NOW BOOKING: Fassbinder B2B Greenaway – Active spectatorship screening & workshop
Goldsmiths final year student Agáta Hošnová invites you to take part in an online experiment to spark creativity in your online streams (20 to 29 APR).
By RADIANT CIRCUS // Twitter @radiantcircus | Instagram @radiantcircus
Bored of your streaming platforms with only an algorithm for company? It’s time to try something (completely) different… Third year BA Curating student Agáta Hošnová invites you to dive deeper into the streams with a series of two FREE screening events each followed by a participatory workshop and reflection session.
The event is called Spectactive (active spectatorship) Intermedia Film Screening + Workshop and takes place from 20 to 29 APR over four linked online sessions. As Agáta explains it:
“The event aims to highlight the idea of an ‘active spectatorship’, as opposed to the tradition of watching films passively.”
The films on offer are two perennial classics of the arthouse, Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s THE BITTER TEARS OF PETRA VON KANT (1972) and Peter Greenaway’s THE COOK, THE THIEF, HIS WIFE & HER LOVER (1989). Chosen to be full of rich material to respond to, Agata hopes the workshops will give viewers a chance to connect and create through the four screenings and workshop sessions. Everything breaks down as follows:
- Introduction & screening of THE BITTER TEARS OF PETRA VON KANT (20 APR 20:30)
- Introduction & screening of THE COOK, THE THIEF, HIS WIFE & HER LOVER (22 APR 20:00)
- Workshop & reflection session on THE BITTER TEARS… (27 APR 20:00)
- Workshop & reflection session on THE COOK, THE THIEF… (20 APR 20:00)
Signing up gets you the links to the events and further details of guest speakers and creative activities you can consider while watching. Your creative responses – to be shared in the participatory sessions – can be anything, from writing your own poems or stories to simply selecting an object or item of clothing that connects to your viewing experience. No artistic skills required!
All sessions are FREE and you’re encouraged to book for the whole bunch to get the most out of the experience (just don’t forget to cancel your slot if you can’t make it…). We say, take the plunge! It certainly brings more party to the stream than a(nother…) cold night home alone on Netflix…
We’ll give Agáta the final words:
“The main goal of this experiment is to nurture our spectatorship habits beyond the mere act of watching films, to share our creativity with others in a non-judgmental, non-competitive and community-focused way and to intersectionally enhance our sensitivity towards films.”
Spectactive (Active Spectatorship) – Intermedia Film Screening + Workshop presented by Agáta Hošnová is booking now on eventbrite (20 to 29 APR). You can find out more about the event on Facebook and Instagram.
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*THE SMALL PRINT: Opinions author’s own. // As accurate as we could make it. Apologies for any errors. Updates & corrections will be made to the online version only. // Event dates/times/formats are subject to change by the venue/organiser. Events may already be sold out at the time of posting, so please click quickly. // We try to list as many original format screenings as we can (8 to 70MM), but sometimes formats change due to age of the print, availability, logistics etc, so please check ahead with your venue if the format is your thing. // All images are used in the spirit of fair use for reporting & review – no ownership is implied or intended / unless otherwise credited to RADIANT CIRCUS as the original rights holder. We will remove any images immediately upon request – just get in touch. // We don’t filter our listings by age/certification: all readers & subscribers should therefore be 18+. // Finally, we always try to follow The Carny Code by “not screwing up anyone else’s game”, but everyone can make mistakes… If something does go wrong, we will always do our best to put it right. //.