screenwriter Jonathan Harvey presented by Unicorn Nights at The Prince Charles (12 SEP).
In the spirit of all the things we hold dear at RADIANT CIRCUS, we urge you to get out there and make your own kind of music (even if nobody else sings along).
See you in the darkness,

BEAUTIFUL THING d. Hettie MacDonald, 1996 (10 SEP 19:30) / Part of Sunset Screening Sessions at The Homestead Cafe at Beckenham Place Park:
- “Our final movie is a classic LGBT drama entirely set in South East London council flats bursting with passion, tenderness and music. Jamie (Glen Berry) is a teenager in love with his classmate Ste (Scott Neil), who is very reluctant about his feelings. He allows romance to blossom after visiting a gay pub, and realising that his sexuality was no longer considered an aberration. Linda Henry and Tameka Empson (both from EastEnders) also deliver unforgettable performances. Mamma Cass’s magnificent warble and upbeat tunes provide the final touch to this loving piece of Friday night entertainment.”
- Also: BEAUTIFUL THING 35mm d. Hettie Macdonald, 1996 + Q&A with Jonathan Harvey presented by Unicorn Nights at The Prince Charles (12 SEP 17:25).

- COPILOT d. Anne Zohra Berrach, 2021 + Q&A with the director presented by Birds’ Eye View #ReclaimTheFrame at Rio Cinema (10 SEP 18:00).
- KAAMELOTT: FIRST INSTALMENT aka Kaamelott: Premier Volet d. Alexandre Astier, 2021 at Ciné Lumière (10 SEP 15:50).
- THE LORAX presented by Stow Film Lounge at Wanstead Cricket Club (10 SEP 18:30 – Outdoors) / Part of Wanstead Fringe.
- MISHA & THE WOLVES d. Sam Hobkinson, 2021 + Q&A with the director at Genesis Cinema (10 SEP 18:10).
- QUO VADIS, AIDA? d. Jasmila Zbanic, 2021 at Screen25 Cinema at Harris Academy South Norwood (10 SEP 19:45).
- DAVID BYRNE’S AMERICAN UTOPIA d. Spike Lee, 2020 at The Prince Charles (11 SEP 12:30).
- HERSELF d. Phyllida Lloyd, 2020 + Recorded Q&A at Regent Street Cinema (11 SEP 20:30).
- HERSELF d. Phyllida Lloyd, 2020 + Recorded Q&A at Rich Mix (11 SEP 20:45).
- KAAMELOTT: FIRST INSTALMENT aka Kaamelott: Premier Volet d. Alexandre Astier, 2021 at Ciné Lumière (11 SEP 18:05 & 20:35).
- MY BEAUTIFUL LAUNDRETTE d. Stephen Frears, 1985 at Riverside Studios (11 SEP 14:30).
- NO PLACE LIKE HOME d. Perry Henzell, 1972 + Q&A with Justine Henzell presented by The Twelve30 Collective at BFI Southbank (11 SEP 14:00).
- SHOOT THE MOON d. Alan Parker, 1982 at Picturehouse Central (11 SEP 15:30).
- BAIT d. Mark Jenkin, 2019 at Whirled Cinema (12 SEP 17:00).
- CALL ME BY YOUR NAME d. Luca Guadagnino, 2017 at Electric Cinemas White City (12 SEP 13:45).
- THE CHAMPION OF AUSCHWITZ d. Maciej Barczewski, 2020 at JW3 (12 SEP 15:00).
- THE CHAMPION OF AUSCHWITZ d. Maciej Barczewski, 2020 at Phoenix Cinema (12 SEP 20:15).
- LEGEND d. Ridley Scott, 1985 at Olympic Studios (12 SEP 13:00).
- MOONLIGHT d. Barry Jenkins at Electric Cinemas Portobello (12 SEP 14:00).
- OLDBOY d. Park Chan-Wook, 2003 at Kino Bermondsey (12 SEP 20:30).
