SCREEN GUIDE: What’s on in London this week [26 NOV to 02 DEC 2021]
Our RADIANT CIRCUS guide to what’s on in London this week across DIY, indie & alternative cinema, including one-off screen events, film seasons, film festivals & new releases.
By RADIANT CIRCUS // Twitter @radiantcircus / Instagram @radiantcircus

In this week’s film clubs, Kush Films presents the second event in their revival of the lost art of Late-Nite Kung Fu at Genesis Cinema (26 NOV) and Rebel Reel Cine Club takes it outdoors with ANNETTE (26 NOV). If you’re after something a little calmer, warmer! and more reflective, Filmscope presents a free screening of Greta Gerwig’s LITTLE WOMEN at The Yellow (also 26 NOV). Catford Film presents a free Christmas screening of NATIONAL LAMPOONS CHRISTMAS VACATION at Ninth Life (28 NOV), and Ciné-Real complete their run of 10th Anniversary screenings of SUNSET BOULEVARD 16mm at The Castle (also 28 NOV)*.
Deeper Into Movies will have what can only be described as a ‘manic Monday’ with a free screening of Julia Ducournau’s RAW at the Sebright Arms and ticketed screenings of KUSAMA: INFINITY at Farr’s Dalston and JODOROWSKY’S DUNE at Moth Club (all 29 NOV). On Tuesday, Tufnell Park Film Club continues their weekly events with Milos Foreman’s THE FIREMAN’S BALL at The Lord Palmerston (30 NOV), and Sands Cinema Club presents Terence Davies’s THE LONG DAY CLOSES as both a free in-venue and online event (also 30 NOV, donations requested). Pitshanger Pictures returns to more intimate screenings with BORDER (01 DEC), whilst Hitchcock Film Club wrap your week with a free screening of REBECCA at Fontaine’s (02 DEC).
Keeping step with the start of London International Animation Festival (26 NOV to 05 DEC), this is also a good week for anime (which hardly ever happens…). The Japan Foundation presents a Q&A with director Mamoru Hosoda after a screening of his latest BELLE: THE DRAGON & THE FRECKLED PRINCESS at Picturehouse Central (27 NOV). Then there’s a chance to see one of his earlier works, SUMMER WARS, at a special ‘gay gaming’ extravaganza organised by Fringe!, London Gaymers and Gayming Magazine at The Two Brewers (02 DEC). The Prince Charles projects two classic titles as part of their ongoing seasons: GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES (27 NOV) and TOKYO GODFATHERS (02 DEC).
Speaking of anime… Ghibliotheque podcast host Jake Cunningham presents a rare 35mm screening of early Robert Zemeckis’ Bealtemania movie I WANNA HOLD YOUR HAND at The Prince Charles this week (29 NOV). Whilst I’m not a massive Beatles fan – the thought of watching Peter Jackson’s latest three-part epic fills me with some trepidation – I do love me some Eddie Deezen!
Looking to seasons, Christmas is popping up all over. I particularly like the look of ALT.XMAS at The Prince Charles, mainly so that I can enjoy compiling a festive listing without making endless reference to HOME ALONE et al. Having said that, their CHRISTMAS programme proper also begins this week and we simply must give the West End indie kudos for more than thirty scheduled 35mm screenings of IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE (daily, all the way to Christmas Eve, just not 05 DEC).
In addition to their own Christmas season of BIG SCREEN CLASSICS, BFI welcomes two new extensions to their phenomenal JAPAN 2021 season starting with ANOTHER GAZE featuring women-made films chosen by Daniella Shreir, editor of the feminist film journal. Then, a little later in the month, they takeover the BFI IMAX for special presentations of SEVEN SAMURAI, AKIRA and BATTLE ROYALE on ‘Britain’s biggest screen’ (all 09 DEC). Also starting this week is A CLASS OF HIS OWN: THE FILMS OF JACK CLAYTON which celebrates the centenary of the visionary director’s birth.
Other notable seasons this week include the continuation of Ross McDonnell’s unique UK retrospective of the works of RYÛSUKE HAMAGUCHI at Close-Up, the Habibi Collective continuing their presentation of FILM COLLECTIVES & POLITICAL LIBERATION IN THE UK at The Castle (27 NOV), and another celebration of once-lost TV tapes at BFI, MISSING BELIEVED WIPED (also 27 NOV).
