SCREEN GUIDE: What’s on in London this week [22 to 28 OCT 2021]
Our RADIANT CIRCUS guide to what’s on in London this week across DIY, indie & alternative cinema, including one-off screen events, film seasons, film festivals & new releases.
By RADIANT CIRCUS // Twitter @radiantcircus / Instagram @radiantcircus

In this week’s indie attractions, it’s great to see programming getting fully underway at The David Lean Cinema where you’ve got a choice of NOMADLAND (26 OCT) and SUMMER OF SOUL (26 & 28 OCT). It’s also all systems go at The Cinema Museum where you can find The Gothique Film Society’s grave-robbing double bill of THE BODY SNATCHER + BURKE AND HARE (22 OCT) followed by the return of the Kennington Bioscope with a packed programme of Soviet silent comedy, THE HOUSE OF TRUBNAYA (27 OCT).
Other silent cinema offerings include NOSFERATU at The Musical Museum (24 OCT) featuring a very special Wurlitzer live score played by Donald MacKenzie, resident organist at ODEON Luxe Leicester Square (you’ll also get a Bloody Mary with your ticket!). If double bills float your boat, World Wide Weird! continues their regular horror schedule with a seasonal tribute to the family Bava: father and son efforts SHOCK + MACABRE screen for free at the King & Queen, donations are invited to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support (23 OCT).
Indie horror continues across the week, with We Are Parable introducing the new 4K restoration of BLADE at Genesis Cinema (24 OCT) and Ciné-Real 16mm Film Club doing their beautiful thing with MISERY (24 OCT) at The Castle Cinema. The Castle is also home to two excellent Persian horror shows projected by No Bollox Film Club, UNDER THE SHADOW and A GIRL WALKS HOME ALONE AT NIGHT (26 & 27 OCT). New monthly queer cinema club TAPPED screens JENNIFER’S BODY for free at The Real Al Co & Taproom (27 OCT), and The New Black Collective rounds off your week with a free screening of Nia DaCosta’s CANDYMAN at Stratford East Picturehouse (28 OCT).
Looking a little further ahead, and after more than two years away from our screens, The Badlands Collective has announced their return with a 35mm presentation of William Wyler’s THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES 35mm (1946) at The Prince Charles (21 NOV). Which looks like a perfect Sunday afternoon of cinema to me.
Most rep seasons continue their attractions this week, with new arrivals in the form of TAKE YOUR POSITIONS, a pre-COP 26 programme of events at Bertha DocHouse. We’ve also listed ICA’s various screenings of works by RENZO MARTENS to accompany the ongoing release of his WHITE CUBE (although the venue doesn’t actually list this as a season…). Marking Black History Month, BFI Southbank screens all of Steve McQueen’s SMALL AXE over one packed weekend (22 to 24 OCT). Their programme features various special guest appearances including a dedicated The Making of SMALL AXE with Steve McQueen, Tracey Scoffield, David Tanner and guests (23 OCT).
Film festivals taking the baton from the London Film Festival include Doc’n Roll Film Festival (28 OCT to 14 NOV), London East Asia Film Festival (21 to 31 OCT), and Raindance Film Festival (27 OCT to 06 NOV). Both Native Spirit Festival (12 OCT to 20 NOV) and Brazil Indigenous Film Festival (22 to 24 OCT) bring under-heard voices to London’s real and virtual cinema screens.
In this week’s revivals and new releases, LFF opener THE HARDER THEY FALL gets a limited release before appearing on Netflix later in the year. DUNE and another LFF alumnus, THE FRENCH DISPATCH, take over from where Bond left off (I’ve not listed the latter as it’s pretty much everywhere…). The Prince Charles has a seasonal anniversary engagement of Wes Craven’s SCREAM, projecting from 35mm. See our GRIND SHOW section for venue links.
For our Featured Attraction of the Week, I’m going to cheat slightly by choosing the current and former programming firepower of much-loved Shoreditch indie, Close-Up. Having a busy weekend, Stanley Schtinter presents his The Liberated Film Club vs. Important Books (or, Manifestos Read by Children) at LUX before launching The Liberated Film Club book with a special screening of György Fehér’s TWILIGHT at Close-Up (both 23 OCT). Then, former Close-Up programmer Oliver Dickens presents two incredible events, A Masterclass with Dirk Schaefer at IKLECTIK (24 OCT) followed by The Films of Peter Tscherkassky 35mm at Cafe Oto (24 OCT). You really can’t ask for much more than that.
