Evolution of Horror presents ERASERHEAD at Genesis Cinema (26 APR 2022).
The Evolution Of Horror podcast is creating a new season of film screenings in partnership with the Genesis Cinema! Everything starts with David Lynch’s cult movie masterpiece, ERASERHEAD (1977).
Submitted by The Evolution Of Horror
- The Evolution Of Horror presents: ERASERHEAD d. David Lynch, 1977
- 26 APR 2022 // Drinks: 19:30 / Intro: 21:00 / Film: 21:20 // Genesis Cinema // London E1 4UJ
- Tickets: £8.00 // BOOKING NOW!
The Evolution of Horror podcast is creating a new season of film screenings in partnership with the Genesis Cinema, which will show horror classics paired with a ‘curated special feature’ such as an introduction, quiz or discussion panel, and an opportunity for the audience to mingle with like-minded horror fans.
‘Evolution of Horror Presents…’ launches on 26 April, and the first film to be screened will be ERASERHEAD (dir. David Lynch,1977). Tickets for the inaugural night are on sale now and you’re invited to join your host in the venue bar for drinks before the film.
Mike Muncer, creator and host of The Evolution of Horror, had this to say: “We couldn’t be happier to be working with the brilliant team at Genesis to present regular horror films on the big screen. Eraserhead is the perfect film to kick things off. Anyone who listens to the podcast will know I’m obsessed with David Lynch, so his debut film seemed like an obvious choice, and we wanted something that would appeal to people who already love the Genesis as somewhere to watch cult cinema.”
ERASERHEAD is both a lasting cult sensation and a work of extraordinary craft and beauty. With its mesmerising black-and-white photography by Frederick Elmes and Herbert Cardwell, evocative sound design, and unforgettably enigmatic performance by Jack Nance, this visionary nocturnal odyssey continues to haunt American cinema like no other film.
‘Evolution of Horror Presents…’ will take place at Genesis approximately every 6-8 weeks.

The Evolution Of Horror presents ERASERHEAD d. David Lynch, 1977 at Genesis Cinema (26 APR 21:00), booking now!
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