- THE CHAMPION OF AUSCHWITZ d. Maciej Barczewski, 2020 at Phoenix Cinema (13 SEP 17:30).
- DAVID BYRNE’S AMERICAN UTOPIA d. Spike Lee, 2020 at The Prince Charles (13 SEP 17:30).
- ESCHER: JOURNEY INTO INFINITY d. Robin Lutz, 2018 at Olympic Studios (13 SEP 18:00).
- HERSELF d. Phyllida Lloyd, 2020 + Recorded Q&A at Everyman Cinemas (13 SEP various).
- SLADE 150: NO FILM IS AN ISLAND short films + discussion at Goethe-Institut (13 SEP 19:00).
- SWEETHEART d. Marley Morrison, 2021 + Q&A with the director & actors Nell Barlow and Jo Hartley at BFI Southbank (13 SEP 17:50).
- TO BE SOMEONE d. Ray Burdis, 2020 at Whirled Cinema (13 SEP 20:00).
- No Ticket Required: DEATH IN VENICE + THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BOY IN THE WORLD d. Luchino Visconti + Kristina Lindström & Kristian Petri, 1971, 2021 + Zoom Discussion with Michael Brooke presented by Watermans (13 SEP 20:00 – Watch the films online then register for the free Zoom discussion).
- THE CHAMPION OF AUSCHWITZ d. Maciej Barczewski, 2020 at JW3 (14 SEP 21:00).
- LAMDA Short Film Night + Q&A short film programme at Riverside Studios (14 SEP 20:00).
- LITTLE IDA & OTHER BALLETS presented by Sands Films Cinema Club at Sands Film Studios (14 SEP 20:00 – Free/Donation requested).
- MEETING THE BEATLES IN INDIA d. Paul Saltzman. 2020 at Olympic Studios (14 SEP 19:40).
- NEWS FROM HOME d. Chantal Akerman, 1976 presented by Tufnell Park Film Club at The Lord Palmerston (14 SEP 20:00).
- SAINT MAUD d. Rose Glass, 2019 + Q&A with producer Oliver Kassman presented by Wimbledon Film Club at Curzon Wimbledon (14 SEP 20:30).
- TO BE SOMEONE d. Ray Burdis, 2020 at Whirled Cinema (14 SEP 20:00).
- DAVID BYRNE’S AMERICAN UTOPIA d. Spike Lee, 2020 at The Prince Charles (15 SEP 13:00).
- GIRLFRIENDS d. Claudia Weill, 1978 at The Prince Charles (15 SEP 18:00).
- GUNDA d. Victor Kossakovsky, 2021 at Screen25 Cinema at Harris Academy South Norwood (15 SEP 19:45).
- THE PHANTOM d. Patrick Forbes, 2021 + Q&A with the director & civil rights attorney Clive Stafford Smith at Curzon Soho (15 SEP 18:20);
- ROSE PLAYS JULIE d. Joe Lawlor & Christine Molloy, 2019 at Picturehouse Central (15 SEP 18:15).
- TALKING HEADS STOP MAKING SENSE d. Jonathan Demme, 1984 presented by Pitchblack Playback at Rio Cinema (15 SEP 19:00).
- TO BE SOMEONE d. Ray Burdis, 2020 at Whirled Cinema (15 SEP 20:00).
- AREN’T YOU HAPPY d. Susanne Heinrich, 2018 + Q&A with the director at ICA (16 SEP 18:30).
- BLADE RUNNER d. Ridley Scott, 1982 presented by Crofton Park Pictures at Rivoli Ballroom (16 SEP 19:30).
- FACES PLACES aka Visages Villages d. Agnès Varda, 2017 presented by Sydenham Arts Film Club at the Sydenham Centre (16 SEP 19:30).
- GUMMO d. Harmony Korine, 1977 presented by Truman’s at Genesis Cinema (16 SEP 21:10 – Free pint!).
- HERSELF d. Phyllida Lloyd, 2020 + Recorded Q&A at Regent Street Cinema (16 SEP 17:40).