See you in the darkness,
PS – Scala Cinema programmer and now chronicler of that notorious venue, Jane Giles, has been in touch to invite your support for the crowdfunding campaign to complete SCALA CLUB CINEMA. A feature-length documentary co-directed by Jane and Ali Catterall, SCALA CLUB CINEMA is based on Jane’s excellent book, ‘Scala Cinema 1978-1993’ and will feature interviews with former members of the Scala audience including Adam Buxton, Caroline Catz, Mary Harron, Isaac Julien, Ben Wheatley and John Waters. You’ve got until just before midnight on 01 NOV 2021 to get this one over the finish line! Help if you can.

The Liberated Film Club vs. Important Books (or, Manifestos Read by Children) at LUX (23 OCT 15:00 – FREE!) followed by TWILIGHT d. György Fehér, 1990 + The Liberated Film Club Book Launch at Close-Up (23 OCT 20:15).
- “Edited by Stanley Schtinter, The Liberated Film Club is a collection of transcriptions and special commissions anchored by a series of screening events held at Close-Up, from 2016 to 2020. A guest would be invited to introduce a film; an audience seated to watch it through. Neither of them would have any idea what would be shown. This event at LUX will pit the celebration of The Liberated Film Club against another Schtinter initiative: Important Books (or, Manifestos Read by Children). Children will be present to read various manifestos on cinema, including works by Werner Herzog, Peggy Ahwesh, Jean Marie Straub, Yvonne Rainer and Pope Pius XI. Followed by the premiere of the remastered TWILIGHT aka Szürkület, György Fehér’s 1990 cult film at Close-Up.”
A Masterclass with Dirk Schaefer presented by Sonic Cinema at IKLECTIK (24 OCT 11:00 – 14:00) followed by The Films of Peter Tscherkassky 35mm + Intro by Stanley Schtinter presented by Sonic Cinema at Cafe Oto (24 OCT 19:30).
- “Celebrating the release of Dirk Schaefer: Peter Tscherkassky, All the Soundtracks (2005–2021) by, Sonic Cinema presents Peter Tscherkassky and Dirk Schaefer’s four collaborations to date: TRAIN AGAIN (2021); THE EXQUISITE CORPUS (2015); COMING ATTRACTIONS (2010); INSTRUCTIONS FOR A LIGHT AND SOUND MACHINE (2005); as well as Tscherkassky’s classic of avant-garde cinema, OUTER SPACE (1999). Dirk Schaefer will give a unique masterclass on his practice and methodologies at IKLECTIK prior to the screening at Cafe Oto.”

- THE BODY SNATCHER d. Robert Wise, 1945 + BURKE AND HARE d. Vernon Sewell, 1971 presented by The Gothique Film Society at The Cinema Museum (22 OCT 18:45).
- PIG d. Michael Sarnoski, 2021 at Screen25 Cinema at Harris Academy South Norwood (22 OCT 19:45).
- BABYMOTHER d. Julian Henriques, 1998 + Intro by actor Anjela Lauren Smith at South London Gallery (23 OCT 18:00).
- Bava Time! SHOCK + MACABRE d. Mario Bava, 1977 + Lamberto Bava, 1980 presented by World Wide Weird at The King & Queen (23 OCT 18:30 + 21:00 – FREE!/Donations for Macmillan Cancer Support).
- THE ELEPHANT MAN (4K RESTORATION) d. David Lynch, 1980 at Riverside Studios (23 OCT 12:00).
- The Liberated Film Club vs. Important Books (or, Manifestos Read by Children) at LUX (23 OCT 15:00 – FREE!) followed by TWILIGHT d. György Fehér, 1990 + The Liberated Film Club Book Launch at Close-Up (23 OCT 20:15).
- The Live Ghost Tent – Quarterly Meeting of the Laurel & Hardy Society at The Cinema Museum (23 OCT 15:00).
