THE BALLY #80: What to see in London this week (10 to 16 JUL)
Welcome to THE BALLY, the free weekly newsletter about London’s alternative cinema scene produced by RADIANT CIRCUS. Find out what to see in London this week across indie & underground venues, film clubs, popups & film festivals as well as our selection of new releases, restorations & revivals.
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Following a swift and very passionate battle for control, Rio Cinema’s board of trustees resigned last week and a new interim board has been installed. Full elections will be held later in the year. RADIANT CIRCUS was delighted to see one of our old friends and collaborators Ranjit S. Ruprai aka SUPAKINO take one of the temporary positions. We can’t think of any finer champion of alternative screen culture and await further news with interest.
The government took many people by surprise by announcing a new £1.5bn fund to support arts and culture venues across the UK. With venues likely to account for the majority of funds, it remains to be seen how much additional support there will be for indie exhibitors of all flavours, including film festivals and neighbourhood film clubs.
The big venue reopening news this week was of course that BFI Southbank will start screening from 01 September. However, we were possibly more delighted to hear that The Horse Hospital has reopened this week (from 09 July), even if it is just the gallery at this stage. The Bloomsbury venue remains under threat from its landlords, so please do what you can to support one of London’s few remaining underground spaces.
Keep track of all reopening news with our venue A to Z.
Our featured attraction of the week is Bertha DocHouse’s free streaming of Marlon Riggs’ TONGUES UNTIED (10 JUL). We await We Are Parable’s weeklong takeover programme at BFI – WHO WE ARE (from 13 JUL) – with interest…
These special editions of THE BALLY will continue until more venues are open. Thank you to our monthly subscribers for keeping the lights on. Stay safe & we look forward to seeing you in the darkness again soon,
Richard – Barker-In-Chief, RADIANT CIRCUS

Bona Rio! Dalston’s Fabulosa 80’s Queertopia Online event (10 JUL 20:00+):
- Fringe! presents: “A fabulous cruise down the memory lane, celebrating the life and times of a true Dalston landmark. Hosted by London’s Punk-Horror-Drag SUPERSTAR Baby Lame, the night looks set to be full of surprises and treats.”
#fridayfilmclub 36 CHOWRINGHEE LANE (d. Aparna Sen, 1981) Watch online then discuss on Twitter (10 JUL 20:00):
- Carol Morley presents: “Sen’s directorial debut, ahead of its time when it was made, still stands as a unique entry in the context of Indian cinema.” (Basu)
SHANGHAI QUEER (d. Xiangqi Chen, 2019) Free to stream online (10 to 17 JUL):
- Queer East Docs4Pride presents: “A documentary sharing collective memories of the LGBTQ+ community in the ever-changing city of Shanghai between 2003 and 2018. The film offers a rare insight into the city’s grassroots queer activism, through a series of interviews with frontline activists, scholars, and artists.”
- How it works: Free to watch online for one week.
- Find out more: We’ve posted a guide to Queer East’s full Docs4Pride programme which streams throughout JUL.
TONGUES UNTIED d. Marlon Riggs, 1989 + Short: THE HOMECOMING: A SHORT FILM ABOUT AJAMU d. Topher Campbell, 1995 + Topher Campbell & Vivian Kleiman In Conversation (10 JUL 19:00 – FREE!):
- Bertha DocHouse presents: “At a time where Black Lives Matter and intersectionality are being explored globally, we invite you to see black gay classic TONGUES UNTIED.”
- How it works: Register via Eventbrite & receive instructions for the film screening + Q&A.
The Drive In, Troubadour Meridian Water inc:
- GREASE d. Randal Kleiser, 1978 (10 JUL 22:55).
Drive In Film Club, Alexandra Palace inc:
- E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL d. Steven Spielberg, 1982 (10 JUL 17:00).