- KAAMELOTT: FIRST INSTALMENT aka Kaamelott: Premier Volet d. Alexandre Astier, 2021 at Ciné Lumière (16 SEP 20:30).
- NOW, VOYAGER d. Irving Rapper, 1942 at Regent Street Cinema (16 SEP 15:00).
- THE PHILADELPHIA STORY d. George Cukor, 1940 at The Prince Charles (16 SEP 13:15).
- POSSESSED d. Curtis Bernhardt, 1947 presented by Lobotomy Room Film Club at Fontaines Bar (16 SEP 20:00 – Free/Email to reserve a seat).
- THE STORY OF A THREE DAY PASS d. Melvin Van Peebles, 1968 at ICA (16 SEP 20:50).
- ME, WE d. David Clay Diaz, 2020 presented by Austrian Cultural Forum (16 SEP 17:00 – Register in advance to receive a link/password).

35MM PRESENTATIONS at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): MULHOLLAND DR. 35mm d. David Lynch, 2001 (10 to 16 SEP various); ONCE UPON A TIME… IN HOLLYWOOD 35mm d. Quentin Tarantino, 2019 (10 SEP 20:35); CITIZEN KANE 35mm d. Orson Welles, 1941 (11 SEP 20:30 / 13 SEP 15:15); AMERICAN GRAFFITI 35mm d. George Lucas, 1973 (12 SEP 12:10); BEAUTIFUL THING 35mm d. Hettie Macdonald, 1996 + Q&A with Jonathan Harvey presented by Unicorn Nights (12 SEP 17:25); TRUE ROMANCE 35mm d. Tony Scott, 1993 (12 SEP 20:00); WINGS OF DESIRE 35mm aka Der Himmel über Berlin d. Wim Wenders, 1987 (13 SEP 18:00); AFTER HOURS 35mm d. Martin Scorsese, 1985 (14 SEP 18:15); THE ASSASSINATION OF JESSE JAMES BY THE COWARD ROBERT FORD 35mm d. Andrew Dominik, 2007 (15 SEP 20:15); BUSTING 35mm d. Peter Hyams, 1974 (16 SEP 18:20); THE KILLING OF A CHINESE BOOKIE 35mm d. John Cassavetes, 1974 (16 SEP 20:30).
70MM PRESENTATIONS at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): PHANTOM THREAD 70mm d. Paul Thomas Anderson, 2018, (11 SEP 17:00 / 14 SEP 20:45 / 15 SEP 15:00).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): WOLF AND SHEEP d. Shahrbanoo Sadat, 2016 (14 SEP 16:30 / 15 SEP 20:55); KABUL, CITY IN THE WIND d. Aboozar Amini, 2018 (11 SEP 13:45 / 16 SEP 16:15).
ANIME SCREENINGS at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): AKIRA d. Katsuhiro Ôtomo, 1988 (10 SEP 12:00 / 11 SEP 17:30 / 13 SEP 12:00 / 14 SEP 20:30 / 16 SEP 15:15); HOWL’S MOVING CASTLEd. Hayao Miyazaki, 2004 (12 SEP 11:30 – SUB).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): MULHOLLAND DR. 35mm d. David Lynch, 2001 (10 to 16 SEP various); THE RAID: DOUBLE FEATURE d. Gareth Evans, 2011 & 2014 (10 SEP 18:15); CITIZEN KANE 35mm d. Orson Welles, 1941 (11 SEP 20:30 / 13 SEP 15:15); BEAUTIFUL THING 35mm d. Hettie Macdonald, 1996 + Q&A with Jonathan Harvey (12 SEP 17:25); THE RAID d. Gareth Evans, 2011 (15 SEP 12:30).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): African Odysseys Presents: The Black History of Comedy (10 SEP 18:15); WATTSTAX d. Mel Stuart, 1973 (10 SEP 21:00 / 14 SEP 18:00); CAR WASH d. Michael Schultz, 1976 (11 SEP 17:50); BLAZING SADDLES d. Mel Brooks, 1974 (11 SEP 20:45); SILVER STREAK 4k d. Arthur Hiller, 1976 (12 SEP 15:15); LADY SINGS THE BLUES d. Sidney J Furie, 1972 (15 SEP 13:50); WHICH WAY IS UP? 35mm d. Michael Schultz, 1977 (15 SEP 21:00); Richard Pryor: A Comedy Genius panel discussion (16 SEP 18:15).