- A Masterclass with Dirk Schaefer presented by Sonic Cinema at IKLECTIK (24 OCT 11:00 – 14:00) followed by The Films of Peter Tscherkassky 35mm + Intro by Stanley Schtinter presented by Sonic Cinema at Cafe Oto (24 OCT 19:30).
- BLADE 4k Restoration Premiere d. Stephen Norrington, 1998 + Intro by We Are Parable at Genesis Cinema (24 OCT 20:00).
- The Edgar Wright Survival Guide screening & quiz night at Genesis Cinema bar paragon (24 OCT 18:00 – FREE!).
- THE LOST RECORD d. Alexandra Cabral & Ian Svenonius, 2021 + Intro by the directors presented by Deeper Into Movies at MOTH Club (24 OCT 19:30).
- MISERY 16mm d. Rob Reiner, 1990 presented by Ciné-Real 16mm Film Club at The Castle Cinema (24 OCT 19:30).
- NOSFERATU d. F.W. Murnau, 1922 + Wurlitzer accompaniment by Donald MacKenzie at The Musical Museum (24 OCT 15:00 – A Bloody Mary or non-alcoholic alternative included in the ticket).
- THE OUTSIDERS (4K RESTORATION) d. Francis Ford Coppola, 1983 + Recorded intro by the director at Riverside Studios (24 OCT 14:00).
- RATTLESNAKES d. Julius Amedume, 2019 at Whirled Cinema (24 OCT 17:00).
- Screen Epiphany: Adjoa Andoh introduces MANDABI d. Ousmane Sembène, 1968 at BFI Southbank (24 OCT 18:30).
- THE SERVANT d. Joseph Losey, 1963 at Electric Cinemas Portobello (24 OCT 13:30).
- WHITE CUBE d. Renzo Martens, 2020 at Bertha DocHouse (24 OCT 16:00).
- French Impressions: BYE BYE MORONS aka Adieu les cons d. Albert Dupontel, 2020 at Watermans + Online discussion with Jon Davis (25 OCT 19:00 + 28 OCT 20:00).
- Nan Goldin Documentary Screening presented by Deeper Into Movies at Farr’s Dalston (25 OCT 19:30).
- RELATOS SALVAJES d. Damián Szifron, 2014 presented by Spanish Marks at India Club Lounge-Bar (25 OCT 19:00).
- SOCRATES d. Alexandre Moratto, 2018 at Whirled Cinema (25 OCT 20:00).
- LAWRENCE AFTER ARABIA d. Mark J T Griffin, 2021 + Q&A with the director at Genesis Cinema (26 OCT 18:00).
- LOUISIANA STORY d. Robert J. Flaherty, 1947 presented by Sands Films Cinema Club at Sands Film Studios (26 OCT 20:00 – FREE/Donation requested).
- NOMADLAND d. Chloé Zhao, 2020 at The David Lean Cinema (26 OCT 14:30).
- THE RESCUE d. Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi & Jimmy Chin, 2021 + Recorded Q&A with the directors & special guests at: ArtHouse Crouch End (26 OCT 20:15); Bertha DocHouse (26 OCT 20:20); Peckhamplex (26 OCT 18:10); Picturehouse Cinemas (26 OCT various).
- SOCRATES d. Alexandre Moratto, 2018 at Whirled Cinema (26 OCT 20:00).
- SUMMER OF SOUL d. Questlove, 2021 at The David Lean (26 OCT 19:30).
- UNDER THE SHADOW d. Babak Anvari, 2016 presented by No Bollox Film Club at The Castle Cinema (26 OCT 19:00).
- WAKE IN FRIGHT d. Ted Kotcheff, 1971 presented by Tufnell Park Film Club at The Lord Palmerston (26 OCT 20:00).
- WHITE CUBE d. Renzo Martens, 2020 at Bertha DocHouse (26 OCT 16:20).
- A GIRL WALKS HOME ALONE AT NIGHT d. Ana Lily Amirpour, 2014 presented by No Bollox Film Club at The Castle Cinema (27 OCT 18:45).
- Alternative Night of Experimental Film short film programme at The Fighting Cocks Bar & Venue (27 OCT 17:30 – FREE!).
- AZOR d. Andreas Fontana, 2021 preview at ICA (27 OCT 20:45).