Everyman King’s Cross inc:
- DARK WATERS d. Todd Haynes, 2019 (10 JUL 17:45); FANTASTIC MR. FOX d. Wes Anderson, 2009 (10 JUL 16:00); JACKIE BROWN d. Quentin Tarantino, 1997 (10 JUL 18:30); PARASITE d. Bong Joon Ho, 2019 (10 JUL 19:45); STAR WARS EPISODE V: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK d. Irvin Kershner, 1980 (10 JUL 16:45 & 20:45).
- Also at Everyman Cinemas: DUNKIRK d. Christopher Nolan, 2017 (10 JUL 17:15 at Everyman Hampstead).
- THE DARK NIGHT d. Christopher Nolan, 2008 (10 JUL 20:45); GET OUT d. Jordan Peele, 2017 (10 JUL 18:00); THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL d. Wes Anderson, 2014 (10 JUL 18:55); INTERSTELLAR d. Christopher Nolan, 2014 (10 JUL 17:30); JUST MERCY d. Destin Daniel Cretton, 2019 (10 JUL 15:00); KNIVES OUT d. Rian Johnson, 2019 (10 JUL 21:00); LOVE SARAH d. Eliza Schroeder, 2020 (10 JUL 16:30); MOONLIGHT d. Barry Jenkins, 2017 (10 JUL 17:45); PARASITE d. Bong Joon-ho, 2019 (10 JUL 20:30); QUEEN & SLIM d. Melina Matsoukas, 2019 (10 JUL 20:15); SPACESHIP EARTH d. Matt Wolf, 2020 (10 JUL 14:45); STAR WARS: EPISODE V – THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK d. Irvin Kershner, 1980 (10 JUL 15:00 & 18:00).
The Luna Drive In Cinema, Printworks inc:
- DIRTY DANCING d. Emile Ardolino, 1987 (10 JUL 21:15).
THE NEW NORMAL – Live Event Online short film programme via YouTube + Zoom (11 JUL 20:00):
- Exploding Cinema presents: “Join us for a night of short films made yesterday in reaction to today’s concerns with the possibilities of tomorrow.”
The Drive In, Troubadour Meridian Water inc:
- KNIVES OUT d. Rian Johnson, 2019 (11 JUL 22:45).
Drive In Film Club, Alexandra Palace inc:
- DIRTY DANCING d. Emile Ardolino, 1987 (11 JUL 17:00); FIGHT CLUB d. David Fincher, 1999 (11 JUL 20:00).
Everyman King’s Cross inc:
- DETROIT d. Kathryn Bigelow, 2017 (11 JUL 14:00); THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL d. Wes Anderson, 2014 (11 JUL 20:15); INTERSTELLAR d. Christopher Nolan, 2014 (11 JUL 18:15); QUEEN & SLIM d. Melina Matsoukas, 2019 (11 JUL 16:00); THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION d. Frank Darabont, 1994 (11 JUL 15:00); STAR WARS EPISODE V: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK d. Irvin Kershner, 1980 (11 JUL 17:15 & 19:15).
- Also at Everyman Cinemas: JOKER d. Todd Phillips, 2019 (11 JUL 17:45 at Everyman Barnet).
- THE DARK NIGHT d. Christopher Nolan, 2008 (11 JUL 20:45); GET OUT d. Jordan Peele, 2017 (11 JUL 18:00); THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL d. Wes Anderson, 2014 (11 JUL 18:55); INTERSTELLAR d. Christopher Nolan, 2014 (11 JUL 17:30); KNIVES OUT d. Rian Johnson, 2019 (11 JUL 21:00); LOVE SARAH d. Eliza Schroeder, 2020 (11 JUL 16:30); MOONLIGHT d. Barry Jenkins, 2017 (11 JUL 17:40); PARASITE d. Bong Joon-ho, 2019 (11 JUL 14:20 & 20:30); QUEEN & SLIM d. Melina Matsoukas, 2019 (11 JUL 20:15); SPACESHIP EARTH d. Matt Wolf, 2020 (11 JUL 15:15); STAR WARS: EPISODE V – THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK d. Irvin Kershner, 1980 (11 JUL 11:45, 15:00 & 18:00).