A TERRIFYING UPRISING at Picturehouse Cinemas
- Includes (check venue for full listings): PREVENGE d. Alice Lowe, 2017 (from 13 SEP).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): TEMPLE GRANDIN d. Mick Jackson, 2010 + Q&A with Dr David Hartley & Dr Bonnie Evans (16 SEP 18:30).
BEST OF CÉSAR 2021 at Ciné Lumière
- Includes (check venue for full listings): BYE BYE MORONS aka Adieu les cons d. Albert Dupontel, 2020 (10 SEP 13:55 / 11 SEP 16:05 / 13 SEP 20:35 / 14 SEP 18:00 / 15 SEP 16:15).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): THE THIRD MAN 4k d. Carol Reed, 1949 (10 SEP 14:30 / 14 SEP 20:50); THE BIG HEAT d. Fritz Lang, 1953 (11 SEP 14:30 / 13 SEP 21:00); DOUBLE INDEMNITY d. Billy Wilder, 1944 (12 SEP 15:00); CALL NORTHSIDE 777 4k d. Henry Hathaway, 1948 (14 SEP 17:50); REAR WINDOW d. Alfred Hitchcock, 1954 + Recorded intro by Geoff Andrew (15 SEP 17:20); LAURA d. Otto Preminger, 1944 (16 SEP 14:30).
BRITISH ANIMATION at Riverside Studios
- Includes (check venue for full listings): COMING OF AGE: A NEW HISTORY OF BRITISH ANIMATION PART 2 (12 SEP 14:30).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): POLYTECHNIQUE d. Denis Villeneuve, 2009 (10 SEP 21:20); INCENDIES d. Denis Villeneuve, 2010 (11 SEP 20:30); ENEMY d. Denis Villeneuve, 2013 (12 SEP 12:20); SICARIO d. Denis Villeneuve, 2015 (12 SEP 18:10); PRISONERS d. Denis Villeneuve, 2013 (14 SEP 14:15); AUGUST 32ND ON EARTH 35mm aka Un 32 août sur terre d. Denis Villeneuve, 1998 (16 SEP 18:20); ARRIVAL d. Denis Villeneuve, 2016 (16 SEP 20:45).
DISNEY MATINEES at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): ALADDIN d. Ron Clements & John Musker, 1992 (11 SEP 12:00).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): THE LONG GOODBYE 35mm d. Robert Altman, 1973 (16 SEP 15:45); BUSTING 35mm d. Peter Hyams, 1974 (16 SEP 18:20).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): PERSONA d. Ingmar Bergman, 1966 (10 SEP 20:15); CLEO FROM 5 TO 7 d. Agnès Varda, 1962 (11 SEP 20:15); LIFT TO THE SCAFFOLD d. Louis Malle, 1958 (12 SEP 20:15).
THE FILMS OF DAVID LYNCH at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): MULHOLLAND DR. 35mm d. David Lynch, 2001 (10 to 16 SEP various).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): PHANTOM THREAD 70mm d. Paul Thomas Anderson, 2018 (11 SEP 17:00 / 14 SEP 20:45 / 15 SEP 15:00).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): ONCE UPON A TIME… IN HOLLYWOOD 35mm d. Quentin Tarantino, 2019 (10 SEP 20:35); TRUE ROMANCE 35mm d. Tony Scott, 1993 (12 SEP 20:00).