- The Black Arts Movement on Film + Discussion with Amanda Holiday, Richard Hylton & Xavier Pillai at BFI Southbank (27 OCT 20:40).
- DAUGHTERS d. Maria Speth, 2014 at Goethe-Institut London (27 OCT 19:00 – Also available FREE online).
- THE DEVIL RIDES OUT d. Terence Fisher, 1968 + Short films by DaveBaby presented by Underground England & Rebel Reel Cine Club at Strongroom Bar & Kitchen Courtyard (27 OCT 19:00).
- THE HOUSE OF TRUBNAYA aka Dom na Trubnoy d. Boris Barnet, 1928 + Supporting programme + Live piano accompaniment presented by Kennington Bioscope at The Cinema Museum (27 OCT 19:30).
- JENNIFER’S BODY d. Karyn Kusama, 2009 presented by TRAPPED at The Real Al Company & Taproom (27 OCT 18:00 – FREE!).
- LIMBO d. Ben Sharrock, 2021 at Screen25 Cinema at Harris Academy South Norwood (27 OCT 19:45).
- PSYCHO d. Alfred Hitchcock, 1960 at The Birds (27 OCT 19:30 – FREE/Drinks packages available).
- Short Sharp Shocks II + Intro, short film programme & blu-ray launch at BFI Southbank (27 OCT 18:10).
- SOCRATES d. Alexandre Moratto, 2018 at Whirled Cinema (27 OCT 20:00).
- SMOG TOWN d. Meng Han, 2019 + Discussion presented by Lau China Institute at King’s College London (27 OCT 17:30).
- SWEENEY TODD: THE DEMON BARBER OF FLEET STREET d. Tim Burton, 2007 at Ricco Lounge (27 OCT 20:30).
- WHITE CUBE d. Renzo Martens, 2020 at Bertha DocHouse (27 OCT 20:45).
- ANATOMY OF WINGS d. Kirsten D’Andrea Hollander & Nikiea Redmond, 2020 + Recorded Q&A at BFI Southbank (28 OCT 18:15).
- CANDYMAN d. Nia DaCosta, 2021 + PANEL presented by The New Black Collective at Stratford East Picturehouse (28 OCT 20:00 – FREE!/Booking essential).
- DEAD PRESIDENTS d. Albert Hughes & Allen Hughes, 1995 presented by Black Ink Cinema at The Castle Cinema (28 OCT 21:00).
- JIMI HENDRIX IN MAUI d. John McDermott at Olympic Studios (28 OCT 20:30).
- THE MERMAID d. Stephen Chow, 2016 + Discussion presented by Lau China Institute at King’s College London (28 OCT 18:30).
- QUANT d. Sadie Frost, 2021 + Q&A with the director at Picturehouse Fulham Road (28 OCT 19:00).
- THE SECRET OF SINCHANEE d. Steven Grayhm, 2020 at Genesis Cinema (28 OCT 20:30) / Part of SCREAMDANCE at Raindance Film Festival.
- SUMMER OF SOUL d. Questlove, 2021 at The David Lean (28 OCT 14:30 & 19:30).