The Luna Drive In Cinema, Allianz Park inc:
- FOOTLOOSE d. Herbert Ross, 1984 (11 JUL 18:30).
Sunday Cineclub – A FANTASTIC WOMAN d. Sebastian Lelio, 2017 + Online rental at Curzon Home Video + Zoom Q&A with Sebastian Lelio (12 JUL 19:00):
- South Social Film Festival presents: “An intimate exploration of female solitude, sexuality, humiliation and resilience, this time built around a transgender singer.”
- How it works: Register via Eventbrite to receive a code with a 20% discount to rent the film at CURZON HOME CINEMA and a link to ZOOM to access Sebastian Lelio’s Q&A after the movie.”
The Drive In, Troubadour Meridian Water inc:
- THE GOONIES d. Richard Donner, 1985 (12 JUL 18:30); BACK TO THE FUTURE d. Robert Zemeckis, 1985 (12 JUL 22:00).
Drive In Film Club, Alexandra Palace inc:
- BLACK PANTHER d. Ryan Coogler, 2018 (12 JUL 14:00).
Everyman King’s Cross inc:
- BLACKKKLANSMAN d. Spike Lee, 2018 (12 JUL 17:00); DARK WATERS d. Todd Haynes, 2019 (12 JUL 19:15); MOONLIGHT (d. Barry Jenkins, 2016 (12 JUL 20:15); STAR WARS EPISODE V: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK d. Irvin Kershner, 1980 (12 JUL 15:30 & 18:30); WEST SIDE STORY d. Jerome Robbins, Robert Wise, 1961 (12 JUL 14:45); THE WOLF OF WALL STREET d. Martin Scorsese, 2013 (12 JUL 13:00).
- THE DARK NIGHT d. Christopher Nolan, 2008 (12 JUL 20:00); GET OUT d. Jordan Peele, 2017 (12 JUL 20:45); THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL d. Wes Anderson, 2014 (12 JUL 18:40); JUST MERCY d. Destin Daniel Cretton, 2019 (12 JUL 17:30); KNIVES OUT d. Rian Johnson, 2019 (12 JUL 20:30); LITTLE WOMEN d. Greta Gerwig, 2019 (12 JUL 14:30); LOVE SARAH d. Eliza Schroeder, 2020 (12 JUL 15:20); MOONLIGHT d. Barry Jenkins, 2017 (12 JUL 17:40); PARASITE d. Bong Joon-ho, 2019 (12 JUL 17:00); PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE d. Céline Sciamma, 2019 (12 JUL 14:15); QUEEN & SLIM d. Melina Matsoukas, 2019 (12 JUL 20:15); SPACESHIP EARTH d. Matt Wolf, 2020 (12 JUL 21:00); STAR WARS: EPISODE V – THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK d. Irvin Kershner, 1980 (12 JUL 11:45, 16:00 & 18:00).
The Luna Drive In Cinema, Allianz Park inc:
- SISTER ACT d. Emile Ardolino, 1992 (12 JUL 15:30); MOULIN! ROUGE d. Baz Luhrmann, 2001 (12 JUL 18:15).
The Luna Drive In Cinema, Printworks inc:
- GROUNDHOG DAY d. Harold Ramis, 1993 (12 JUL 15:30); BILL AND TED’S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE d. Stephen Herek, 1989 (12 JUL 18:30); NAPOLEON DYNAMITE d. Jared Hess, 2004 (12 JUL 21:00).