IN FOCUS: RENATE SAMI at Goethe-Institut
- Includes (check promoter for full listings): RENATE SAMI 2 short film programme (10 SEP 20:30); RENATE SAMI 3 short film programme (11 SEP 14:00); RENATE SAMI 4 short film programme (12 SEP 13:30).
JOIN THE #BONGHIVE at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): MEMORIES OF MURDER aka Salinui chueok d. Bong Joon Ho, 2003 (13 SEP 12:20); PARASITE d. Bong Joon Ho, 2019 (14 SEP 12:00).
L.A. NIGHTS at Backyard Cinema
- Continues at Capital Studios (check venue for listings).
MIAMI BEACH at Backyard Cinema
- Continues at Capital Studios (check venue for listings).
MOVIE MARATHONS at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): THE RAID: DOUBLE FEATURE d. Gareth Evans, 2011 & 2014 (10 SEP 18:15).
NFTS AT 50 at BFI Southbank
- Includes (check venue for listings): THE LAST TREE d. Shola Amoo, 2019 + Q&A with the director (11 SEP 17:00); An Evening with Roger and James Deakins (12 SEP 20:30); ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS d. Julien Temple, 1986 + Q&A with the director & cinematographer Oliver Stapleton (15 SEP 20:25).
NO BASS LIKE HOME at Lexi Cinema
- Includes (check venue for full listings): PRESSURE d. Horace Ove, 1976 + Q&A (12 SEP 16:00); BABYLON d. Franco Rosso, 1980 + Q&A (16 SEP 19:45).
STUDIO GHIBLI at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE d. Hayao Miyazaki, 2004 (12 SEP 11:30 – SUB).
TEEN MOVIES at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): BACK TO THE FUTURE d. Robert Zemeckis, 1985 (11 SEP 14:15); AMERICAN GRAFFITI 35mm d. George Lucas, 1973 (12 SEP 12:10).
THAT’S KINO, BABY! at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): CINEMA PARADISO aka Nuovo Cinema Paradiso d. Giuseppe Tornatore, 1988 (10 SEP 12:15); MULHOLLAND DR. 35mm d. David Lynch, 2001 (10 to 16 SEP various); ONCE UPON A TIME… IN HOLLYWOOD 35mm d. Quentin Tarantino, 2019 (10 SEP 20:35).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): 143 SAHARA STREET aka 143 rue du désert d. Hassen Ferhani, 2019 (11 SEP 11:30); IT MUST BE HEAVEN d. Elia Suleiman, 2019 (11 SEP 20:40); LET’S TALK d. Marianne Khoury, 2019 + Recorded Q&A with the director (13 SEP 18:00); TLAMESS d. Ala Eddine Slim, 2019 (14 SEP 20:40); 200 METERS d. Ameen Nayfeh, 2019 (15 SEP 20:50); THE MAN WHO SOLD HIS SKIN aka L’Homme qui a vendu sa peau d. Kaouther Ben Hania, 2020 (16 SEP 20:50).
WIM WENDERS ON 35MM at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): WINGS OF DESIRE 35mm aka Der Himmel über Berlin d. Wim Wenders, 1987 (13 SEP 18:00).
WONG KAR WAI at Picturehouse Cinemas
- Includes (check venue for full listings): IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE 4K aka Fa yeung nin wah d. Wong Kar Wai, 2000 (daily until 16 SEP); 2046 d. Wong Kar Wai, 2004 (12 & 16 SEP).

Deeper Into Movies at Dalston Roof Park
- Includes (check promoter for full listings): THE STROKES $2 DOLLAR CONCERT (13 SEP 20:00).
The Luna Cinema at Royal Hospital Chelsea
- Includes (check venue for full listings): TOP GUN d. Tony Scott, 1986 (16 SEP 19:30).