35MM PRESENTATIONS at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): SCREAM 35mm d. Wes Craven, 1996 (22 OCT 12:30 – digital / 24 to 28 OCT various); MANHUNTER 35mm d. Michael Mann, 1986 (22 OCT 18:00); THE EXORCIST 35mm d. William Friedkin, 1973 (23 OCT 12:40 / 27 OCT 20:30); HOCUS POCUS 35mm d. Kenny Ortega, 1993 (23 OCT 15:45); DEATH BECOMES HER 35mm d. Robert Zemeckis, 1992 (23 OCT 18:10); THE SHINING [UK Version] 35mm d. Stanley Kubrick, 1980 (23 OCT 20:30); BODY DOUBLE 35mm d. Brian De Palma, 1984 (23 OCT 20:45); EYES WITHOUT A FACE 35mm aka Les Yeux sans visage d. Georges Franju, 1960 (24 OCT 16:00); THE LOST BOYS 35mm d. Joel Schumacher, 1987 (24 OCT 18:05); DR. JEKYLL AND SISTER HYDE 35mm d. Roy Ward Baker, 1971 + Q&A with Martine Beswick (25 OCT 17:50); DEAD RINGERS 35mm d. David Cronenberg, 1988 (25 OCT 18:05); RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD 35mm d. Dan O’Bannon, 1985 (26 OCT 13:15); WES CRAVEN’S NEW NIGHTMARE 35mm d. Wes Craven, 1994 (26 OCT 15:30); THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE 35mm d. Tobe Hooper, 1974 (26 OCT 15:50); THE KEEP 35mm d. Michael Mann, 1983 (27 OCT 18:10).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): SHIP OF FOOLS d. Stanley Kramer, 1965 (24 OCT 14:00 / 27 OCT 17:40).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): POSSESSION d. Andrzej Zulawski, 1981 (22 OCT 15:00); MANHUNTER 35mm d. Michael Mann, 1986 (22 OCT 18:00); THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS d. Jonathan Demme, 1991 (22 OCT 20:45 / 27 OCT 12:30); THE EVIL DEAD d. Sam Raimi, 1981 (22 OCT 21:00); LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS [Director’s Cut] d. Frank Oz, 1986 (24 OCT 13:00); DONNIE DARKO d. Richard Kelly, 2001 (28 OCT 13:15); CARRIE d. Brian De Palma, 1976 (28 OCT 16:00).
ARNIE CLASSICS at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): END OF DAYS d. Peter Hyams, 1999 (26 OCT 18:10).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): A WOMAN IS A WOMAN d. Jean-Luc Godard, 1961 (22 OCT 20:15); LÉON MORIN, PRIEST d. Jean-Pierre Melville, 1961 (23 OCT 16:00); SEVEN DAYS… SEVEN NIGHTS d. Peter Brook, 1960 (24 OCT 18:15); PIERROT LE FOU d. Jean-Luc Godard, 1965 (24 OCT 20:15).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): UN FLIC d. Jean-Pierre Melville, 1972 (22 OCT 14:20); MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS d. Sidney Lumet, 1974 (23 OCT 17:30); CHINATOWN 4k d. Roman Polanski, 1974 (24 OCT 11:50 / 27 OCT 14:15); HEAT 4k d. Michael Mann, 1995 (24 OCT 14:30); ILLUSTRIOUS CORPSES 4k aka Cadaveri eccellenti d. Francesco Rosi, 1976 (25 OCT 14:15); BLUE VELVET 4k d. David Lynch, 1986 (26 OCT 14:30); DIRTY HARRY d. Don Siegel, 1971 + Recorded intro by Hannah Hamad (27 OCT 18:00); DEVIL IN A BLUE DRESS d. Carl Franklin, 1995 (28 OCT 20:50).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): MOONLIGHT d. Barry Jenkins, 2016 + Intro (24 OCT 17:30 – Picturehouse Finsbury Park).
BRIAN DE PALMA at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): BODY DOUBLE 35mm d. Brian De Palma, 1984 (23 OCT 20:45); CARRIE d. Brian De Palma, 1976 (28 OCT 16:00).
CULTPIX SEASON at Everyman Cinemas
- Includes (check venue for full listings): SHE FREAK d. Bryon Mabe & Donn Davison, 1967 + Intro by introduced by Karen Krizanovich (22 OCT 23:00 – Everyman Screen On the Green).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): THE BIRD WITH THE CRYSTAL PLUMAGE d. Dario Argento, 1970 (22 OCT 13:00 / 28 OCT 18:30).
DAVID CRONENBERG at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): DEAD RINGERS 35mm d. David Cronenberg, 1988 (25 OCT 18:05).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): BEAT GIRL 35mm d. Edmond T Gréville, 1960 (22 OCT 20:40); WEST END JUNGLE d. Arnold L Miller, 1961 (23 OCT 20:40); THE PLEASURE GIRLS d. Gerry O’Hara, 1965 (25 OCT 20:50); FRENZY 35mm d. Alfred Hitchcock, 1972 (27 OCT 20:45); DARLING 35mm d. John Schlesinger, 1965 (28 OCT 20:30).
EYES ON SPIES at Ciné Lumière
- Includes (check venue for full listings): NO TIME TO DIE d. Cary Joji Fukunaga, 2020 (until 28 OCT); CASINO ROYALE 35mm d. John Huston, 1967 (28 OCT 20:10).