DC ON DEMAND FREE to stream every MON & THU at
- Deptford Cinema: “A streaming service curated by volunteers at Deptford Cinema. The platform features a wide variety of content each week from student and indie films to artists’ moving image and experimental practice. ”
- How it works: FREE to stream online at
#LexiOClock – THREE IDENTICAL STRANGERS d. Tim Wardle, 2018 FREE to stream at All 4 + Facebook chat (13 JUL 18:30 + 20:10):
- Lexi Cinema presents: “The astonishing true story of three men who make the chance discovery, at the age of 19, that they are identical triplets; a discovery that unearths an extraordinary and disturbing secret.”
- How it works: Watch (separately) all together on All 4 on 13 JUL at 18:30, then join The Lexi on their Facebook page at 20:10 for the chance to chat about the film.
- Virtual Lexi is a curated programme of free-to-stream films on various platforms. We love their choice of short NICE COLOURED GIRLS d. Tracey Moffatt, 1987. Find the full range of films HERE.
LITIGANTE d. Franco Lolli, 2019 Live online events with Franco Lolli & Carolina Sanín (13 JUL 20:30):
- Further details TBC. Likely to be streamed via via Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Curzon Home Cinema.
No Ticket Required – The Films of Celine Sciamma with Guest Speaker Charlotte Saluard via Zoom (13 JUL 20:00):
- Watermans presents: “Charlotte Saluard joins Jon Davies for the first in a special season of guest speakers at our fortnightly cinema club, No Ticket Required. Charlotte and Jon will discuss the films of Celine Sciamma and how 21st-century French cinema has dealt with the issues of our times.”
- How it works: Watch the films beforehand then watch Jon’s introduction to the session on YouTube. Book your FREE space on the Zoom discussion via the Watermans website.
Unrestricted View Film Festival Online event (13 to 19 JUL):
- “The Festival will take place online with 21 separate screenings, 3 a day from 13 – 19 JUL. Each screening will be on a secure, password protected Vimeo channel. Viewers will buy a ticket and receive a link and code the day before the screening. Each screening will be accessible for one day only.”
WHO WE ARE Online takeover of BFI’s social media channels by We Are Parable (13 JUL +):
- “A week-long series of online events from MON 13 JUL, designed to celebrate and spark debate around Black British film, past, present and future.”
The Drive In, Troubadour Meridian Water inc:
- MOULIN ROUGE! d. Baz Luhrmann, 2001 (13 JUL 22:40).
The Drive-In Club, Brent Cross inc:
- BACK TO THE FUTURE d. Robert Zemeckis, 1985 (13 JUL 13:00); A STAR IS BORN d. Bradley Cooper, 2018 (13 JUL 16:00); 1917 d. Sam Mendes, 2019 hosted by Alex Zane (13 JUL 20:00).
Drive In Film Club, Alexandra Palace inc:
- 500 DAYS OF SUMMER d. Marc Webb, 2009 (13 JUL 20:00).
Everyman King’s Cross inc:
- DETROIT d. Kathryn Bigelow, 2017 (13 JUL 17:30); JOJO RABBIT d. Taika Waititi, 2019 (13 JUL 16:00); QUEEN & SLIM d. Melina Matsoukas, 2019 (13 JUL 19:45); THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION d. Frank Darabont, 1994 (13 JUL 18:45); STAR WARS EPISODE V: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK d. Irvin Kershner, 1980 (13 JUL 16:45 & 20:45).
- Also at Everyman Cinemas: 1917 d. Sam Mendes, 2019 (13 JUL 20:00 at Everyman Barnet).
- BLACKKKLANSMAN d. Spike Lee, 2018 (13 JUL 20:10); THE DARK NIGHT d. Christopher Nolan, 2008 (13 JUL 20:45); THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL d. Wes Anderson, 2014 (13 JUL 16:15); JUST MERCY d. Destin Daniel Cretton, 2019 (13 JUL 14:45); KNIVES OUT d. Rian Johnson, 2019 (13 JUL 17:35); LOVE SARAH d. Eliza Schroeder, 2020 (13 JUL 17:45); MOONLIGHT d. Barry Jenkins, 2017 (13 JUL 15:00); PARASITE d. Bong Joon-ho, 2019 (13 JUL 20:30); PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE d. Céline Sciamma, 2019 (13 JUL 18:35); QUEEN & SLIM d. Melina Matsoukas, 2019 (13 JUL 18:00); SPACESHIP EARTH d. Matt Wolf, 2020 (13 JUL 21:00); STAR WARS: EPISODE V – THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK d. Irvin Kershner, 1980 (13 JUL 15:15 & 18:00).