It’s your last chance to catch the complete MIKE LEIGH season that’s been running at BFI Southbank, featuring many on-stage appearances by Leigh and his collaborators. You can also catch a Q&A with the directer and a screening of the 4K restoration of NAKED at Ciné Lumière this week (27 NOV). Performing similarly energetic duties, Reggie Yates kickstarts his directing career by making numerous appearances across town with the cast of his directorial debut, PIRATES. See our SINGLE-O EXHIBITS section for these and more one-off events.
Film festivals continuing from last week’s opening nights include Frames Of Representation (25 NOV to 04 DEC), London Migration Film Festival (25 NOV to 01 DEC), London Palestine Film Festival (19 NOV to 03 DEC), and Ukrainian Film Festival (22 NOV to 06 DEC). Festivals joining our listings this week include London Baltic Film Festival (27 to 28 NOV), London International Animation Festival (26 NOV to 05 DEC), Russian Film Week (28 NOV to 05 DEC), and Soho Horror Film Festival (26 to 28 NOV). See FILM FESTIVALS for all the links.
For our Featured Attraction of the Week, I’ve chosen Kirsten Johnson’s Sundance Special Jury Prize winner DICK JOHNSON IS DEAD which screens at ICA with the director in Q&A (02 DEC). Mainly because it addresses an issue that’s been on my mind.
See you in the darkness,
*PS – We couldn’t push Ciné-Real’s previous screenings of SUNSET BOULEVARD because they’d sold out faster than Turbo-Man. But, there are/were some tickets left for this screening at the time of posting, so please form an orderly queue to celebrate one of the finest film clubs in town!

DICK JOHNSON IS DEAD d. Kirsten Johnson, 2020 + Q&A with the director at ICA (02 DEC 18:10).
- “Toggling between observational documentary and fictional fantasy, Johnson peels back layers of moviemaking as she and her eighty-something father face his death by enacting it in countless ways – with her father playing himself throughout. Dick’s growing dementia makes their quest even more of a challenge, but it doesn’t deter the pair’s commitment to explore the unlikely ways in which we might know and love one another all the way to the end. Innovative, joyous and heartbreaking all at once, DICK JOHNSON IS DEAD is a cinematic love letter unlike any other.”

- ANNETTE d. Leos Carax, 2021 presented outdoors at Camley Street Natural Park by Rebel Reel Cine Club (26 NOV 19:30 – wrap up warm!).
- Bambitchell’s BUGS & BEASTS BEFORE THE LAW, Sasha Litvintseva & Beny Wagner’s A DEMONSTRATION + Ana Vaz’s APIYEMIYEKI? accompanied by an immersive sound installation by Sākśi Bisou Promised Land presented by The Care-fuffle Collective at The Horse Hospital (26 NOV 19:00).
- THE COURIER d. Dominic Cooke, 2021 at Screen25 Cinema (26 NOV 19:45).
- THE FIRST WAVE d. Matthew Heineman, 2021 at ArtHouse Crouch End (26 NOV 14:00).
- Late-Nite Kung Fu: THE 7 GRANDMASTERS d. Joseph Kuo, 1977 + Short: BLACK SALT d. Ben Ramsey, 2018 + Gaming, DJs & Film Clips presented by Kush Films in Bar Paragon at Genesis Cinema (26 NOV 20:30 bar / 22:30 films).
- LITTLE WOMEN d. Greta Gerwig, 2019 + Discussion with Naila Darr presented by Filmscope at The Yellow (26 NOV 18:30).
- PIRATES d. Reggie Yates, 2021 + Q&A with the director & the cast at Picturehouse Finsbury Park (26 NOV 20:40).
- Film Talk: A BOUT DE SOUFFLE aka Breathless d. Jean-Luc Godard, 1960 online discussion of the film presented by Highgate Film Society (26 NOV 17:00).
- LOOKING AT MY FAMILY: TWO FILMS BY RICHARD FUNG presented online by The Twelve30 Collective and BIMI (films to view for 24hrs from 25 NOV // Conversation 26 NOV 18:00 – FREE!).
- After Images experimental animation programme presented by Edge Of Frame at Close-Up (27 NOV 15:00) / Part of London International Animation Festival.
- BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY PORN d. Radu Jude, 2021 + Recorded Q&A at Barbican (27 NOV 20:20).