FATAL FEMMES at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): UNDER THE SKIN d. Jonathan Glazer, 2013 (26 OCT 18:00); CARRIE d. Brian De Palma, 1976 (28 OCT 16:00).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): DR. JEKYLL AND SISTER HYDE 35mm d. Roy Ward Baker, 1971 + Q&A with Martine Beswick (25 OCT 17:50).
- Curated by Sophie Determan. Presented in partnership with the National Film & Television School.
FRIGHT NIGHT CINEMA at Rivoli Ballroom
- Includes (check festival for full listings): A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET d. Wes Craven, 1984 (23 OCT 17:00); THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW d. Jim Sharman, 1975 (23 OCT 20:00); THE CROW d. Alex Proyas, 1994 (27 OCT 19:30); THE WITCHES d. Robert Zemeckis, 2020 (28 OCT 17:00); THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW d. Jim Sharman, 1975 (28 OCT 20:00); THE SHINING d. Stanley Kubrick, 1980 (29 OCT 20:00).
HALLOWEEN at Backyard Cinema
- Includes (check venue for full listings): HOCUS POCUS d. Kenny Ortega, 1993 (19 OCT – 13 NOV various); WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS d.Jemaine Clement & Taika Waititi, 2014 (25 OCT 20:00); THE ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES d. Barry Sonnenfeld, 1993 (27 OCT 20:00); THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW d. Jim Sharman, 1975 (28 OCT 20:00).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS d. Jonathan Demme, 1991 (24 OCT 20:00); THE OMEN d. Richard Donner, 1976 (26 OCT 20:00 / 27 OCT 20:00).
HORROCTOBER at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): SCREAM 35mm d. Wes Craven, 1996 (22 OCT 12:30 – digital / 24 to 28 OCT various); THE BIRD WITH THE CRYSTAL PLUMAGE d. Dario Argento, 1970 (22 OCT 13:00 / 28 OCT 18:30); POSSESSION d. Andrzej Zulawski, 1981 (22 OCT 15:00); MANHUNTER 35mm d. Michael Mann, 1986 (22 OCT 18:00); THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS d. Jonathan Demme, 1991 (22 OCT 20:45 / 27 OCT 12:30); THE EVIL DEAD d. Sam Raimi, 1981 (22 OCT 21:00); ABBOTT & COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN d. Charles Barton, 1948 (23 OCT 12:30); THE EXORCIST 35mm d. William Friedkin, 1973 (23 OCT 12:40 / 27 OCT 20:30); HOCUS POCUS 35mm d. Kenny Ortega, 1993 (23 OCT 15:45); DEATH BECOMES HER 35mm d. Robert Zemeckis, 1992 (23 OCT 18:10); THE SHINING [UK Version] 35mm d. Stanley Kubrick, 1980 (23 OCT 20:30); BODY DOUBLE 35mm d. Brian De Palma (23 OCT 20:45); LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS [Director’s Cut] d. Frank Oz, 1986 (24 OCT 13:00); THE THING d. John Carpenter, 19812 (24 OCT 15:30); EYES WITHOUT A FACE 35mm aka Les Yeux sans visage d. Georges Franju, 1960 (24 OCT 16:00); A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET d. Wes Craven, 1984 (24 OCT 20:30); THE LOST BOYS 35mm d. Joel Schumacher, 1987 (24 OCT 18:05); PSYCHO d. Alfred Hitchcock, 1960 (25 OCT 12:30); DR. JEKYLL AND SISTER HYDE 35mm d. Roy Ward Baker, 1971 + Q&A with Martine Beswick (25 OCT 17:50); DEAD RINGERS 35mm d. David Cronenberg, 1988 (25 OCT 18:05); ALIEN d. Ridley Scott, 1979 (25 OCT 20:45); RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD 35mm d. Dan O’Bannon, 1985 (26 OCT 13:15); WES CRAVEN’S NEW NIGHTMARE 35mm d. Wes Craven, 1994 (26 OCT 15:30); THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE 35mm d. Tobe Hooper, 1974 (26 OCT 15:50); UNDER THE SKIN d. Jonathan Glazer, 2013 (26 OCT 18:00); THE KEEP 35mm d. Michael Mann, 1983 (27 OCT 18:10); HOUSE aka Hausu d. Nobuhiko Obayashi, 1977 (27 OCT 21:00); DONNIE DARKO d. Richard Kelly, 2001 (28 OCT 13:15); CARRIE d. Brian De Palma, 1976 (28 OCT 16:00).