The Luna Drive In Cinema, Allianz Park inc:
- ROMEO + JULIET d. Baz Luhrmann, 1996 (13 JUL 18:30).
The Luna Drive In Cinema, Printworks inc:
- THE BREAKFAST CLUB d. John Hughes, 1985 (13 JUL 18:00); JOKER d. Todd Phillips, 2019 (13 JUL 21:00).
The Drive In, Troubadour Meridian Water inc:
- DIRTY DANCING d. Emile Ardolino, 1987 (14 JUL 19:30); IT d. Andy Muschietti, 2017 (14 JUL 22:50).
Drive In Film Club, Alexandra Palace inc:
Everyman King’s Cross inc:
- FANTASTIC MR. FOX d. Wes Anderson, 2009 (14 JUL 16:00); INTERSTELLAR d. Christopher Nolan, 2014 (14 JUL 18:30); JACKIE BROWN d. Quentin Tarantino, 1997 (14 JUL 19:30); MOONLIGHT (d. Barry Jenkins, 2016 (14 JUL 16:45); STAR WARS EPISODE V: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK d. Irvin Kershner, 1980 (14 JUL 17:30 & 20:30).
- BLACKKKLANSMAN d. Spike Lee, 2018 (14 JUL 17:30); THE DARK NIGHT d. Christopher Nolan, 2008 (14 JUL 20:45); THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL d. Wes Anderson, 2014 (14 JUL 18:55); JUST MERCY d. Destin Daniel Cretton, 2019 (14 JUL 21:00); KNIVES OUT d. Rian Johnson, 2019 (14 JUL 15:20); LITTLE WOMEN d. Greta Gerwig, 2019 (14 JUL 14:30 HOH); LOVE SARAH d. Eliza Schroeder, 2020 (14 JUL 17:40); PARASITE d. Bong Joon-ho, 2019 (14 JUL 20:30); PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE d. Céline Sciamma, 2019 (14 JUL 18:15); SPACESHIP EARTH d. Matt Wolf, 2020 (14 JUL 21:15); STAR WARS: EPISODE V – THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK d. Irvin Kershner, 1980 (14 JUL 14:50 & 18:00).
The Luna Drive In Cinema, Allianz Park inc:
The Luna Drive In Cinema, Printworks inc:
THE HANDMAIDEN (d. Chan-wook Park, 2016) Watch on All 4 + chat using #Stream25 (15 JUL 19:30+):
- Screen25 Cinema presents: “An intoxicating tale of deception set during the Japanese occupation. Aided by an orphaned pickpocket, a con artist hatches an intricate plan to defraud an heiress of her inheritance, with spine-tingling consequences.”
- How it works: Watch THE HANDMAIDEN on All 4 at 19:30 then join the discussion using #Stream25.
The Drive In, Troubadour Meridian Water inc:
- 1917 d. Sam Mendes, 2019 (15 JUL 19:00).
Everyman King’s Cross inc:
- THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL d. Wes Anderson, 2014 (15 JUL 15:45); JOJO RABBIT d. Taika Waititi, 2019 (15 JUL 16:45); PARASITE d. Bong Joon Ho, 2019 (15 JUL 19:30); STAR WARS EPISODE V: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK d. Irvin Kershner, 1980 (15 JUL 17:30 & 20:30); THE WOLF OF WALL STREET d. Martin Scorsese, 2013 (15 JUL 18:30).
- Also at Everyman Cinemas: DUNKIRK d. Christopher Nolan, 2017 (15 JUL 20:40 at Everyman Hampstead).