- BELLE: THE DRAGON & THE FRECKLED PRINCESS d. Mamoru Hosoda, 2021 + Q&A with the director presented by Anime Limited and The Japan Foundation at Picturehouse Central (27 NOV 15:00).
- BOXING DAY d. Aml Ameen, 2021 + Q&A with the director Preview at BFI Southbank (27 NOV 18:30).
- BULADÓ d. Eché Janga, 2020 preview at BFI Southbank (27 NOV 15:10).
- DYING TO DIVORCE d. Chloe Fairweather, 2021 at Rio Cinema (27 NOV 15:45).
- LIFE IS SWEET d. Mike Leigh, 1990 at Riverside Studios (27 NOV 14:00).
- NAKED: 4K RESTORATION d. Mike Leigh, 1993 + Q&A with the director at Ciné Lumière (27 NOV 19:00).
- PIRATES d. Reggie Yates, 2021 + Q&A with the director & actors Elliot Edusah, Jordan Peters & Reda Elazouar at Genesis Cinema (27 NOV 18:15).
- PIRATES d. Reggie Yates, 2021 + Q&A with the director & the cast at Picturehouse Hackney (27 NOV 20:40).
- MOVING IMAGE SALON with LINDSAY SEERS presented by Daniel & Clara / Moving Image Artists free online event (27 NOV 14:00 – FREE!).
- BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY PORN d. Radu Jude, 2021 + Recorded Q&A at Barbican (28 NOV 17:20).
- THE FLAVOUR OF GREEN TEA OVER RICE d. Yashujiro Ozu, 1952 + Recorded intro by Jasper Sharp at Riverside Studios (28 NOV 14:00 + FREE sample of Japanese sake).
- THE ITALIAN JOB d. Peter Collinson, 1969 + Quiz at Picturehouse Bromley (28 NOV 17:00).
- LAPWING d. Philip Stevens, 2020 + Q&A with the director, writer Laura Turner & members of the cast at Rio Cinema (28 NOV 17:30).
- NATIONAL LAMPOONS CHRISTMAS VACATION d. Jeremiah S. Chechik, 1989 presented by Catford Film at Ninth Life (28 NOV 20:00 – FREE!).
- PIRATES d. Reggie Yates, 2021 + Q&A with the director & actors Elliot Edusah, Jordan Peters & Reda Elazouar at Everyman King’s Cross (28 NOV 17:00).
- Ciné-Real 10th Anniversary: SUNSET BOULEVARD 16mm d. Billy Wilder, 1950 at The Castle Cinema (28 NOV 13:30).
- THE AMAZING MR BLUNDEN d. Mark Gatiss, 2021 + Q&A with the director, actors Tamsin Greig & Simon Callow hosted by Mark Kermode TV Preview at BFI Southbank (29 NOV 18:15).
- I WANNA HOLD YOUR HAND 35mm d. Robert Zemeckis, 1978 presented by Jake Cunningham at The Prince Charles (29 NOV 20:30).
- JODOROWSKY’S DUNE d. Frank Pavich, 2013 presented by Deeper Into Movies at Moth Club (29 NOV 19:30).
- KUSAMA: INFINITY d. Heather Lenz, 2018 presented by Deeper Into Movies at Farr’s Dalston (29 NOV 19:30).
- PIRATES d. Reggie Yates, 2021 + Q&A with the director at Peckhamplex (29 NOV 19:15).
- RAW d. Julia Ducournau, 2016 presented by Deeper Into Movies at Sebright Arms (29 NOV 19:30 – FREE!).
- RIDERS OF JUSTICE d. Anders Thomas Jensen, 2020 at Whirled Cinema (29 NOV 20:00).
- ZINDAGI NA MILEGI DOBARA d. Zoya Akhtar, 2011 + 2-Course Dinner at India Club Lounge Bar (29 NOV 18:30).
- No Ticket Required: THE PEANUT BUTTER FALCON d. Tyler Nilson & Michael Schwartz, 2019 free online discussion of the film with Michael Brooke at Watermans (29 NOV 20:00 – Watch film beforehand/register for free discussion).
- BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY PORN d. Radu Jude, 2021 + Recorded Q&A at The Castle Cinema (30 NOV 18:30).
- THE FIREMAN’S BALL d. Milos Foreman, 1967 presented by Tufnell Park Film Club at The Lord Palmerston (30 NOV 20:00).
- THE FRENCH DISPATCH d. Wes Anderson, 2021 at The David Lean (30 NOV 19:30).