JAPAN 2021 at BFI Southbank
- Includes (check venue for full listings): SOULS ON THE ROAD 35mm aka Rojô no reikion d. Minoru Murata, 1921 (22 OCT 18:00); A PAGE OF MADNESS aka Kurutta ichipeiji d. Teinosuke Kinugasa, 1926 (23 OCT 13:00); I WAS BORN, BUT… aka Otona no miru ehon – Umarete wa mita keredo d. Yasujirô Ozu, 1932 (23 OCT 15:00); OUR NEIGHBOUR, MISS YAE 35mm aka Tonari no Yae-chan d. Yasujirô Shimazu, 1934 (24 OCT 12:40); HUMANITY & PAPER BALLOONS 35mm aka Ninjô kami fûsen d. Sadao Yamanaka, 1937 (24 OCT 15:00); A Time of Change and How Japanese Film Bore Witness to It illustrated talk by co-programmer Alexander Jacoby (25 OCT 18:20); CHILDREN OF THE BEEHIVE 35mm aka Hachi no su no kodomotachi d. Hiroshi Shimizu, 1948 + Intro by season co-programmer Alexander Jacoby (25 OCT 20:45); THE LIFE OF MATSU THE UNTAMED (The Rickshaw Man) aka Muhomatsu no issho d. Hiroshi Inagaki, 1943 (26 OCT 20:40); THRONE OF BLOOD aka Kumonosu-jô d. Akira Kurosawa, 1957 (27 OCT 20:30).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): LÉON MORIN, PRÊTRE d. Jean-Pierre Melville, 1961 (24 OCT 17:00); BREATHLESS aka A bout de souffle d. Jean-Luc Godard, 1959 (25 OCT 20:45).
MIKE LEIGH at BFI Southbank
- Includes (check venue for listings): THE KISS OF DEATH d. Mike Leigh, 1977 (23 OCT 12:50); HARD LABOUR d. Mike Leigh, 1973 (23 OCT 15:10); HAPPY-GO-LUCKY 35mm d. Mike Leigh, 2008 + Q&A with the director, Alexis Zegerman & Kate O’Flynn (24 OCT 14:50); MEANTIME d. Mike Leigh, 1983 + Q&A with the director, Marion Bailey & Phil Daniels (24 OCT 18:00); SECRETS & LIES d. Mike Leigh, 1996 (25 OCT 14:30); LIFE IS SWEAT d. Mike Leigh, 1990 + Q&A with the director (26 OCT 17:50); ABIGAIL’S PARTY d. Mike Leigh, 1977 (26 OCT 20:50); HIGH HOPES d. Mike Leigh, 1998 (28 OCT 14:30); BLEAK MOMENTS d. Mike Leigh, 1971 (28 OCT 18:00); Mike Leigh in Conversation (28 OCT 20:40).
- Includes (check venue for listings): RADIO DAYS 35mm d. Woody Allen, 1987 (23 OCT 13:20); H3 d. Les Blair, 2001 + Q&A with the director (25 OCT 18:00); A BLONDE IN LOVE (Loves of a Blonde) aka Lásky jedné plavovlásky d. Miloš Forman, 1965 (25 OCT 20:40).
ONE WORLD UNSPOKEN at Ciné Lumière & Genesis Cinema
- Includes (check venue for listings): LATCHO DROM d. Tony Gatlif, 1992 + Intro by Garth Cartwright at Ciné Lumière (26 OCT 18:00).
- Curated by Yvonne Wootton. Presented in partnership with the National Film & Television School.
- Includes (check venue for listings): WHITE CUBE d. Renzo Martens, 2020 (22 to 28 OCT various); EPISODE 1 d. Renzo Martens, 2003 at ICA (23 OCT 15:00 / 28 OCT 17:20); EPISODE 3 – ‘ENJOY POVERTY’ d. Renzo Martens, 2009 at ICA (24 OCT 12:30).