- BLACKKKLANSMAN d. Spike Lee, 2018 (15 JUL 20:30); THE DARK NIGHT d. Christopher Nolan, 2008 (15 JUL 20:45); THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL d. Wes Anderson, 2014 (15 JUL 18:40); INTERSTELLAR d. Christopher Nolan, 2014 (15 JUL 20:00); JUST MERCY d. Destin Daniel Cretton, 2019 (15 JUL 15:10); KNIVES OUT d. Rian Johnson, 2019 (15 JUL 20:15 / 16 JUL 20:15); LITTLE WOMEN d. Greta Gerwig, 2019 (15 JUL 14:30); LOVE SARAH d. Eliza Schroeder, 2020 (15 JUL 18:10); PARASITE d. Bong Joon-ho, 2019 (15 JUL 21:00); PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE d. Céline Sciamma, 2019 (15 JUL 15:55); SPACESHIP EARTH d. Matt Wolf, 2020 (15 JUL 17:30); STAR WARS: EPISODE V – THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK d. Irvin Kershner, 1980 (15 JUL 14:55 & 18:00).
The Luna Drive In Cinema, Allianz Park inc:
- JAWS d. Steven Spielberg, 1975 (15 JUL 18:30); JOJO RABBIT d. Taika Waititi, 2019 (15 JUL 21:30).
Deptford Cinema Quiz Night via Zoom/Facebook (16 JUL 19:30):
Deptford Cinema presents: “Join us for our 2nd monthly Film Quiz Night. Hosted again by volunteer quizmaster Nora, we’ll have everything you’d expect from a good pub quiz, except it’ll be virtual over Zoom and Facebook Live. The quiz is free to enter (but donations are very welcome!) and once again there’ll be some great Deptford Cinema prizes up for grabs. Max. 6 per team.”
FAMILY ROMANCE, LLC d. Werner Herzog, 2019 Online event with Werner Herzog (16 JUL 20:30):
- Further details TBC. Likely to be streamed via via Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Curzon Home Cinema.
#WOFFFWatchalong – THE LADY IN THE VAN (d. Nicholas Hytner, 2015) + Intro + Shorts: ONLY THE LONLEY (d. Clare Holman) + EDEK (d. Malcolm Green) + Film talk with Malcolm Green (16 JUL 19:00+):
- Women Over 50 Film Festival & Reframed Films present: “Welcome to our final WOFFF Watchalong of the series. This week we’ve got three films to share with you about older women’s relationships with friends and neighbours. The Women Over 50 Film Festival is going online this year and we’d love you join us at the virtual WOFFF20 on 25 and 26 September.”
- How it works: Head to for all the WOFFF extra content, then watch the feature together on BBC iPlayer at 19:30. Join the discussion using #WOFFFWatchalong @WO50FF.
The Drive In, Troubadour Meridian Water inc:
- 28 DAYS LATER d. Danny Boyle, 2002 (16 JUL 22:40).
Drive In Film Club, Alexandra Palace inc:
- THE BIG LEBOWSKI d. Joel Coen, 1998 (16 JUL 20:00).
Everyman King’s Cross inc:
- BLACKKKLANSMAN d. Spike Lee, 2018 (16 JUL 20:15); DARK WATERS d. Todd Haynes, 2019 (16 JUL 21:00); STAGE MOTHER d. Thom Fitzgerald, 2020 (16 JUL 19:00 – preview); STAR WARS EPISODE V: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK d. Irvin Kershner, 1980 (16 JUL 16:00); WEST SIDE STORY d. Jerome Robbins, Robert Wise, 1961 (16 JUL 16:45).