- JUSTINE d. Jamie Patterson, 2020 + Q&A with the director & actors Tallaluh Haddon & Sophie Reid at Genesis Cinema (30 NOV 21:00).
- KNIVES OUT d. Rian Johnson, 2019 at The Prince Charles (30 NOV 20:30).
- LAST NIGHT IN SOHO d. Edgar Wright, 2021 at The David Lean (30 NOV 14:30).
- THE LONG DAY CLOSES d. Terence Davies, 1992 at Sands Cinema Club at Sands Film Studio (30 NOV 20:00 / FREE! Donation requested / Also available as a live stream).
- RIDERS OF JUSTICE d. Anders Thomas Jensen, 2020 at Whirled Cinema (30 NOV 20:00).
- RUMPELSTILZCHEN d. Michael Nunn, William Trevitt & Richard Jones, 2021 + Q&A with the directors & actors Jane Horrocks, Tanya Reynolds & Daniel Francis-Swaby at Curzon Bloomsbury (30 NOV 18:40).
- SOOT BREATH / CORPUS INFINITUM d. Arjuna Neuman & Denise Ferreira da Silva, 2021 + Performance of Treble Heaven at Cafe Oto (30 NOV 19:00 / Also available as a FREE live stream).
- TweetFest Shorts Night at ArtHouse Crouch End (30 NOV 20:30).
- 90 DAYS OF HOPE: WHY BRITAIN CHOSE NOT TO END HOMELESSNESS d. Paul Atherton, 2021 Premiere + Charity Fundraiser for The Museum of Homelessness at Genesis Cinema (01 DEC 18:45).
- BORDER aka Gräns d. Ali Abbasi, 2018 presented by Pitshanger Pictures at St. Barnabas Church Ealing (01 DEC 20:15).
- BULL d. Paul Andrew Williams, 2021 at Genesis Cinema (01 DEC 21:10).
- DEAR FUTURE CHILD d. Franz Böhm, 2021 + Q&A with the director at Frontline Club (01 DEC 19:00).
- THE MATRIX d. Lana Wachowski & Lilly Wachowski, 1999 at The Prince Charles (01 DEC 14:30).
- NOMADLAND d. Chloé Zhao, 2020 at The David Lean (01 DEC 19:30)
- RIDERS OF JUSTICE d. Anders Thomas Jensen, 2020 at Whirled Cinema (01 DEC 20:00).
- ZOLA d. Janicza Bravo, 2021 at Screen25 Cinema (01 DEC 19:45).
- Whirled Docs – ALL THINGS MUST PASS: THE RISE & FALL OF TOWER RECORDS d. Colin Hanks, 2015 at Whirled Cinema (02 DEC 20:00).
- DICK JOHNSON IS DEAD d. Kirsten Johnson, 2020 + Q&A with the director at ICA (02 DEC 18:10).
- HERE FOR LIFE d. Andrea Luka Zimmerman & Adrian Jackson, 2019 at The Whitechapel Gallery (02 DEC 19:00).
- INTERPRETATION OF REALITY: GEORG STEFAN TROLLER d. Ruth Rieser, 2021 at Austrian Cultural Forum (02 DEC 19:00 – FREE!).
- THE MATRIX d. Lana Wachowski & Lilly Wachowski, 1999 at The Prince Charles (02 DEC 15:35).
- NEVER GONNA SNOW AGAIN d. Małgorzata Szumowska & Michał Englert, 2020 at The David Lean (02 DEC 14:30 & 19:30).
- REBECCA d. Alfred Hitchcock, 1940 presented by Hitchcock Film Club at Fontaine’s (02 DEC 20:00 – FREE!).
- THE ROOM d. Tommy Wiseau, 2003 at The Prince Charles (02 DEC 20:30).
- SUMMER WARS aka Samâ uôzu d. Mamoru Hosoda, 2009 + Pre-screening Gayming Panel + Post-Screening Game Tournament + DJs presented by Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Fest, London Gaymers & Gayming Magazine at The Two Brewers (02 DEC 19:30).
- THE WITCHES OF EASTWICK 35mm d. George Miller, 1987 at BFI Southbank (02 DEC 20:45).

