Zodiac On Zodiac

ZODIAC FILM CLUB: Zodiac On Zodiac

We asked Sarah Kathryn Cleaver & Jordan Storm Louise for an interview about Zodiac Film Club. In the spirit of their DIY cinema, the indie promoters chatted via email between work, life & setting up their next screening with SUPAKINO: THE STUD/THE BITCH at Rio Cinema (16 FEB 23:00). Here’s Zodiac On Zodiac.

Sarah Kathryn Cleaver & Jordan Storm Louise

Facebook @ZodiacFilmClub | Instagram @zodiacfilmclub

On Wed, 6 Feb 2019 at 09:55, <Sarah Kathryn Cleaver> wrote:

Dear Jordan,

Last night I scrolled back almost a year in our messages to find an amusing or joyful screenshot from the beginning of Zodiac – and it was quite a waste of time. Obviously we were communicating irl at that time, like idiots who have no concept of posterity or the fact that nothing matters unless you can post it in an Instagram story.

I did find one of us geeking out because Alex Essoe followed us on Instagram…

With that in mind, who would you most want to walk into a Zodiac screening? Dead, alive but not fictional.


Sarah Kathryn Cleaver (Scorpio sun, Virgo moon, Capricorn rising)

On Thu, 7 Feb 2019 at 17:29, <Jordan Storm Louise> wrote:


TBH. I am still blushing out about Alex Essoe.

Ok, so, Zodiac dream guest. Aside from Joan at Midnight Excess. I’m going to say Pam Grier. Selfishly, after the screening, dressed in suits, delivered over a martini, I want stories about the L word and Foxy Brown. How many olives do you think she has?

And that get’s me thinking. Dream cinema/venue for the Zodiac? No limits.



(Cancer Sun, Cancer Rising, Pisces Moon)

P.S – Pam is a Gemini

Zodiac On Zodiac

Jordan Storm Louise

On Fri, 8 Feb 2019 at 13:31, <Sarah Kathryn Cleaver> wrote:

I’m scared of Geminis. In answer to your question, three on one cocktail stick and she eats them all in one go. My L-Word character is Marina, what does that say about me? I tried to google it and the internet won’t tell me.

Good question! I know you said no limits but I’m going to be boring and stay off the moon or international waters. Dream Zodiac screening is the opening night at the Zodiac Cinema, improbably in Central London, with a pink velvet seats and a pink carpet and a lot of neon. On Halloween. And we live in two apartments above it. And it’s haunted. And we’re screening Slumber Party Massacre and everyone gets a pair of slippers and a large knife facemask.

Zodiac On Zodiac

Ok my turn. As you know we started Zodiac in order to force all our friends to watch the films that we wanted to be able to talk about, usually the ones that were never nominated for awards and are trashy as hell. If ‘no judgements’ truly existed, what guiltiest pleasure would we screen?


Sarah (INFJ-A, wants to know your Myers Briggs score)

Sarah Kathryn Cleaver

On Mon, Feb 11, 2019 at 6:56 PM, <Jordan Storm Louise> wrote:

Lol. You are Marina. She’s sexy, Italian, owns The Planet. Which is the Zodiac of coffee shops. She seduces everyone. So I’d say you have a lot in common.

Very into the cinema. Could we show old soul-train videos instead of trailers?

No judgement. Ok. There is this really insane episode of Winnie and The Pooh that I love as a child. He falls asleep and has a bad dream about these creatures called Heffalumps and Woozles. It’s really psychedelic, with lots of colours and wild creatures that constantly shape shift. My parents must have been really concerned for my future wellbeing as I was obsessed. It’s only 4 minutes long though.

Enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axPPL1FO5mU

Zodiac On Zodiac

I’ve actually realised thats more my guilty pleasure than the Zodiacs. A Zodiac Guilty pleasure – Charlie’s Angels? The one with Cameron Diaz.

Tell me, what’s the weirdest film you’ve obsessed over?



(INFJ, -A/-T)

Jordan Storm Louise 

On Tue, 12 Feb 2019 at 21:51, <Sarah Kathryn Cleaver> wrote:

I can’t believe we are the same Myers Briggs type! How do we ever get anything done?

I kind of love the trailers, especially when they are dated and incredibly misleading like this one for And God Created Woman where Brigitte Bardot is American. But we can intersperse them with Soul Train videos.

I remember that Winney the Pooh clip too, I had the VHS. I would actually be up for doing baby film club. With whatever babies drink instead of negronis. White Russian?

Your question’s a big one, as being obsessed with films is kind of my whole life. But probably the weirdest and lamest is that I really really really love Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. I will sometimes just watch videos of them on Youtube. This is one of my favourites, in Carefree, which has a really convoluted plot about psychoanalysis so that they could do this amazing hypnotism dance.

Zodiac On Zodiac

Ok my last few questions; in pop quiz style, we have to take your first answer.

Last film that terrified you.

Last film that made you cry.

I wish I could get back the time I spent watching…

My date movie is….

My break-up movie is….

If I could only pass on one film to future generations it would be…

Love Sarah (Turn ons: True Crime, Turn offs: name dropping).

Sarah Kathryn Cleaver

On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 4:49 PM, <Jordan Storm Louise> wrote:

Hi Sarah.


I’m not sure we wanna do a babies film club. I actually find very small children quiet alien, they always know something you don’t. See my point below:

Zodiac On Zodiac

Last film that terrified you:
Not actually the film, but the trailer for Hereditary. The part where he smiles and slams his own face on the desk made me feel quite sick. I have a fear of possession so that really got to me. I never watched the film. You said it was bad and I trust your judgement.