Rooftop Film Club, Peckham
- Includes (check venue for full listings): JUNGLE CRUISE d. Jaume Collet-Serra, 2021 (10 SEP 21:00); FREE GUY d. Shawn Levy, 2021 (11 SEP 20:00 / 16 SEP 20:00); JAWS d. Steven Spielberg, 1975 (12 SEP 20:00); THE SUICIDE SQUAD d. James Gunn, 2021 (14 SEP 20:00); PEOPLE JUST DO NOTHING: BIG IN JAPAN d. Jack Clough, 2021 (15 SEP 20:00).
Rooftop Film Club, Stratford East
- Includes (check venue for full listings): THE DARK KNIGHT d. Christopher Nolan, 2008 (10 SEP 20:00); LOVE AND BASKETBALL d. Gina Prince-Bythewood, 2000 (11 SEP 20:00); MAMMA MIA! d. Phyllida Lloyd, 2008 (12 SEP 20:00); NOMADLANDd. Chloé Zhao, 2020 (14 SEP 20:00); TRUE ROMANCE d. Tony Scott, 1993 (15 SEP 20:00); BRIDGET JONES’ DIARY d. Sharon Maguire, 2001 (16 SEP 20:00).
Summer Outdoor Cinema at Watermans
- Includes (check venue for full listings): BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY d. Bryan Singer, 2018 (10 SEP 19:30).
Sunset Screening Sessions at The Homestead Cafe at Beckenham Place Park:
- Includes (check venue for full listings): BEAUTIFUL THING d. Hettie MacDonald, 1996 (10 SEP 19:30).

- Banglaverse Film Festival (16 to 18 SEP).
- CASA Festival (01 to 29 SEP).
- Crystal Palace International Film Festval (09 SEP to 02 OCT).
- Ethiopian Film Week (10 to 14 SEP).
- Japanese Avant-garde & Experimental Film Festival (16 to 19 SEP at Barbican / 20 to 30 SEP online). READ OUR FESTIVAL GUIDE
- Leytonstone Loves Film 2021 (15 to 19 SEP).
- Open City Documentary Festival (08 to 14 SEP in venues / 13 to 23 SEP online).
- Peckham & Nunhead Free Film Festival (09 to 19 SEP). READ OUR FESTIVAL GUIDE
- Queer East Film Festival (15 to 26 SEP). READ OUR FESTIVAL GUIDE

COPILOT d. Anne Zohra Berrach, 2021.
- Various venues inc: Catford Mews / Curzon Cinemas / Rio Cinema

THE SERVANT d. Joseph Losey, 1963.
- Various venues inc: Catford Mews / Ciné Lumière / ICA / Picturehouse Cinemas

SWEET THING d. Alexandre Rockwell, 2020.
- Various venues inc: ArtHouse Crouch End / BFI / Curzon Cinemas / ICA / Rio Cinema
- Also (10 to 16 SEP various dates/times): HERSELF d. Phyllida Lloyd, 2020 at: ArtHouse Crouch End / Barbican / Catford Mews / Chiswick Cinema / Curzon Cinemas / Everyman Cinemas / Peckhamplex / Picturehouse Cinemas / Regent Street Cinema / Rich Mix / Riverside Studios // THE SPARKS BROTHERS d. Edgar Wright, 2021 at: The Prince Charles.

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*THE SMALL PRINT: Opinions author’s own. // As accurate as we could make it. Apologies for any errors. Updates & corrections will be made to the online version only. // Event dates/times/formats are subject to change by the venue/organiser. Events may already be sold out at the time of posting, so please click quickly. // We try to list as many original format screenings as we can (8 to 70MM), but sometimes formats change due to age of the print, availability, logistics etc, so please check ahead with your venue if the format is your thing. // All images are used in the spirit of fair use for reporting & review – no ownership is implied or intended / unless otherwise credited to RADIANT CIRCUS as the original rights holder. We will remove any images immediately upon request – just get in touch. // We don’t filter our listings by age/certification: all readers & subscribers should therefore be 18+. // Finally, we always try to follow The Carny Code by “not screwing up anyone else’s game”, but everyone can make mistakes… If something does go wrong, we will always do our best to put it right. //.