SMALL AXE at BFI Southbank
- Includes (check venue for listings): MANGROVE d. Steve McQueen, 2020 + Q&A with the director & consultant Paul Gilroy (22 OCT 17:30); LOVERS ROCK d. Steve McQueen, 2020 + Q&A with the director & actor Dennis Bovell (22 OCT 20:50); The Making of SMALL AXE with Steve McQueen, Tracey Scoffield, David Tanner and guests (23 OCT 16:00); RED, WHITE AND BLUE d. Steve McQueen, 2020 (23 OCT 18:30); ALEX WHEATLE d. Steve McQueen, 2020 (23 OCT 20:45); EDUCATION d. Steve McQueen, 2020 (24 OCT 18:10).
STEPHEN KING at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): THE SHINING [UK Version] 35mm d. Stanley Kubrick, 1980 (23 OCT 20:30); CARRIE d. Brian De Palma, 1976 (28 OCT 16:00).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): SMOG TOWN d. Meng Han, 2019 (22 to 27 OCT various); ANOTE’S ARK d. Matthieu Rytz, 2018 (23 OCT 18:20 / 27 OCT 14:00); 2040 d. Damon Gameau, 2019 (24 OCT 14:00 / 25 OCT 16:15 / 28 OCT 13:45).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): NOVEMBER d. Rainer Sarnet, 2017 (23 OCT 20:30 / 25 OCT 20:30 / 27 OCT 20:30).
WONG KAR WAI at BFI Southbank
- Includes (check venue for full listings): 2046 4K d. Wong Kar Wai, 2004 (22 OCT 14:00 / 25 OCT 17:45); HAPPY TOGETHER 4k aka Chun gwong cha sit d. Wong Kar Wai, 1997 (22 OCT 20:55); IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE 4K aka Fa yeung nin wah d. Wong Kar Wai, 2000 (23 OCT 20:50 / 28 OCT 18:10).

- Brazil Indigenous Film Festival (22 to 24 OCT).
- Doc’n Roll Film Festival (28 OCT to 14 NOV).
- London East Asia Film Festival (21 to 31 OCT).
- Native Spirit Festival (12 OCT to 20 NOV).
- Raindance Film Festival (27 OCT to 06 NOV).
- Sci-Fi-London 21 (19 to 24 OCT).
- Short Com Film Festival (28 OCT 20:30).

DUNE d. Denis Villeneuve, 2021.
- Various venues, inc: Barbican / BFI IMAX / The Castle / Catford Mews / Chiswick Cinema / Curzon Cinemas / Electric Cinemas / Everyman Cinemas / Genesis Cinema / Kino Digital / The Lexi / Peckhamplex / Phoenix Cinema / Picturehouse Cinemas / Rich Mix / Regent Street Cinema / Rio Cinema / Riverside Studios

THE HARDER THEY FALL d. Jeymes Samuel, 2021.
- Various venues, inc: Curzon Cinemas / Everyman Cinemas / Peckhamplex / The Prince Charles

SCREAM 35mm d. Wes Craven, 1996.
- Also (22 to 28 OCT various dates/times): PLAYLIST d. Nine Antico, 2021 at: Curzon Cinemas // SMOG TOWN d. Meng Han, 2019 at: Bertha DocHouse // WHITE CUBE d. Renzo Martens, 2020 at: ICA.

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*THE SMALL PRINT: Opinions author’s own. // As accurate as we could make it. Apologies for any errors. Updates & corrections will be made to the online version only. // Event dates/times/formats are subject to change by the venue/organiser. Events may already be sold out at the time of posting, so please click quickly. // We try to list as many original format screenings as we can (8 to 70MM), but sometimes formats change due to age of the print, availability, logistics etc, so please check ahead with your venue if the format is your thing. // All images are used in the spirit of fair use for reporting & review – no ownership is implied or intended / unless otherwise credited to RADIANT CIRCUS as the original rights holder. We will remove any images immediately upon request – just get in touch. // We don’t filter our listings by age/certification: all readers & subscribers should therefore be 18+. // Finally, we always try to follow The Carny Code by “not screwing up anyone else’s game”, but everyone can make mistakes… If something does go wrong, we will always do our best to put it right. //.