- BLACKKKLANSMAN d. Spike Lee, 2018 (16 JUL 20:45); GET OUT d. Jordan Peele, 2017 (16 JUL 18:00); INTERSTELLAR d. Christopher Nolan, 2014 (16 JUL 20:30); JUST MERCY d. Destin Daniel Cretton, 2019 (16 JUL 14:25 HOH); KNIVES OUT d. Rian Johnson, 2019 (16 JUL 20:15); MOONLIGHT d. Barry Jenkins, 2017 (16 JUL 18:15 HOH); PARASITE d. Bong Joon-ho, 2019 (16 JUL 21:00); PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE d. Céline Sciamma, 2019 (16 JUL 15:55); QUEEN & SLIM d. Melina Matsoukas, 2019 (16 JUL 20:10); SPACESHIP EARTH d. Matt Wolf, 2020 (16 JUL 15:45); STAR WARS: EPISODE V – THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK d. Irvin Kershner, 1980 (16 JUL 14:55 & 17:30).
The Luna Drive In Cinema, Allianz Park inc:
- THE GOONIES d. Richard Donner, 1985 (16 JUL 18:30); BACK TO THE FUTURE d. Robert Zemeckis, 1985 (16 JUL 21:30).
The Luna Drive In Cinema, Printworks inc:
- THE GOONIES d. Richard Donner, 1985 (16 JUL 18:00); JAWS d. Steven Spielberg, 1975 (16 JUL 20:45).

DC On Demand Pride Month: IMO d. Bruna Schelb Correa, 2018 + Short: MONSTRA d. Felipe Monteiro, 2018 FREE to stream at Deptford Cinema On Demand (until 31 DEC) // OUT RUN (d. S. Leo Chiang & Johnny Symons, 2016) FREE to stream at (until 10 JUL) // Selected X FREE online programme of artists’ films (until 12 JUL) // SOMEONE’S WIFE aka ISTRI ORANG (d. Dirmawan Hatta, 2018) + Shorts Collection: BROTHERHOOD (2018) + OLD SUFFOLK BOYS (2018) FREE to stream at Deptford Cinema On Demand (until 13 JUL) // Uniqlo Tate Lates Night In FREE archive video stream at (until 10 JUL)

- BLACK MOON d. Roy William Neill, 1934 presented FREE online by Women & Cocaine (19 JUL).
- THE BLAIR WITH PROJECT d. Daniel Myrick & Eduardo Sánchez, 1999 Watch at #LexiOClock with The Lexi Cinema FREE on BBC iPlayer + Facebook chat (20 JUL 18:30+).
- BREAK d. Michael Elkin, 2020 premiere at The Drive-In Club, Brent Cross (22 JUL 18:30).
- Curzon Mayfair opens 24 JUL.
- Everyman Chelsea opens 24 JUL.
- Kennington Bioscope TV Ep7 FREE online (22 JUL 19:30 – YouTube).
- YENTL d. Barbara Streisand, 1983 presented by UK Jewish Film at The Drive-In, Troubadour Meridian Water (19 JUL 14:00).

SCREEN DIARY: The COVID-19 shutdown has changed film clubs & film appreciation globally. We tuned in for the sixth episode of KBTV to see how silent film gurus Kennington Bioscope have adapted to streaming whilst away from their traditional home, The Cinema Museum.

SCREEN DIARY: We had a wonderful time as judge, sponsor & audience member at this year’s Cheap Cuts Doc Fest which finally came to a close in the early hours of Monday morning. Read our writeups from the short film strands (TAKE TWO – Alcoholic Dads / Luxury Builds / Headphones Required) and live events (NEXT STOP: SPAIN – PART ONE & PART TWO).
Main featured image: TONGUES UNTIED d. Marlon Riggs, 1989.

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*THE SMALL PRINT: As accurate as we could make it. Apologies for any errors. Updates & corrections will be made to the online version. Event dates/times are subject to change by the venue/organiser. We try to only list events you can book for at the time of posting: however, some events may still be sold out. Please click quickly! We don’t filter by age/certification: all readers & subscribers should be 18+. Follow The Carny Code by “not screwing up anyone else’s game.