Oh and the contorsion dance scene in the remake of Suspira. DISGUSTING.

Last film that made you cry:
God, such a cliche but I recently watched Call Me By Your Name and spent a good 4 hours weeping afterwards. I came out to my family last year so I found the Dad’s speech really powerful. I think all parents should watch it.

I wish I could get back the time I spent watching…
The Happening by M. Night Shyamalan. Honestly. WTF.

My date movie is….
I’ve been on some really bad cinema dates with various pretentious assholes. I once went on a date to see a Tarkovsky film, which would have been interesting if they didn’t theorise the whole thing before we went in. I drank a lot of wine in this time and actually feel asleep mid-screening. We dated for 8 months. It ended badly. I should have known.

Back to your question. I guess it depends who I’m on a date with and how much I actually fancy them. In The Mood For Love is beautiful and will always be one of my favourite films. It’s hard to not feel romantic after.

I also like Zabriskie Point.

Zodiac On Zodiac

My break-up movie is…
All the cliches, back to back for 10 days. You know them all. Blue is The Warmest Colour, The Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, Bridesmaids, Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

If I could only pass on one film to future generations it would be…
This is really really hard. I think there are too many and the genre of film is too broad to pick one.

I’m struggling with picking something beautiful and meaningful, or just giving them something to enjoy as the future is looking pretty bleak…

And, I ask you the same questions.


Jordan x

Jordan Storm Louise

On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 11:13 PM, <Sarah Kathryn Cleaver> wrote:

I think I should give Hereditary another go. I’m now not sure that it was bad, I just don’t think anything that hyped could be good. No-one should ever really see films the year they come out, we can only really appreciate things years after their context. Or I can anyway.

I’m glad you asked me the same questions because I want to answer them.

Last film that terrified you:
I started watching Pulse late one night recently, and I had to turn it off. There’s almost nothing to it, it’s so low fi, but completely terrifying. I’ve always found stillness in cinema very scary – creepy photographs or paintings get to me, I expect them to do something awful and they don’t. Like that video people used to send you back in the early 2000s where you look for something and then a scary face appears. It’s karma though, because I promised to watch it with my partner in podcasting Mary Wild and I went and watched it alone like a traitor.

Zodiac On Zodiac: hqdefault

Last film that made you cry:
I cry all the time, but the last time I really wept at a film it was rewatching A Single Man. That film is so sentimental, the music makes you cry in the first three seconds. I kind of resent the manipulation. Before that, when I went to see Mustang I wept in the cinema for around 20 minutes after the credits finished. The staff at the Picturehouse Central politely tidied up around me.

I wish I could get back the time I spent watching…
Gerald’s Game – a clever film for stupid people. Although I was watching it on New Years Day so it’s not like I would have used that time contributing anything useful to society, as me and our friend Millie were unable to leave the sofa.

My date movie is….
Antichrist. It’s best for people to know what they’re getting themselves into isn’t it? Just like you should have known with Tarkovsky.

My break-up movie is…
Martyrs, Dogville, Kill Bill, Deathproof, Scream, The Loved Ones, Basic Instinct to mirror my various moods.. the prevailing one being;

Zodiac On Zodiac

It’s best to toughen up after a break-up, and watching horror movies is the safest way to do it. Plus women always suffer terribly in them, and misery loves company.

If I could only pass on one film to future generations it would be…
Why did I ask this? It’s terribly difficult. I suppose it’s like a Purge kill, you better not choose the same one as everyone else or it’s a waste and you’ll all end up meeting at Nigel Farage’s house. So I suppose I’d choose Duck Soup, because after a bit of Solaris and 2001: A Space Odyssey , humanity will really need the mirror scene…

Love Sarah xxxx

Sarah Kathryn Cleaver

ZODIAC FILM CLUBBeginning with a shared love of horror, pulp, thrills and mystery, Sarah Kathryn Cleaver and Jordan Storm Louise set up Zodiac Film Club. You can expect carefully chosen screenings every month, a film for each sign. We select good looking films, complex female characters and our favourites in rarely screened classics, cult and contemporary cinema to share with you, and invite you to talk about it with us afterwards.

Facebook @ZodiacFilmClub | Instagram @zodiacfilmclub

MIDNIGHT EXCESS: THE STUD/THE BITCH – a collab with Ranjit S. Ruprai aka SUPAKINO – screens at Rio Cinema on 16 FEB 2019, from 23:00 until late. Book here: riocinema.org.uk

Valentine's Day 2019: THE BITCH at Rio Cinema (16 FEB).

Zodiac Film Club on THE STUD/THE BITCH: Shot on a tiny budget in three weeks and rejected by most major studios, THE STUD (1978) ended up being the most successful film of 1978. Based on the steamy novel by Jackie Collins, the film revived her sister Joan’s career and went on to spawn an equally excessive sequel just a year later. Set in London’s disco scene, THE STUD and THE BITCH (1979) follow the hedonistic, erotic exploits of Fontaine Khaled, a woman of expensive taste and unbridled libido. With their hazy aesthetic, lavish set design and disco soundtrack, the sleek and sleazy classics are the perfect 70s treat.

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*THE SMALL PRINT: These words are not our own… All words and opinions credited to the original authors and their collaborators. We try to get the details right: let us know if any links, dates, venues etc. are broken or just plain wrong. Updates will be made to the online edition only.