35MM PRESENTATIONS at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): MISERY 35mm d. Rob Reiner, 1990 (26 NOV 21:00); RATATOUILLE 35mm d. Brad Bird, 2007 (28 NOV 13:00); CASABLANCA 35mm d. Michael Curtiz, 1942 (28 NOV 18:00); NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN 35mm d. Ethan Coen & Joel Coen, 2007 (29 NOV 15:00 – £1 Members Screening); I WANNA HOLD YOUR HAND 35mm d. Robert Zemeckis, 1978 presented by Jake Cunningham (29 NOV 20:30); A WINTER’S TALE 35mm aka Conte d’hiver d. Éric Rohmer 1992 (01 DEC 17:30); IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE 35mm d. Frank Capra, 1946 (01 to 24 DEC various); EYES WIDE SHUT 35mm d. Stanley Kubrick, 1999 (01 DEC 20:15).
70MM PRESENTATIONS at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY 70mm d. Stanley Kubrick, 1968 ‘unrestored version’ (29 NOV 20:15).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): POLICE PYTHON 357 35mm d. Alain Corneau, 1976 (28 NOV 14:00 / 30 NOV 17:00).
2007: A VINTAGE YEAR FOR CINEMA at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): RATATOUILLE 35mm d. Brad Bird, 2007 (28 NOV 13:00); NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN 35mm d. Ethan Coen & Joel Coen, 2007 (29 NOV 15:00 – £1 Members Screening).
- Includes (check venue for listings): ROOM AT THE TOP 35mm d. Jack Clayton, 1959 + Intro by BFI Curator Josephine Botting at BFI Southbank (02 DEC 18:10).
ALT. XMAS at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for listings): ROCKY IV: ROCKY VS DRAGO [Ultimate Director’s Cut] d. Sylvester Stallone, 1985 (until 22 DEC various); EYES WIDE SHUT 35mm d. Stanley Kubrick, 1999 (01 DEC 20:15); MEAN GIRLS 35mm d. Mark Waters, 2003 presented by Unicorn Nights (01 DEC 20:30); THE SILENT PARTNER d. Daryl Duke, 1978 (02 DEC 18:30).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): POSSESSION d. Andrzej Zulawski, 1981 (28 NOV 17:45).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): DIRTY HARRY d. Don Siegel, 1971 (26 NOV 20:45); ILLUSTRIOUS CORPSES 4k aka Cadaveri eccellenti d. Francesco Rosi, 1976 (27 NOV 18:10); THE LONG GOODBYE d. Robert Altman, 1973 (27 NOV 20:40); KISS ME DEADLY d. Robert Aldrich, 1955 (28 NOV 12:15); ZERO DARK THIRTY d. Kathryn Bigelow, 2012 (28 NOV 15:20); UN FLIC d. Jean-Pierre Melville, 1972 (29 NOV 20:55); IN THE CUT 35mm d. Jane Campion, 2003 (30 NOV 18:10); INSIDE MAN d. Spike Lee, 2006 (30 NOV 20:20).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): THE APARTMENT 4K d. Billy Wilder, 1960 + Recorded intro by Tara Judah (01 DEC 18:00); REMEMBER THE NIGHT d. Mitchell Leisen, 1940 (02 DEC 14:30).
CHRISTMAS at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE 35mm d. Frank Capra, 1946 (01 to 24 DEC various); TOKYO GODFATHERS d. Kon Satoshi, 2004 (02 DEC 18:15 – SUB).
- See also: ALT. XMAS at The Prince Charles.
- Includes (check venue for full listings): ASAKO I & II d. Ryûsuke Hamaguchi, 2018 (26 NOV 20:15); I LOVE THEE FOR GOOD + TOUCHING THE SKIN OF EERINESS + HEAVEN IS STILL FAR AWAY d. Ryûsuke Hamaguchi, 2009 + 2013 + 2016 (27 NOV 20:00); HAPPY HOUR d. Ryûsuke Hamaguchi, 2015 (28 NOV 17:00).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): THE PLEASURE GIRLS d. Gerry O’Hara, 1965 (29 NOV 18:20).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): TOKYO STORY aka Tôkyô monogatari d. Yasujirô Ozu, 1953 (26 NOV various / 28 NOV various).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): COOL CLUB DANCERS d. Joan Littlewood, 1963, COLLECTIVE HUM d. Black Obsidian Sound System, 2019, AUDRE LORDE IN CONVERSATION WITH… d. Late Start Film & Video Collective, 1985, HOW DOES AN INVISIBLE BOY DISAPPEAR d. Rehana Zaman, Liverpool Black Women Filmmakers, 2018, + DREAMING RIVERS d. Judah (Martina) Attile, Sankofa Film & Video Collective, 1988 (27 NOV 16:00).
- Programmed by The Habibi Collective.
THE FILMS OF ÉRIC ROHMER at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): A WINTER’S TALE 35mm aka Conte d’hiver d. Éric Rohmer 1992 (01 DEC 17:30).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY PORN d. Radu Jude, 2021 (26 NOV to 02 DEC various).
JAPAN 2021 at BFI Southbank
- Includes (check venue for full listings): YEARNING 35mm d. Mikio Naruse, 1964 (26 NOV 21:00); ELEGANT BEAST 4k (aka The Graceful Brute) d. Yûzô Kawashima, 1962 + Recorded intro by Professor Yuka Kanno (27 NOV 18:30); THRONE OF BLOOD aka Kumonosu-jô d. Akira Kurosawa, 1957 (27 NOV 20:50); YOJIMBO d. Akira Kurosawa, 1961 + Inside Cinema: Akira Kurosawa (28 NOV 12:00); I WAS BORN, BUT… aka Otona no miru ehon – Umarete wa mita keredo d. Yasujirô Ozu, 1932 + Intro by Bryony Dixon, BFI National Archive curator + Live musical accompaniment by Meg Morley (28 NOV 14:45); SANSHO THE BAILIFF aka Sansho Dayu d. Kenji Mizoguchi, 1954 (28 NOV 18:20); TOKYO STORY 4k aka Tôkyô monogatari d. Yasujirô Ozu, 1953 (30 NOV 14:00); ONIBABA 35mm d. Kaneto Shindô, 1964 (30 NOV 17:50); SHE WAS LIKE A WILD CHRYSANTHEMUM 35mm aka Nogiku no gotoki kimi nariki d. Keisuke Kinoshita, 1955 (30 NOV 20:40); AFTER LIFE aka Wandafuru raifu d. Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1998 (01 DEC 20:30); IN THE REALM OF THE SENSES 35mm aka Ai no corrida d. Nagisa Ôshima, 1976 (01 DEC 20:50); FUNERAL PARADE OF ROSES aka Bara no sôretsu d. Toshio Matsumoto, 1969 + Recorded intro by Professor Mitsuyo Wada-Marciano (02 DEC 18:00); The Shifting Spaces of Modern Japanese Cinema panel discussion (02 DEC 20:40).
JAPAN 2021: ANOTHER GAZE at BFI Southbank
- Includes (check venue for full listings): SKY, WIND, FIRE, WATER, EARTH + BIRTH/MOTHER aka Kya ka ra ba a + Tarachime d. Naomi Kawase, 2001 + 2006 (01 DEC 18:15).
- Includes (check venue for full listings): PIERROT LE FOU d. Jean-Luc Godard, 1965 (27 NOV 16:00 / 29 NOV 18:15).
MIKE LEIGH at BFI Southbank
- Includes (check venue for listings): VERA DRAKE d. Mike Leigh, 2004 + Q&A with the director, Imelda Staunton & Phil Davis (26 NOV 17:40); SECRETS & LIES d. Mike Leigh, 1996 (27 NOV 15:00); MR. TURNER d. Mike Leigh, 2014 (27 NOV 17:30); TOPSY-TURVEY d. Mike Leigh, 1999 (28 NOV 17:40); PETERLOO d. Mike Leigh, 2018 (29 NOV 17:40); ANOTHER YEAR d. Mike Leigh, 2010 (29 NOV 20:30); GROWN-UPS d. Mike Leigh, 1980 (30 NOV 14:15).
- Includes (check venue for listings): THE STORY OF GILBERT & SULLIVAN d. Sidney Gilliat, 1953 (28 NOV 14:50); TOKYO STORY 4k aka Tôkyô monogatari d. Yasujirô Ozu, 1953 (30 NOV 14:00).
- Includes (check venue for listings): Session 1: The London Palladium Show (27 NOV 13:00); Session 2: Introducing ‘The Precious Things’: Holiday Startime (27 NOV 15:50).
MOVIE MARATHONS at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for listings): BLADE RUNNER: DOUBLE FEATURE d. Ridley Scott + Denis Villeneuve, 1982 + 2017 (26 NOV 18:15); NICOLAS CAGE MARATHON 5 films, 1 ticket! (27 NOV 20:30); MYSTERY MOVIE MARATHON 5 Mystery Films, 1 Ticket (27 NOV 21:15).
STEPHEN KING at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): MISERY d. Rob Reiner, 1990 (26 NOV 21:00).
STUDIO GHIBLI at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES d. Isao Takahata, 1988 (27 NOV 13:00 – Sub).
WEREWOLF FILMS at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for full listings): DOG SOLDIERS d. Neil Marshall, 2002 (30 NOV 18:00).
THE WORLD OF WONG KAR WAI at The Prince Charles
- Includes (check venue for listings): FALLEN ANGELS d. Wong Kar Wai, 1995 (26 NOV to 02 DEC); CHUNGKING EXPRESS d. Wong Kar Wai, 1994 (26 NOV 18:30 / 28 NOV 20:45 / 01 DEC 12:05 / 02 DEC 21:00); DAYS OF BEING WILD d. Wong Kar Wai, 1990 (28 NOV 12:45 / 30 NOV 13:15); AS TEARS GO BY d. Wong Kar Wai, 1988 (29 NOV 12:40).

- Frames Of Representation (25 NOV to 04 DEC).
- French Film Festival (03 NOV to 15 DEC).
- London Baltic Film Festival (27 to 28 NOV).
- London International Animation Festival (26 NOV to 05 DEC).
- London Migration Film Festival (25 NOV to 01 DEC).
- London Palestine Film Festival (19 NOV to 03 DEC).
- Made In Prague Festival (07 NOV to 10 DEC).
- Russian Film Week (28 NOV to 05 DEC).
- Soho Horror Film Festival (26 to 28 NOV).
- Ukranian Film Festival (22 NOV to 06 DEC).

THE FIRST WAVE d. Matthew Heineman, 2021.
- Various venues, inc: Peckhamplex

HOUSE OF GUCCI d. Ridley Scott, 2021.
- Various venues, inc: ActOne Cinema / ArtHouse Crouch End / Barbican / The Castle Cinema / Catford Mews / Chiswick Cinema / Cinema in the Arches / Curzon Cinemas / Electric Cinemas / Everyman Cinemas / Genesis Cinema / JW3 / Kino Bermondsey / Olympic Cinema / Peckhamplex / Phoenix Cinema / Picturehouse Cinemas / Regent Street Cinema / Rich Mix / Rio Cinema / Riverside Studios

REBEL DYKES d. Harri Shanahan & Siân A Williams, 2021.
- Various venues, inc: Barbican / BFI / Picturehouse Cinemas
Also (26 NOV to 02 DEC various dates/times):
- 14 PEAKS: NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE d. Torquil Jones, 2021 at: Bertha DocHouse.
- BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY PORN d. Radu Jude, 2021 at: Barbican / The Castle Cinema / Curzon Cinemas / ICA / Rio Cinema.
- FALLEN ANGELS d. Wong Kar Wai, 1995 at: The Prince Charles.
- JFK REVISITED: THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS d. Oliver Stone, 2021 at: Bertha DocHouse.
- LAPWING d. Philip Stevens, 2020 at: Rio Cinema.
- PIRATES d. Reggie Yates, 2021 at: Catford Mews / Curzon Cinemas / Electric Cinemas / Everyman Cinemas / Genesis Cinema / Peckhamplex / Rich Mix.
- THE SUMMIT OF THE GODS d. Patrick Imbert, 2021 at: Curzon Cinemas.
- THE UNFORGIVABLE d. Nora Fingscheidt, 2021 at: Curzon Cinemas.

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*THE SMALL PRINT: Opinions author’s own. // As accurate as we could make it. Apologies for any errors. Updates & corrections will be made to the online version only. // Event dates/times/formats are subject to change by the venue/organiser. Events may already be sold out at the time of posting, so please click quickly. // We try to list as many original format screenings as we can (8 to 70MM), but sometimes formats change due to age of the print, availability, logistics etc, so please check ahead with your venue if the format is your thing. // All images are used in the spirit of fair use for reporting & review – no ownership is implied or intended / unless otherwise credited to RADIANT CIRCUS as the original rights holder. We will remove any images immediately upon request – just get in touch. // We don’t filter our listings by age/certification: all readers & subscribers should therefore be 18+. // Finally, we always try to follow The Carny Code by “not screwing up anyone else’s game”, but everyone can make mistakes… If something does go wrong, we will always do our best to put it right. //.